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Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464

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Environmental performance evaluation e A proposed analytical tool

for an industrial process application
^a Maceno*, Urivald Pawlowsky, Karina Scurupa Machado,
Marcell Mariano Corre
Robson Seleme
, Polytechnic Centre, 210 Francisco H. Dos Santos Street, Jd. Das Am
Department of Production Engineering, Federal University of Parana ericas, Curitiba,
 81530-000, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In modern society some environmental issues linked to the industry are part of the most significant
Received 15 December 2016 threats to sustainable development. Consumption of natural resources, effluents, solid waste and
Received in revised form greenhouse gas emissions, are some examples of challenges for the industry nowadays. To overcome this,
27 September 2017
literature points to environmental management strategies, based on voluntary administrative in-
Accepted 27 October 2017
Available online 27 October 2017
struments, which are described as “Environmental System Analysis Tools”. Although several analytical
tools are available to evaluate the environmental performance, such tools were not created with a
specific focus on the assessment of industrial processes, and therefore it doesn't assist the industrial
Environmental performance evaluation
needs efficiently. In this study, a tool was developed based on the literature concept of a “useful and
Environmental sustainability efficient tool” that consists of a tool: with more information, a broader range of evaluation categories and
Industrial processes based on data from environmental accounting. This tool named Environmental Performance of Industrial
Processes has as main function to identify environmental aspects with the worst performance and to
drive decision-making toward environmental improvements. It was developed in five stages, based on
the Life Cycle Impact Assessment and IMPACT 2002 þ methods and consists of an economic and envi-
ronmental analysis. In order to assess its effectiveness, this tool was applied in an industrial process of
yogurt cup packaging. A ranking of the most significant environmental aspect was provided by the tool
and those with worst performance were grid Thermoforming, PP cups, VOCs printing, Steam of the
extrusion and the Plastic Cups contaminated with Oil, which correspond to 99% of the total equivalent
relative cost. This study brings a tool that can contribute significantly to the industry moving forward
towards environmental sustainability.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction According to literature, environmental management strategies

based on voluntary administrative instruments are the key to
Industrial activities consume large amounts of natural resources overcome this challenge. Several researchers describe these in-
and release several types of effluents, solid waste and greenhouse struments as Environmental Systems Analysis Tools, which can be
gases, that badly affect the environment (Duflou et al., 2012; Sen classified into procedural and analytical tools (Ahlroth et al., 2011;
et al., 2015). It has been a matter of concern in the whole world, Finnveden et al., 2009; Ho€ jer et al., 2008; Finnveden and Moberg,
which has lead the local governments and society to pressure the 2005). Procedural tools explore procedures for decision making,
industrial sector to reduce and control the environmental impacts (e.g. Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Impact
of its processes and products (Mimoso et al., 2015). Thus, research Assessment, Environmental Performance Evaluation and Life Cycle
has been undertaken to develop tools and strategies to ensure that Analysis), whereas analytical tools aim to analyze technical aspects
industrial activities move in a sustainable direction, based on the and to quantify them (e.g. Life Cycle Impact Assessment and Envi-
current policy makers, environmental laws and international ronmental Risk Analysis) (Wrisberg et al., 2002). Analytical tools
standards (Herva and Roca, 2013; Carvalho et al., 2014). can be used within procedural tools to facilitate decision making for
actions to reduce environmental impacts and improve environ-
mental performance (Ho € jer et al., 2008; Wrisberg et al., 2002).
* Corresponding author. Thus, analytical tools play an important role in the quantification
E-mail address: (M.M.C. Maceno).
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464 1453

