Public Private Charter Education Battle - Edited

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Public, Private, or Charter Education Battle

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Public, Private, or Charter Education Battle

Section1/Interpretation of Perspectives

‘I think that Jefferson would have supported public schools because he raised an idea that

the general public should pay for the schools meaning that the people who are less wealthy

would also get membership as students and he also proposed free public education which can

only be achieved through public schools being funded fully by the government through taxation

(Verger et al., 2020).’ ‘Washington supported the charter type of education because he believed

in the need for children to master writing, reading, and arithmetic and also arts, geography, and

literature. Another reason for this is his belief that Mathematics strengthens one’s reasoning

ability. The direction for his suggestions on the type of education is directed on the charter

schooling because he founded the suggestions on the choice of specific areas of study and the

schools were also to be funded by the government.’ ‘Franklin would have supported private

education because he believed in student-led experiment methods and the use of individual

experiments as a way of learning in consideration of the fact that one’s environment shapes their

personality. Further, although his education ended at 10 years he also had one year under a

private teacher and another in grammar school.’ ‘Dewey would support charter schools because

he believed that learning should place children at the center of the learning. He further believed

that the people learn through hands-on strategy. The hands-on approach would only be

applicable in the charter school where education is based on the choice of field of study.’

‘DuBois would have supported charter school because he believed in talented tenth higher

education which would to assist the black community cultivate leadership by a tenth.’ ‘Mann on

the other hand would have supported public schools because he advocated for common

institutions that would be available for every individual regardless of their payment ability for

tuition. He believed in universal education.’

Other course content supporting this explanation is that public schools are run by local

school districts, must follow all federal and state laws of education, and are funded by the

general public. Charter schools are types of public schools that are independent and follow laws

of education even though they have freedom from some rules, and their funding is either done by

private or public donors. On the other hand, private schools have little or little government

oversight; they are run by private organizations and privately funded (Carmo et al., 2018). In my

view, if the hands-on approach utilized in charter schooling were applied in public schools which

carry the highest number of learners, then the level of innovation in society would also increase

and, in turn, result in society's technological development, which would also fuel the fast growth

of the economy.

Section2 /Interpretation of Contemporary Writing

From where I sit, I agree that the purpose of school is to maintain society. This is because

school provides education to the members of the society, which equip them with skills and

knowledge to develop themselves fully and help them succeed. Another reason was support. I

decide that schools give students who are members of social skills through education which in

turn get those jobs to support themselves economically and foster positive contributions to

society. Among the skills gained include arithmetic, reading, and writing. Education acquired

from schools also helps students to learn to socialize. For the children to learn the skills, values,

and norms, then schools must be engaged because they also teach the values and norms of


Public schooling would be best to maintain society if educating children is about

maintenance. This is because public schooling assists the students to feel develop closer relations

with their local community, assists in reducing unemployment in the society, reducing crime

incidences as many members of the society can get an education and hence get jobs, and

increases tax revenue following an increase in the number of people who get employed after

completing their education, and reducing dependency on public assistance programs. On the

other hand, charter schooling would be the best for progress if educating children would be for

progress. This is because charter schooling involves parents striving to get their children the best

opportunities to succeed. Charter schooling provides multiple options aligning with the

educational needs of the children. The charter school incorporates inclusion and community

involvement which foster educational and social growth of the children. This type of schooling

provides many school activities and events for children to help them pursue more interests that

other schools do not offer. Charter schooling adapts the curriculum to real-world schools, unlike

public schools, which remain extremely rigid and provide no chance to deviate from the

curriculum. This enables students to gain more skills through adaptation to applying skills and

knowledge obtained in class and fosters innovation and research skills in society, which would

fuel progression.

Children with special needs and those from low-income countries benefit from public

schooling because they can access education just like other students from rich families. The

general public, who contribute to the revenues and taxes used to fund public schools by the

government, suffer because they have to pay the revenue whether they have children in schools

or not. They suffer high deductions from their monthly salary payments by the government as tax

to cater for the educational needs of the children who go to public schools. The teachers benefit

from charter schooling because they work in a safer and smaller environment with small class

sizes, which fosters morale in their work (Walters, 2018). The students also benefit from this

type of schooling because their talents are identified and nurtured, unlike in public schools where

learning is broad and general. The students choose their specific field of study, and the

application of the hands-on approach in teaching them to assist them to grow up being innovative

and with advanced skills in problem-solving as their ability to think is expanded.

The course content that supports this is that public schools offer broad and wide or

diverse course options. At the same time, charter schooling is based on choice, so parents choose

the best opportunities for their children, facilitating them to have their talents nurtured well. The

connection of my understanding to some of the course ideas, including public schools allowing

universal education and access to education to all children, is that public schooling raises the

literacy level of the society and eases the social relations among the members of the society. In

my view, public schooling can lower the illiteracy level among the members of the society and

ease the recognition of cultural diversity because, in public schools, people from different

cultural beliefs and practices meet intending to acquire education. However, they all have to

learn to appreciate the differences in their way of living.

Section3/Comparison of Historical Authors

The pandemic resulted in serious changes in schooling. The school closure led to

stagnation in education and learning during the pandemic due to the successive lockdowns

associated with variations in infection rates. As we return to a society with expectations for

schools, the battle for the type of schooling will also change because of the economic decline,

with most governments unable to support education in public schools (Sarra et al., 2020). In

addition, I think the students will not feel safe at school, and some will not be able to

concentrate. Teachers will also have to be equipped with skills in handling students battling

trauma following the loss of their loved ones during the pandemic. The expectations for schools

are to have a safe school environment, an effective, happy, and committed teaching staff, and

strong school-to-home strong communication. The school expects to foster emotional and

intellectual growth and create an environment that supports fun in school. The schools expect to

communicate to families concerning positive behaviors adequately and timely. The educational

thinkers Jefferson, Franklin, DuBois, Washington, Mann, and Dewey, would recommend a

chartered schooling approach to be employed in all schools to help develop a society with

innovative ideas and, more so, ideas to deal with pandemic issues. Post-pandemic, things will

change in education as schools must have all teachers equipped with computer skills to aid

online learning. Further, teachers will be required to train and acquire skills for dealing with

students faced with trauma issues especially following the death of their parents or relatives

during the pandemic.



Carmo, A. S. D., Assis, M. M. D., Cunha, C. D. F., Oliveira, T. R. P. R. D., & Mendes, L. L.

(2018). The food environment of Brazilian public and private schools. Cadernos de

Saúde Pública, 34.

Sarra, C., Spillman, D., Jackson, C., Davis, J., & Bray, J. (2020). High-expectations

relationships: A foundation for enacting high expectations in all Australian schools. The

Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 49(1), 32–45.

Verger, A., Moschetti, M. C., & Fontdevila, C. (2020). How and why policy design matters:

understanding the diverging effects of public-private partnerships in education.

Comparative Education, 56(2), 278-303.

Walters, C. R. (2018). The demand for effective charter schools. Journal of Political Economy,

126(6), 2179-2223.

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