1.technopreneurship Assignment 1

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BEMC 5.1
Demonstration of the role of science and technology in technopreneurship using illustrative examples.
Entrepreneurship generally refers to the creation and growth of new and innovative businesses based on the
ability to recognize business opportunities or combine resources in novel ways. Science and technology play
a vital role in technological entrepreneurship which includes innovations and creativity in technology and
their evolution from idea to prototype.Technological entrepreneurship also called technopreneurship.It is
innovative application of technical science and knowledge individually or by a group of persons, who create
and manage a business and take its financial risks in order to achieve their goals and perspectives.The
science which is the systematic and formulated knowledge is needed in technopreneurship.The knowledge
attained through study or practice knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws,
especially as obtained and tested through scientific method and concerned with the physical world. Science
refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe
and explain natural phenomena. It provides with information which was previously unknown and
technology comes from employing and manipulating science into concepts, processes and devices. These
can in turn be used to make life or work more efficient, convenient and powerful. Technology is the
practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area and the capability given by the practical
application of knowledge. Technology is simply defined as applications of knowledge thats is science to
human work. It is widely considered that technology is simply applied science.The application of science
play a fundamental role in technopreneurship.
Science provides empirical evidence to support the development of innovations. Empirical evidence is
information acquired by observation or experimentation. Empirical evidence is key to the scientific
process.If empirical evidence is provided sources of innovation are offered through technology.For example
sources of all aviation innovation and or technopreneurships are based on the empirical evidence that
According to Newton's third law of motion and other related theories like the Bernoulli effect, the action of
the wings moving through the air creates lift. The faster an airplane moves, the more lift there is. When the
force of lift is greater than the force of gravity, the airplane is able to fly, and because of thrust, the airplane
is able to move forward in flight.
Empirical evidence includes measurements or data collected through direct observation or experimentation.
Scientists record and analyse this data. The process is a central part of the scientific method.
Experimentation in the natural sciences aims to produce evidence that is universally applicable, value-free
and disconnected from context. Scientific innovations are based on experiment, measurement, observation
and or sensory experience. They are new products and processes whose development depended on the
scientific method.It provides knowledge which is applied in technology for innovation in
technopreneurship.Technology is used for innovation which supports entrepreneurship therefore creates
opportunities.For example the discovery machine or computer languages in science created opportunities in
networkings and artificial intelligence. The term technopreneurs means technology entrepreneurs, which are
basically the big, small and medium enterprise.Focusing on these various enterprises, advancements in
ICT(Information Communication Technology) and technological adoption will provide channel to accelerate
and expand businesses as well as its people, which bears vital importance to the growth and development of
entrepreneurs in the knowledge-based economy. Besides daily advancements to better structures and
strategies are being explored and developed to help technology based enterprise grow especially the small
and medium ones offering a promising future within the global marketplace, thereby being able to expand
themselves to compete in this borderless world, at the same time create, and add value to their business in
order to achieve sustainability.
Technopreneurship is based on technology applied on different forms of science. Pure Science is a science
that derives theories and predictions.For example science derives theories like the heating effect of current.
The theory states that when an electric current is passed through a conductor it generates heat because of
resistance in it .The electrical resistance converts electrical energy into heat energy.Applying data from
science of the relationship between voltage and current gives the capability to make appliances which
customers can control the temperature. The science theory of heating effects is then used manufacturing
industries of home and kitchen appliances like the electric iron and electric kettles are based on to make
Pure Science can also known as natural science, basic science or fundamental science. Pure sciences deal
with the study of natural phenomena through observation, experimentation and use of scientific methods.
Pure science is often conducted in a laboratory. The main objective of pure science is to increase
information of a particular field of study and develop scientific theories. The asynchronous motors used in
technopreneurship organisations technology are a result of increase in information electrical field
electromagnetic induction.Scientific theories are are developed giving a result that electric induction is a
science phenomenon in which the electromotive force induces across the electrical motor when it is
rotating.On asynchronous motors the electric current in the rotor needed to produce torque is obtained via
electromagnetic field of stator winding.
Physics, Chemistry, biology and Mathematics are some of the major streams pursued in Pure Sciences. Pure
science is one of the most interesting and research oriented fields. It plays a crucial role in innovation, new
discoveries and inventions. Pure science creates and establishes information to understand nature. It
describes the most basic objects, forces, relations between them and laws governing them, such that all other
phenomena may be in principle derived from them following the logic of scientific reductionism as applied
in automobiles technopreneurship. Automobiles technopreneurs apply science and technology to produce
vehicles for commercialising.In a spark ignition engine the fuel is mixed with air then induced into the
cylinder during intake process.After the piston compresses the fuel air mixture ,the spark ignites it causing
combustion.The expansion of combustion pushes the piston during the power stroke.The up and down
movement of the cylinder is called reciprocating motion.This reciprocating motion must be changed into
rotary motion so that the wheels of the automobiles could be made to rotate.This change of reciprocating
motion to rotary motion is accomplished by a crank on the crankshaft help of connecting.Science and
technology helps them to focus on controlling operations in both productions and operations while
maintaining a profit margin on vehicles sold.