and evaluation of the industrial environmental performance, once according to the flowchart presented in Fig. 1.
they help to identify the most significant environmental impacts, In the first stage the objectives of the study were proposed
driving the management actions toward the most critical envi- based on the background previously presented in the introduction.
ronmental aspects, saving time, work and financial resources In the second stage, the evaluation categories to be managed by the
(Perotto et al., 2008). EPIP tool were selected in an attempt to obtain a tool that considers
Several analytical tools are available to evaluate environmental a broader range of information, but easily applicable to industrial
performance, such as: Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) processes, i.e. a useful and efficient tool (Angelakoglou and Gaidajis,
(Chompu-Inwai et al., 2015; Schmidt and Nakajima, 2013), Life 2015; Schmidt, 2013). Thereby, well recognized standards and
Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) (Elduque et al., 2015; Hermann guidelines regarding environmental performance (such as ISO
et al., 2007; Jawjit et al., 2015) and Ecological Footprint (EF) 14031 and GRI) were considered, as well as, the most important
(Butnariu and Avasilcai, 2014; Herva et al., 2011, 2008). However, studies in literature that report analytical tools applied to evaluate
such tools were not created with a specific focus on the assessment environmental performance in industrial processes (Butnariu and
of industrial processes, and therefore present difficulties to meet its Avasilcai, 2014; Chompu-Inwai et al., 2015; da Silva and Amaral,
needs (Angelakoglou and Gaidajis, 2015). 2009; Herva et al., 2012; Jawjit et al., 2015; Nucci et al., 2014), linked
Another issue about the available analytical tools is the absence to LCIA, MFCA, EF, MAICAPI, LCC etc., even though these studies
of standardization. Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines (GRI, were not developed for industrial processes.
2015) and the ISO 14031 standard (ISO, 2013) consider some spe- In the third stage a set of variables and equations used to
cific valuation categories in the environmental performance eval- quantify and assess the selected evaluation categories were
uation, such as materials and energy use, atmospheric emissions, defined, considering: the amounts and types of materials and
risks of incidents, and the cost of pollution prevention, among waste, the amount of energy used, environmental costs of input/
others. On the other hand, in literature several authors present output of the manufacturing process, environmental impact cate-
analyses based on the Environmental Impact Assessment (Elduque gories (midpoint indicators) and damage categories (endpoint in-
et al., 2015; Herva and Roca, 2013; Nucci et al., 2014) or Environ- dicators). These factors of midpoint and endpoint indicators were
mental Risk Analysis, and alternatively, some studies consider based on the LCIA, mainly the IMPACT 2002 þ method for midpoint
Environmental Costs as the main evaluation category to evaluate indicators and the Eco-indicator 99 method for endpoint indicators.
environmental performance in industrial processes (Chompu- In this context, the variables of EPIP tool were defined, which were
Inwai et al., 2015; da Silva and Amaral, 2009; Ong et al., 2012; divided into two groups: economic analysis group and environ-
Schmidt and Nakajima, 2013). mental analysis group. Two groups of variables were employed
Thus, due to the wide variety of analytical tools available in because the group of economic variables uses a different unit of
literature, most of them use different approaches and different measure (monetary unit) than the group of environmental vari-
parameters to evaluate environmental performance, and therefore, ables (dimensionless). The mathematical operation used to relate
there is no consensus among regulatory agencies, international these two groups was multiplication because it allows the inter-
organizations, and researchers about a useful and efficient analyt- relation of different units, while minimizing differences in order of
ical tool to evaluate the environmental performance of industrial magnitude of the result in the environmental and economic
processes (Angelakoglou and Gaidajis, 2015; da Silva and Amaral, analyses.
2009; Hermann et al., 2007). This concept of a useful and effi- Also in stage three, a main equation was developed (Equation
cient tool was endorsed by Angelakoglou and Gaidajis (2015) and (1)) to assess environmental aspects according to environmental
Schmidt (2013), using three observations: 1) Tools with more in- performance. The equations used to obtain the variables that make
formation are extremely necessary because they provide more up the main equation were formulated based on the equations
reliable results, in shorter time and with lower cost for imple- reported in MFCA (Schmidt, 2013) and LCIA tools (Humbert et al.,
mentation, 2) Tools that consider a broader range of evaluation 2015; Jolliet et al., 2003).
categories tend to produce more objective and meaningful results, According to literature, economic and environmental integra-
and 3) Tools based on data from environmental accounting tend to tion helps decision makers understand changes in environmental
be more easily applicable due to the ease of obtaining and con- impacts and their associated costs. Moreover, the integration of
trolling information. economic and environmental aspects is considered an issue of
In this context, this study aimed to build and test an analytical growing importance today (Bierer et al., 2015; da Silva and Amaral,
tool to evaluate environmental performance in industrial pro- 2009).
cesses. It was named EPIP (Environmental Performance of Indus- In addition, the development of a tool based on a main equation
trial Processes). The main objectives of this study regarding this was considered, and was composed of a single index to facilitate the
tool were as follows: interpretation of the results by the tool user, making the tool more
useful, as defined by Angelakoglou and Gaidajis (2015).
1) To define a set of evaluation categories to evaluate environ- In the fourth stage the EPIP application was made as a case study
mental performance specifically for industrial processes, based in an industrial process for the manufacturing of plastic yogurt
on the survey in literature concerning the theme; cups. The steps for the application of the EPIP tool are described in
2) To quantify and to assess the set of evaluation categories pre- section 2.2. These steps may be used to guide managers in the
viously defined through the selection of variables and formu- application of the EPIP tool in their industrial processes.
lation of equations suitable for industrial processes; Lastly, in the fifth stage, an assessment of EPIP tool and its
3) To test the application of the tool built in an industrial process. application in the case study was made.

2.2. Steps for the application of the EPIP tool in a general industrial
2. Methods process

2.1. EPIP tool building process The proposed methodology for the application of the EPIP tool
comprises six steps: (1) mapping processes, boundary, functional
The process to develop the EPIP tool consisted of five stages, unit and environmental aspects; (2) lifting of mass, energy and
1454 M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464

Fig. 1. Construction stages of the EPIP tool.

operation costs; (3) survey of management costs; (4) performing of activities. When the amount produced is used, it is possible to use
LCIA adapted; (5) LCIA weighting; and (6) the analysis of the results. the numbers of produced products or production batches, defining
Steps (2), (3), (4) and (5) consist in the quantification of the at least a minimum value for both of them that were included in the
environmental performance in the industrial process. Fig. 2 shows a continuous activities, batches or intermittent. In the case of in-
flowchart of the EPIP tool steps, which are detailed as follows: dustrial processes that present a high variation level in the pro-
duction, such as those subject to the seasons of the year or affected
2.2.1. Mapping processes, boundary, functional unit and by holidays, it is recommended to apply the EPIP tool for each
environmental aspects different condition of production, in order to identify the envi-
In Step 1, four important activities should be made: the mapping ronmental aspects of worst performance, defining the functional
of processes, the definition of the functional unit, the definition of unit for the different applications.
the boundary and the definition of environmental aspects in the In sequence, the boundary of the industrial process should be
industrial process. Firstly, it is important to do the data collection of defined, including the activities that will be considered for the EPIP
all the activities in the industrial process, related to products or analysis. The EPIP user should define the boundary and consider it
support activities, such as those that take place in offices, refectory, in the analysis of the EPIP answers. It is recommended to consider
ambulatory or general services. Secondly, the functional unit in this step, the amount of data available on industrial activities and
should be defined using a production time or a reference of the the knowledge/experience of the user. It is important to stress that
amount produced. In the case of production time, a timeframe the EPIP tool was initially developed to analyze industrial pro-
(days, weeks or months) should be defined, as the timeframe cesses, limiting their coverage area.
needed to carry out the continuous activities, batch or intermittent Subsequently, the block diagram or process flowchart should be
M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464 1455

Fig. 2. Flowchart of the application of the EPIP tool in general industrial processes.

