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1. (a) (b) ef ted Answer gejtles x torge inkeshing , Urge uitestng (4) small intestine / ileum tteee absorption .., (44) hepatic artery ......, hepatic. portal vein ..., (444) hepatic vein ....., (ay) . — blood leaving ¢ leaving D glucose eer low high excess glucose has | blood has absorbed been converted to | plenty of glucose explanation | glycogen from D and stored in liver W) DC sp—sa-+aoe ..., (vi) for oxidation to release energy for matabolic activities / for respiration .. for conversion into glycogen for storage ...... G@) 4) al, BL, 2... (2) Ab, BA eee, Usappear (14) (1) protein has been digested / juice A contains Protein digesting enzymes (fi. Franpl eg maltose ur ad caep teal (2)" Eeducing sugar has appeared / juice 8 contains starch digesting enzymes J.., (444) region B name of | small intestine / | buccal cavity/ region | duodenum / jejunum / | mouth, ileum name of | pancreatic juice / | saliva juice intestinal juice 1 1 1 1 1 1 it L Lloro L 1 12 Lloro Lor 0 1 1 1a +4 RESTRICTED Aabscee tooth / premolar / molar ... to break food into small pieces .., increase surface area for enzyme action easier to swallow (id) drawings1_ faccuracy «. ” size / clarity ...., labels —_ enamel . dentine Bulp cavity | any FOUR (4 each) ...c..... .erowa, root cement - (iv) child «0, Presence of permanent teeth below milk teeth .. sre on tee demi! AD OT 7 curend |. x 2 LARGE smaller : 1 val, | thinner THICK 1 i a . (44) +X ~ vein / venule (Wor vena cava)... Dy * @ ~ artery / arteriole (WoT aorta)... 5 j (444) presence of valve in X and not z .. 1 a to prevent backward flow of blood ... a XA bert > zx Aeeep tect, 4 Gv) 2 YK on zyx os 1 ) feature importance avcrease surface | to promote fileration / lavea / increase for more efficient branching cross-sectional diffusion any TWO Jarea with pairs surrounding cells Slow down blood flow from Z to X led D bore diminished decrease blood pressure Le thin-walled easier for diffusion / ultra~filtration : : (vt) * M~ blood / plasma . % “N~ lymph /-cissue fluid / extracellular fluid / intercellular fluid / interstitial fluid», 4 (vit) RaBic, Reel ‘ Paeduin plasma protein ie blood platelets ; 13 3 RIOT Lessee eee

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