devised in order to visualize the previously collected information, measuring the direct consumption of each machine in the indus-
and facilitate the understanding of the industrial process under trial process. Another way of calculating the energy consumption is
study. the use of the ratio between the power and the machine operating
Finally, all the activities raised in the industrial process, ac- time. This quantification of energy consumption is rated between
cording to the defined boundary, should be transformed into a list the environmental aspects raised and is related to certain ma-
of environmental aspects, as defined in the ISO 14001 (ISO, 2004). chinery, according to the mass balance of these environmental
This form of activity representation was adopted because it is a aspects.
reference consolidated by ISO 14001 and also in the methodology Finally, for the cost data the quantification of unit costs of each
of the Life Cycle Analysis, according to ISO 14040 (ISO, 2006). material used in the process should be carried out, according to the
values of purchase of these materials by the industry under study. It
2.2.2. Mass, energy and operation costs is also necessary to carry out the identification of the destinations
Step 2 involves the survey of the mass, energy and also the costs types adopted for each environmental aspect related to waste, and
related to the input and output for each environmental aspect. For the quantification of the costs of these destinations, according to
the mass data the quantification of raw materials, input consumed, the destination records on waste. It is worth noting that the waste
waste generated and products produced in each identified envi- destinations considered may represent the disposal, treatment or
ronmental aspects should be carried out. even recycling or reuse.
For energy data, the quantification can be performed by
1456 M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464

2.2.3. Management costs EPIP tool is expected to be used in a new period, maintaining the
Step 3 consists in the data collection on environmental man- functional unit defined, to quantify and evaluate the improvement
agement costs such as training, equipment calibration, machine of the environmental aspects covered by the actions, and to identify
replacement, and the implementation of the Environmental Man- new critical environmental aspects, in order to maintain the
agement System, among others. These cost data must be related to continuous improvement cycle of the industrial process in search of
the environmental aspects it covers. For example, in the case of environmental sustainability.
training to improve waste management, the accounted cost should It is important to state that the EPIP tool can be used both to
be related to the environmental aspects of the waste addressed in evaluate a temporal evolution of the industrial process after
the training. To account for the costs of each environmental aspect, improvement interventions, and also to simulate scenarios in
an indicator of environmental management improvement should which the implementation of actions is predicted, in order to
be used for each environmental aspect. quantify what would be the environmental performance of certain
In this way, the relationship between the cost of the environ- environmental aspects.
mental management action raised and the indicator of the envi-
ronmental management improvement provides the cost of the 3. The EPIP tool
environmental management for each environmental aspect. It is
important to note that, in the first implementation of the EPIP tool 3.1. Selection of the EPIP evaluation categories
in an industrial process, this cost will not be considered.
As a result of the search to evaluate the categories found in the
2.2.4. LCIA adapted ISO 14031 standard (ISO, 2013), in the GRI guidelines (GRI, 2015)
Step 4 involves the identification of categories of environmental and key papers (Butnariu and Avasilcai, 2014); Chompu-Inwai et al.,
impacts by consumption and emission of materials and energy that 2015; da Silva and Amaral 2009; Elduque et al., 2015; Herva et al.,
are related to each environmental aspect, followed by the identi- 2012; Jawjit et al., 20150; Nucci et al., 2014; Schmidt and
fication of compounds and energy types present in the impact Nakajima 2013), eight evaluation categories were defined to be
categories related to this environmental aspect. evaluated in the EPIP tool. The focus in selecting the evaluation
For each environmental aspect, all impact categories considered categories was to develop a useful and efficient tool.
in the tool should be analyzed by the EPIP user, selecting the In the literature assessed, MFCA and LCIA were the tools more
characterization factors in their corresponding impact categories, widely used to define the base for the evaluation categories, due to
according to the materials and energy in this environmental aspect. their high scientific contribution to the environmental evaluation
If the user has some difficulty related to the impact categories, of the industrial processes in recent years. Also, it is important to
category indicators and characterization factors, he/she should seek state that the selected evaluation categories were used at least once
specialized external support. in literature regarding analytical tools applied to environmental
It is important to note that once the impacts of consumption and evaluation in industrial processes. The eight selected evaluation
emission of materials and energy are limited to the boundary of the categories were:
industrial process, the impacts examined by the EPIP tool are
related to the consumption of materials, water and energy and the I. Amount of input-output materials (Material Balance);
release of solid, liquid and gaseous emissions restricted to this II. Consumption/production of Energy (Energy Balance);
boundary. III. Destination of solid, liquid and gaseous emissions;
IV. Environmental Impact Assessment;
2.2.5. LCIA weighting V. Environmental Costs (material, energy and emissions);
Step 5 involves the definition of values of weighting for the VI. Legal compliance and stakeholder requirements;
damage categories. The weighting may occur through the AHP VII. Surrounding environment conditions;
method by the comparative analysis between the damage cate- VIII. Applied measures to prevent pollution.
gories. According to literature, this method is suitable to calculate
weighting factors of the LCIA (Domingues et al., 2015; Ha et al., In addition, some authors consider the external costs in the
2016). In this case, the EPIP user can choose by scale of impor- environmental performance evaluation (de Beer and Friend, 2006;
tance, according to Saaty's scale (Saaty, 1980), the level of impor- Jasch, 2003). However, a significant uncertainty is assigned to this
tance of each of the damage categories in comparison to each other. evaluation category in literature (da Silva and Amaral, 2009) and,
The result of the choices of importance is the weight of each therefore, it was not selected for the EPIP tool.
category. The use of the AHP method for weighting is only rec-
ommended when the surrounding environmental conditions are 3.2. Definition of the EPIP variables and equations
known. The weighting may also occur using the damage weighting
factors of the Eco-indicator method, if the EPIP user is not aware of The EPIP tool has one main equation (Equation (1)) used to
the surrounding conditions. The user can also choose not to use the analyze and classify environmental aspects according to environ-
weighting if he/she considers it appropriate. mental performance. It was developed based on a single response
index, in order to facilitate decision-making, as recommended by
2.2.6. Analysis of results Angelakoglou and Gaidajis (2015) and Perotto et al. (2008).
Finally, step 6 provides the analytical results achieved by the Equation (1) calculates the equivalent Cost of each n Environ-
implementation of the EPIP tool. This outcome is to obtain the mental Aspect (CEA(n)). The input data for Equation (1) as well as
ranking of the environmental aspects assisting in the identification for the other equations of the EPIP were discretized as environ-
of items of interest to the decision-making process to pursue mental aspects according to ISO 14001 (ISO, 2004).
environmental improvements. Through this classification of envi-
ronmental aspects, decision makers will be able to better explore CEAðnÞ ¼ ½MLCðnÞ þ CECðnÞ þ MDCðnÞ þ EMCðnÞ$½IMðnÞ þ IEðnÞ
the problem of the most critical environmental aspects identified ¼ EcGðnÞ$EnGðnÞ
and to develop actions to improve their environmental perfor-
mance. After the implementation of the improvement actions, the
M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464 1457

In Equation (1), the variables Material Loss Cost (MLC(n)), MDC(n) (Equation (6)) is the material destination cost in the
Consumed Energy Cost (CEC(n)), Material Destination Cost environmental aspect n (in $). In this equation D%1 x d(n) is a row
(MDC(n)) and Environmental Management Cost (EMC(n)) were matrix of the total material quantity as a percentage of destination
defined, which composes the economic analysis group, and the d and DCd x 1(n) is the column matrix of the unit cost of the material
variable Impacts of consumption and emission Materials (IM(n)) destination for every destination d in the environmental aspect n
and Impacts of Energy consumption (IE(n)), which compose the (in $.kg1).
environmental analysis group. Furthermore, EcG(n) represents the The waste destination forms that were considered to calculate
sum of the variables of the economic analysis group, while EnG(n) MDC(n) were obtained according to the waste hierarchy reported
represents the sum of the variables of the environmental analysis by Crittenden and Kolaczkowski (1995), which considers ten types
group. As recommended by Angelakoglou and Gaidajis (2015), an of material destination: Reuse at source, Reuse inside the industrial
economic approach was used through EcG(n), in order to facilitate process, Recycle inside the industrial process, Reuse in other in-
the data collection and application. Also, the LCIA method was used dustrial processes, Recycle in other industrial processes, Waste
through EnG(n) to increase the information assessed, and to pro- treatment inside the industrial process with internal disposal,
duce more reliable results and a useful and efficient tool. Waste treatment inside the industrial process with external
All cost variables in Equation (1) are in local currency (in $), disposal, Transport, treatment, and external disposal, Transport and
whereas the environmental variables are dimensionless. Thus the external disposal without treatment and Unsuitable disposal (does
measuring unit designed for variable CEA(n) is $Eq (Equivalent not comply with legal requirements). Thus, if the destination of the
Currency Unit). This unit was created because the equivalent cost environmental aspect is d ¼ 10, this aspect is already considered as
value of the environmental aspect does not correspond to an actual a priority in the analysis, because it is not in compliance with the
monetary outcome, once the monetary values for each cost variable law.
were transformed by multiplying them with the environmental
impact values. MDCðnÞ ¼ MOUT ðnÞ$D%1d ðnÞ$DCd1 ðnÞ (6)
The second equation calculates the equivalent Total Cost (TC) of
EMC(n) (Equation (7)) is the environmental management cost in
environmental aspects (Equation (2)). TC is the sum of n ¼ 1and
environmental aspect n (in $). It corresponds to a collection of in-
n ¼ i of the CEA (n), where i is the total number of environmental
vestments/expenses made in the industrial process in a period of
aspects in the industrial process. This second equation can be used
time between environmental performance evaluations by EPIP tool.
to evaluate the increase or total reduction of the environmental
These investments/expenses represent actions for the improve-
performance of the industrial process between analyses over time.
ment of one or a group of environmental aspects such as those
Finally, the third equation provides the equivalent Relative Cost
stated in 2.2.3.
(RC(n)) of each environmental aspect, and is basically the ratio
In this equation CA(m) represents the cost of the environmental
between CEA(n) and TC (Equation (3)).
management action for each action m (in $) involving a specific
TC ¼ CEAðnÞ; to n ¼ 1 until i (2) number of environmental aspects, II(n) is the indicator for the
environmental aspect improvement (in $Eq) for each environ-
mental aspect n, IIS(m) is the sum of the values of II(n) of the
RCðnÞ ¼ CEAðnÞ=TC (3) environmental aspects involved in action m (in $Eq), and p is the
total number of actions. II(n) is obtained by the subtraction be-
3.2.1. Economic analysis group tween CEA(n) (calculated after the improvement actions) and
The variable components of this group are Material Loss Cost, CEA(n) (calculated before the improvement actions).
Consumed Energy Cost, Material Destination Cost and Cost of X
Environmental Management Cost. Each of these variables has a EMCðnÞ ¼ ½CAðmÞ$IIðnÞ=IIS ðmÞ; to m ¼ 1 until p (7)
particular equation for the calculation, and the equations are
It is important to state that, in the case of the environmental
described in this section.
management action, where there was the worsening of an envi-
MLC(n) (Equation (4)) represents the quantification of the costs
ronmental aspect, the value of EMC(n) will be positive, showing
of material loss for each environmental aspect n (in $). In this
that the action was ineffective, worsening the result of the envi-
equation ML1 x m(n) is a row matrix of mass quantities of each
ronmental performance for this environmental aspect.
material loss as waste m (in kg) in the environmental aspect n and
MCm x 1(n) is the unit cost column matrix of each material m in the
waste (in $/kg). Note that the mass sum of each material loss that 3.2.2. Environmental analysis group
makes up the n environmental aspect results in the total output LCIA was introduced in the EPIP tool to adjust the economic
mass (in kg) of this environmental aspect (MOUT(n)). value in order to obtain a better economic and environmental
balance. Analyzing environmental performance only from financial
MLCðnÞ ¼ ML1m ðnÞ$MCm1 ðnÞ (4)
data can distort the results. For example, a certain process produces
CEC(n) (Equation (5)) is a cost balance of energy use in pro- a waste that is deposited in a landfill. However, there is a more
cessing environmental aspect n (in $). In this equation, CE(n) is the expensive option that is to send the waste for recycling. Therefore,
consumption energy for processing environmental aspect n (in an analytical tool, predominantly economic, should indicate that
kWh), EUC(n) is the energy unit cost (in $/kWh) and PE(n) is the the landfill is the best option, although not environmentally
ratio (in %) between the total output mass (MOUT(n)) of environ- suitable.
mental aspect n (in kg) and input mass (MIN(n)) of the raw material In this context, the environmental analysis group of the EPIP
(in kg). For this variable, the environmental aspect can be a product tool seeks to employ the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA),
or waste. because of its greater objectivity and reliability analysis, when
compared to more traditional analyses of the industrial processes,
CECðnÞ ¼ CEðnÞ$EUCðnÞ$PEðnÞ such as the environmental risk analysis.
¼ CEðnÞ$EUCðnÞ$MOUT ðnÞ=MIN ðnÞ (5) The environmental analysis group was organized for variable
impacts of consumption and emission materials IM(n) and variable
1458 M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464

impacts of energy consumption IE(n) by impact categories, ob- The variable IE(n) (Equation (9)) calculates the environmental
tained by adapting the four methods of LCIA: IMPACT impacts for each environmental aspect n regarding the energy
2002 þ vQ2.22 (Humbert et al., 2015; Jolliet et al., 2003), EDIP 2003 consumed in processing this environmental aspect. In this equa-
(Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 2005), Water footprint tion, CE(n) (in kW.h) and PE(n) (in %) are variables already shown in
(Pfister et al., 2009) and Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) Equation (5), and Wi, ICi(n) and Ni are variables already shown in
(Frischknecht et al., 2007). These methods were selected according Equation (8).
to the following analysis: hX  i
IEðnÞ ¼ CEðnÞ$PEðnÞ$ Wj $ICj ðnÞ Nj ; to ¼ 1 until k
a) According to Carvalho et al. (2014) the most widely used
methods of LCIA between the years 2005 and 2011 were the (9)
Eco-indicator 99, IMPACT 2002þ, CML, and EDIP. Note that although the method for assessing environmental
b) IMPACT 2002 þ method is a combination of the IMPACT impacts by the EPIP tool has been drawn up by the composition of
2002, Eco-indicator 99, CML and IPCC methods (Jolliet et al., impact categories from different methods of LCIA and their
2003). respective characterization factors, the normalization factors used
c) EDIP method has waste impact categories not present in were obtained from a unique method, IMPACT 2002þ. The excep-
other methods. tion is the normalization factor of the impact categories of waste
d) Water and energy use are environmentally critical factors for generated, which does not exist in IMPACT 2002þ. Therefore, the
industrial processes and should be dealt with more fully in per capita production of hazardous and bulk waste from the Eu-
LCIA. Thus, two specific methods for these analyzes were ropean Union was used for 2004 (reference year) as a normalization
selected: Water Footprint and Cumulative Energy Demand. factor (Eurostat, 2015), once it is equivalent to the normalization
These methods are considered suitable to evaluate the con- standard used in IMPACT 2002þ (Humbert et al., 2015).
sumption of these resources in industrial processes The weighting factors of the impact categories can be obtained
(Angelakoglou and Gaidajis, 2015). in two ways:

These four methods were then analyzed to verify the overlap of a) Selection of the weighting factors already present in Eco-
impact categories and the applicability for industrial processes. Indicator 99, if there is unsuitable knowledge of the quality of
IMPACT 2002 þ was used as the reference method because it en- the industrial process surrounding the environment to perform
compasses the methods of CML and Eco-Indicator 99 and as a its own weight;
whole, comprises the group of the three methods most used in LCIA b) Selection to obtain the damage weighting factors, by applying
(Carvalho et al., 2014). In addition, IMPACT 2002 þ contains impact the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is a multi-criteria
categories that include the main potential environmental impacts method that compares and ranks impact categories by levels of
of industrial activity when the system boundary is put as the in- importance.
dustrial process itself.
The variable IM(n) (Equation (8)) calculates the environmental After the development of the mathematical modeling of the
impacts of materials for each environmental aspect n. Its variables EPIP tool, the registration of these equations in Microsoft Excel®
are as follows: Wj (dimensionless) is the weighting factor of the software was performed to enable the application of the EPIP tool.
impact category j, ICj(n) (in kgeq(category). kg1) is the value of impact
category j in environmental aspect n, Nj (in kgeq(category)/person/
year) is the normalization factor of impact category j, and k is the 4. Application of the EPIP tool in an industrial process for the
total number of impact categories considered by the EPIP tool. The manufacturing plastic CUPS for yogurt
impact categories considered by IM(n) are shown in Table 1, except
impact categories Non-renewable energy and Renewable energy In order to test the EPIP tool to evaluate the environmental
which are used by the IE(n). performance, it was applied in an industrial process for the
hX manufacturing plastic yogurt cups. The industry is a multinational
IMðnÞ ¼ MOUT ðnÞ$ Wj $ICj ðnÞ Nj ; to j ¼ 1 until k (8) producer of plastic packaging for food. It is located in the Metro-
politan Region of Curitiba, Parana - Brazil. Its manufacturing

Table 1
Impact categories considered in the environmental analysis group by EPIP.

Impact category Reference methods for impact category Normalization factor Normalization Reference

Human toxicity IMPACT 2002þ 219 kg chloroethylene into air-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Respiratory effects IMPACT 2002þ 8.80 kg PM2.5 into air-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Ionizing radiation IMPACT 2002þ 5.33E05 Bq Carbon-14 into air-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Ozone layer depletion IMPACT 2002þ 0.204 kg CFC-11 into air-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Photochemical oxidation IMPACT 2002þ 12.4 kg ethylene into air-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Global warming IMPACT 2002þ 11.600 kg CO2 into air-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Aquatic ecotoxicity IMPACT 2002þ 1.36E06 kg triethylene glycol into water-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Terrestrial ecotoxicity IMPACT 2002þ 1.20E06 kg triethylene glycol into soil-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Aquatic acidification IMPACT 2002þ 66.20 kg SO2 into air-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Aquatic eutrophication IMPACT 2002þ 14.30 kg PO43- into water-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Terrestrial acidification/nitrification IMPACT 2002þ 315 kg SO2 into air-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Bulk waste EDIP 2003 1726 kg bulk waste-eq/pers.y (Eurostat, 2015)
Hazardous waste EDIP 2003 180 kg hazardous waste-eq/pers.y (Eurostat, 2015)
Water scarcity index (WSI) Water footprint 365,000 kg water withdrawal-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Non-renewable energy Cumulative Energy Demand 3320 kg crude oil-eq/pers.y or 152,000 MJ/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Renewable energy Cumulative Energy Demand 152,000 MJ/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
Mineral extraction IMPACT 2002þ 5730 kg iron (in ore)-eq/pers.y (Jolliet et al., 2003)
M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464 1459

process involves the production of plastic cups for yogurt with a 4.3. Environmental management costs
volume of 150 mL and raw material based on polypropylene (PP).
The application of the EPIP tool for the case study occurred Considering that it was the first implementation of the EPIP tool
following the steps presented in topic 2.2, and the results of this in the industrial process for the manufacturing of plastic yogurt
application are presented in topics 4.1 to 4.6. cups, no data was collected for environmental management costs.
Future analyses may use the timeline between the simulations of
the EPIP tool to quantify these costs, if there are actions of envi-
4.1. Mapping process, functional unit, boundary and environmental
ronmental management in this period.
4.4. LCIA adapted
Firstly, the mapping process of the industrial process was made.
The information was obtained from four visits to the industrial
After the quantification of the data for the economic analysis
process, which took place in March 2015, with the participation of
group, the impact categories that were applied for each environ-
the production manager. Basically, the industrial process studied
mental aspect were identified. Using the information already
consisted of two lines that operate individually with the following
collected on materials, emissions, water and energy for each
equipment in each: mixer silo, extruder, thermoforming machine,
environmental aspect, each impact category was verified in search
and a dry offset printer in each line. A shredder was shared between
of the factors of characterization of impact related to the informa-
the two lines. The wastewater produced was sent to a local treat-
tion on the environmental aspects. This stage of work was carried
ment plant.
out by the authors of this article, together with the monitoring of
Briefly, the manufacturing process begins with the receipt and
the company manager, due to the inexperience of the company's
storage of raw material, i.e. the polypropylene (PP). This PP is
employees with the LCIA.
transported from the storage area to the mixing area using forklifts.
Then mixer silos are used to homogenize the PP to be processed.
4.5. Weighting factors
Next, the PP is transported by treadmill to the extrusion process,
which melts the polymer at an average temperature of 230  C and
The weighting factors used were obtained applying the Analytic
transforms the PP into plastic sheets. Then baths and water sprays
Hierarchy Process method to the damage categories.
are employed to cool the plastic before coiling. Plate waste is
Thus, based on the industrial process characteristics, such as
packed in big bags and then sent to the shredder to produce PP
geographic position, size and local environmental conditions, it was
beads, which return to the production process.
considered that human health was the most important damage
In sequence, coils are sent to the thermoforming machine. In
category. In sequence, resource availability was considered as sec-
this process the coil is inserted into the machine to be unrolled and
ond in importance due to the current water and energy crisis in
then transported by treadmill to a heating section, at a temperature
Brazil. The ecosystem quality was considered the last position of
of 180  C, ant then it follows to a molding metal block, forming the
importance, once the amount of pollution released in the
plastic yogurt cups. The cups are cooled by air and the waste of the
manufacturing of plastic yogurt cups is not relevant for the
molding, named grid is packed in big bags for subsequent grinding.
neighboring environmental conditions. Thus, the table of the AHP
The final step of the processing of the PP cups is performed by using
method in the EPIP tool was drafted comparatively between the
dry offset printing machines. The printing is divided into three
three damage categories, considering Saaty's scale (Saaty, 1980).
stages: printing setting, printing, and quality control of printed
The result of this relationship was the weighting factors (Table 2).
After the mapping process, the functional unit and the boundary
4.6. Analysis of results
of the studied industrial process were defined. The functional unit
established a period of one month for data collection of environ-
After the calculations, using the data collected and presented in
mental aspects used in the simulation of the EPIP tool, which is
Appendix A, the results of equivalent costs for each environmental
considered adequate to cover possible batch processes. In relation
aspect were obtained, as well as, the results from the total equiv-
to the boundary system, the whole area of the industry was
alent cost of the industrial process assessed. Thus, the total equiv-
considered, comprising all the activities developed in the place.
alent cost was R$Eq 764,104.85 per month of production. The five
As for the mapping process, the process flowchart was prepared
environmental aspects with the greatest equivalent costs are
(Fig. 3) and the environmental aspects of the stages of production
shown in Fig. 4, which are: 1) the grid Thermoforming (A11), 2) the
were identified (Appendix A), resulting in a total of 45 environ-
plastic cups produced in Thermoforming (A10), 3) VOCs printing
mental aspects divided as follows: 1 in the receipt of stocks, 3 in the
(A27), 4) steam (A08), and 5) the plastic cups contaminated with
mixer silo, 4 in the extrusion, 1 in the water cooling, 4 in the
the oil of Thermoforming (A13), which corresponds to 99% of the
Thermoforming, 1 in the grind, 6 in the dry offset print setting, 7 in
total equivalent relative cost in the case of the manufacturing of
dry offset printing, 4 in the cleaning, 6 in general purpose, 2 in the
plastic yogurt cups.
kitchen, 3 in the office, 1 in the maintenance machines, and 2 in the
In order to better understand and interpret the results of
internal transportation.
equivalent costs of each environmental aspect presented in, Figs. 5
and 6 present the five most relevant results for economic and
4.2. Mass, energy and operation costs environmental analysis, respectively.
The results of the economic analysis group found that the
The information on mass, energy, and costs for each environ- environmental aspects that had the highest costs were the plastic
mental aspect was obtained from orders of supplies, accounting cups produced in Thermoforming (A10), the grid Thermoforming
spreadsheets, interviews with process operators, and from the (A11), and steam (A08), corresponding to the relative cost of 78% of
technical manual for the equipment. All the information collected total expenditure with environmental aspects (Fig. 5). It is possible
was recorded on field collection forms, and later entered in the EPIP to observe that these three aspects were of greater economic
registered on Microsoft Excel software. These mass, energy and cost impact because they use a lot of energy, both PP processing and
data are also presented in Appendix A. reprocessing.
1460 M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464

Fig. 3. Flowchart of the industrial process for the manufacturing of plastic yogurt cups.

Table 2 the result of VOC Printing is possible due to photochemical oxida-

Comparison data of the damage categories by the AHP method and results of the tion. For the environmental aspects of grid Thermoforming and
weighting factors.
plastic cups contaminated with the oil of Thermoforming, the
Damage Human Ecosystem Resources Weighting largest contributions of their impacts were the generation of bulk
categories health quality factor waste in large quantities and the use of energy.
Human health 1 7 3 64.3 When comparing the results for the ranking of the environ-
Ecosystem quality 0.14 1 0.2 7.4 mental aspects of the economic analysis group, the environmental
Resources 0.33 5 1 28.3
analysis group and the aggregated analysis, it is possible to observe
differences in the sequence of priority of the environmental aspects
to be improved in the environmental performance. Therefore, the
Regarding the environmental analysis group, the results are ranking of the environmental aspects provided by the EPIP tool in
presented in Fig. 6. It showed that the environmental aspects with an industrial process possibly indicate, as priority environmental
the highest impacts were VOCs printing (A27), grid Thermoforming aspects, those with the highest costs, which are directly related to
(A11), and the plastic cups contaminated with the oil of Thermo- the inefficiency of material and energy transformation, and/or
forming (A13), corresponding to the relative cost of 84% of the total those that present the highest environmental impacts, which are
impact on environmental aspects (Fig. 6). The underlying reason for related to the quantity and severity of the level of impact.
M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464 1461

Fig. 4. Results obtained through the EPIP tool for the five environmental aspects with the worst environmental performance.

Fig. 5. Results of the economic analysis group using the EPIP tool for the five environmental aspects with the worst environmental performance.

Fig. 6. Results of the environmental analysis group using the EPIP tool for the five environmental aspects with the worst environmental performance.

In a nutshell, the application of the EPIP tool in the structure actions regarding these five environmental aspects. It can
manufacturing of plastic yogurt cups presented the ranking of the be seen that these five environmental aspects are related to the
most significant environmental aspects, driving decision makers to activities of thermoforming, mainly due to the high energy
1462 M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464

consumption of the machinery and the large volume in the 5. Final considerations
reprocessing of plastic waste, printing cups by VOCs emission, and
extrusion by evaporation of the cooling water. In other words, the The main contribution of the EPIP tool is that it can be used as a
managers of this industrial process need to take some measures decision making support tool to evaluate the environmental per-
regarding these environmental aspects. After the definition and formance with a different approach to other existing analytical
implementation of the actions, a new implementation of the EPIP tools. The selection of evaluation categories, definition of variables
tool is recommended to evaluate the evolution of the environ- and formulation of equations performed in this study resulted in a
mental performance of the industrial process. Therefore, the tool that fills a literature gap regarding analytical tools available to
application of the EPIP tool should occur cyclically over time in the evaluate environmental performance in industrial processes.
industrial process in order to drive this process towards environ- The tool developed in this study has an integrated environ-
mental sustainability. mental and economic analysis that enables the analyses in an in-
Analyzing the application and the result of the EPIP tool, some dustrial process aggregating data on materials, energy, costs and
advantages of this tool in relation to others can be observed. For environmental impacts, providing a single index result which fa-
example, in the study developed by da Silva and Amaral (2009), the cilitates the interpretation by decision makers. This more
MAICAPI methodology was used to evaluate an industrial process comprehensive approach enables the EPIP tool to obtain more
of metallurgy. In this study, the activities for improvement were reliable results targeting the action taken for environmental
indicated based on the Environmental Risk Matrix and on the improvements.
economic analysis with independent results. The EPIP tool already It is further observed that the broader scope makes it safer for
enables a result with a single index, facilitating interpretation and the evaluation of the environmental performance and guides de-
use by managers. cision makers as to the most critical environmental aspects to be
In a study by Chompu-Inwai et al. (2015), using the MFCA to improved in the industrial process.
evaluate an industrial process for the manufacturing of small wood The application of the EPIP tool in an industrial process for the
products, the tool indicated the wood cutting process as the worst manufacturing of plastic yogurt cups demonstrated that it is a
environmental performance. However, the wood painting process, useful tool to aid in decision making. Nevertheless, it is necessary to
which usually has a significant environmental impact due to the conduct more studies with different industrial typologies to check
presence of hazardous substances, obtained one of the best envi- the outcome of the EPIP tool in different situations. It is also
ronmental performances in the manufacture due to non-material important to review normalization factors defined to aggregate the
loss. That is, the absence of environmental parameters in the impact categories, because there are different references between
MFCA, such as the environmental impact indicators present in the the normalization factors of waste generated impact categories and
EPIP tool, enables the environmental performance measured not to the other impact categories selected to compose the environmental
consider the potential of the environmental impact. analysis performed with the use of the EPIP tool.
Finally, in the study reported by Jawjit et al. (2015), using LCIA In this context, it is necessary to carry out studies to develop
though the methods CML and ECO-indicator 99 to assess the normalization factors based on the same reference time and space
environmental impact of an industrial process that produces 1 ton in order to reduce errors in the results that will be obtained by the
of latex concentrate, the activities of highest impact were appoin- EPIP tool. It is also necessary to carry out studies that explore the
ted as: 1) Electricity use, 2) Ammonia use, 3) Diesel use, and 4) cost of externalities and the expansion of the boundary system
Diammonium phosphate use. However, despite the high volume of beyond the industrial process. Finally, the inclusion of social cate-
water consumed in the production of the latex concentrate gories should also be evaluated, since certain social aspects can
(average of 7 tons), this consumption of natural resource is not influence the results of the environmental performance. Thus, this
measured by the indicators of the used method categories, which evolution of the EPIP tool will certainly enable a more complex
differs from the analysis made using the EPIP tool. Nevertheless, the analysis of industrial processes seeking to direct them towards
life cycle approach presented by the LCIA method may be consid- environmental sustainability.
ered a differential, still not addressed by the EPIP tool.
In this context, a more comprehensive approach to the infor-
mation analyzed using the EPIP tool is important to consider it as a
useful and efficient tool. Appendix A. Data collection and results of the case study

Table A1
Process, environmental aspects output, costs, energy and destination data for the Case study.

Id Process Environmental Aspect MLC(n) CEC(n) MDC(n)

Output Material Cost CE (kWh) EUC(R$/ PE Destination Percentage Destination cost
(kg) (R$/kg) kWh) (%) type (d) destination (%) (R$/kg)

A01 Receipt and storage Generated pallets 80.00 1.32 0.00 0.6621 0 4 100 0.38
A02 Mixer silo PP homogenization 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.6621 100 0a 0 0.00
A03 Mixer silo Disposal PP bags 48.30 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 5 100 0.30
A04 Mixer silo Narrow ribbon 2.93 9.32 0.00 0.6621 0 5 100 0.30
A05 PP Extrusion PP plates 0.00 0.00 12,330.00 0.6621 66.1 0a 0 0.00
A06 PP Extrusion PP scraps of plates 2376.00 5.93 12,330.00 0.6621 19.8 3 100 5.93
A07 PP Extrusion Water consumption 82,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 2 100 0.00
A08 PP Extrusion Steam 82,200.00 0.00542 12,330.00 0.6621 6.9 10 100 0.00
A09 Water cooling Cooled water 82,200.00 0.00 75.57 0.6621 100 3 100 0.00
A10 Thermoforming PP cups 0.00 0.00 74,970.00 0.6621 64.1 0a 0 0.00
A11 Thermoforming PP grid 6203.28 5.93 74,970.00 0.6621 33.9 3 100 5.93
M.M.C. Maceno et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 172 (2018) 1452e1464 1463

Table A1 (continued )

Id Process Environmental Aspect MLC(n) CEC(n) MDC(n)

Output Material Cost CE (kWh) EUC(R$/ PE Destination Percentage Destination cost
(kg) (R$/kg) kWh) (%) type (d) destination (%) (R$/kg)

A12 Thermoforming Not complying cups 248.40 5.93 74,970.00 0.6621 1.4 3 100 5.93
A13 Thermoforming Cups with oil 95.40 6.12 74,970.00 0.6621 0.6 9 100 1.78
A14 Grind PP scraps reprocessed 0.00 0.00 267.00 0.6621 100 0a 100 0.00
A15 Dry offset printing PP test cups 27.40 6.60 4.00 0.6621 93.8 9 100 1.78
A16 Dry offset printing Ink packaging of accuracy 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
A17 Dry offset printing Ink scrap of accuracy 0.98 11.80 4.00 0.6621 3.4 9 100 1.78
A18 Dry offset printing Cotton waste with ink of 1.42 6.10 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
accuracy accuracy
A19 Dry offset printing Solvent packaging of 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
accuracy accuracy
A20 Dry offset printing VOCs of accuracy 0.80 11.80 4.00 0.6621 2.8 10 100 0.00
A21 Dry offset printing Printed cups 0.00 0.00 932.46 0.6621 95 0a 0 0.00
A22 Dry offset printing Ink packaging of printing 23.00 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
A23 Dry offset printing Cotton waste with ink of 75.00 6.10 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
A24 Dry offset printing Not complying cups of 254.4 6.60 932.46 0.6621 2.0 9 100 1.78
A25 Dry offset printing Blanket consumption 31.00 32.50 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
A26 Dry offset printing Solvent packaging of 5.50 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
A27 Dry offset printing VOCs of printing 49.55 11.80 932.46 0.6621 3.0 10 100 0.00
A28 Cleaning Sweeping waste 12.50 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 0.61
A29 Cleaning Cotton waste of cleaning 1.08 2.30 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
A30 Cleaning Cleaning product 2.14 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 0.61
A31 Cleaning Water for cleaning 1320.00 0.00542 0.00 0.6621 0 8 100 0.00432
A32 General purpose Water in bathroom 29,400.00 0.00542 0.00 0.6621 0 8 100 0.00432
A33 General purpose Toilet paper 50.40 9.46 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 0.61
A34 General purpose Drinking water 4.62 11.36 0.00 0.6621 0 5 100 0.30
A35 General purpose Used lamps 2.00 24.89 0.00 0.6621 0 8 100 3.08
A36 General purpose Cells and batteries 0.70 120.00 0.00 0.6621 0 8 100 3.85
A37 Kitchen Organic waste 42.00 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 0.61
A38 Kitchen Plastic packaging 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 5 100 0.30
A39 Office Printing paper 5.61 4.92 0.00 0.6621 0 5 100 0.25
A40 Office Ink for printing paper 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 5 100 2.50
A41 Office Paper packaging 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 5 100 0.30
A42 Maintenance Oil machine 1.60 14.60 0.00 0.6621 0 5 100 0.28
A43 Internal Propane consumption 40.80 2.92 0.00 0.6621 0 10 100 0.00
A44 Internal Gas cylinder 54.95 0.00 0.00 0.6621 0 4 100 0.00
A45 General purpose Used PPE 10.00 1.00 0.00 0.6621 0 9 100 1.78
Zero destination because the environmental aspect in the output is a product and not a waste.

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