By contrast, applied science aims to use scientific knowledge for practical applications, such as curing
diseases and developing sources of clean energy.It uses knowledge gained through pure science in order to
solve concrete problems. When conducting applied science, researchers begin with a specific problem that
they would like to solve. Examples of applied sciences include medical sciences such as medical
microbiology and genetic epidemiology, and formal sciences such as probability theory and statistics.Other
examples include fluid mechanics, dynamics, kinematics, earth sciences, engineering physics, and statistics.
Researchers conducting applied science are constantly relying on knowledge gained in their field by pure
science research in order to solve real world problems. The Human Genome Project is one example of the
beneficial relationship between pure science and applied science. In the project, researchers mapped the
human chromosome in order to understand precisely where each gene is located. In order to accomplish this,
researchers relied on decades of pure research that had been conducted on the human genome. This
foundation of pure science research has enabled scientists to conduct applied research to find treatments and
cures for diseases by targeting specific genes.

Material science investigate how materials perform and why they sometimes fail. By understanding the
structure of matter, from atomic scale to millimeter scale, they invent new ways to combine chemical
elements into materials with unprecedented functional properties used for creating technopreneurial
companies. Other branches of engineering rely heavily on materials scientists and engineers for the
advanced materials used to design and manufacture products such as safer cars with better gas mileage,
faster computers with larger hard drive capacities, smaller electronics, threat detecting sensors, renewable
energy harvesting devices and better medical devices Materials scientists even work in museums, helping to
analyse, preserve and restore artifacts and artwork. Materials science engineers explore materials' scientific
fundamentals, design, and processing for real-world applications in technology. They apply the basic
principles of chemistry and physics to understand the structure and properties of materials. They design
processes to manipulate materials to meet the needs of modern technology. Technopreneurs work with a
diverse set of materials ranging from metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. It is applied in various
industries, including energy, transportation, tissue engineering, drug delivery, construction, nanotechnology,
and more.A range of processes to make the materials from organic and polymer synthesis, additive
manufacturing, coating, evaporation, machine learning, and beyond is used.Materials scientists work with
diverse types of materials for example metals, polymers, ceramics, liquid crystals and composites for a
broad range of applications energy, construction, electronics, biotechnology, nanotechnology employing
modern processing and discovery principles for example casting, additive manufacturing, coating,
evaporation, plasma and radiation processing, artificial intelligence, and computer simulations. . Materials
scientists and engineers develops technology or devices to detect cancer in its early stages, inventing better
batteries for electric vehicles, creating plant-based materials, contributing to quantum computing and much
more.Technical companies can be created by material scientists and engineers.Manufacturing companies for
clean energy development, waste management creating entrepreneurship.Medical devices, tissue
engineering, health research and development ,product development, materials manufacturing and processes,
failure analysis and 3D printing. Airplanes, submarines, sporting goods and fabrics can be developed from
application of material science in technology.
Environment science knowledge a scientific field that integrates physics, biology, geology, chemistry,
meteorology, and oceanography all in order to study the interactions between the physical, chemical, and
biological components that make up ecosystems is applied in technology to create technopreneurship for
example water engineering companies which combine the process of multistage filtration with a proprietary
blend of minerals to deliver a fresh, clean taste water.It applies reverse osmosis technology.
Science and technology help entrepreneurs to reform or revolutionise the pattern of production by exploiting
an invention or, more generally, an untried technological possibility for producing a new commodity or
producing an old one in a new way, by opening up a new source of supply of materials or a new outlet for
products, by reorganising an industry and so on.For example power generation is now done using clean
nuclear energy instead of coal .
According to Shane and Venkataraman (2004) defined technological entrepreneurship as the processes by
which entrepreneurs assemble organisational resources and technical systems and the strategies used by
entrepreneurial firms to pursue opportunities. For example x-ray technology is used in medical field.The
technology is used noninvasely and pointlessly help to diagnose and monitor therapy support medical and
surgical treatment planning and guiding medical personal as they insert catheters,stents or other devices
inside the body,treat tumers ,or remove blood clots or other blockages.This technology is based on scientific
discoveries of the electromagnetic spectrum technology.X-ray are a form of electromagnetic radiation that
send small waves through body which are absorbed in different materials on the other materials pass
Technology transforms research and potential of scientific institutions into new products and services, which
significantly increases benefits to consumers and results in a faster economy growth in the future. By
ensuring effective and synergistic relations where science meets economy taking into account the wider
effect of the so-called business environment technology focuses on implementing innovative solutions and
ensuring their market success, as well as on using their applications and distributing their effects in the
business environment.As an illustration Proportional Integral Derivative controllers are used in industrial
application technology to regulate temperature ,flow pressure speed and other process variables .PID
controller use a controllers use a control loop feedback mechanism to control process variables and most
accurate .In practical terms PID controllers applies an accurate and responsive correction to a control
function.This technology is used in the manufacturing of aviation products by companies.
The concept of science and technology in entrepreneurship is an interesting proposition that aims to limit
these shortcomings and develop innovativeness of small and medium enterprises. As part of the concept,
research and potential of scientific and research and development institutions is transformed (through the
engagement of commercial entities and institutions of business environmen into products and services
distributed on market principles and providing new values and desired benefits to clients.An illustration of a
device simulating avian incubation by keeping eggs warm at a particular temperature range and in the
correct humidity with tuning mechanism to hatch them.Also production of chicken.Poultry plucking
machines are used in the industries.The picking machines consists of banks of counter rotating stainless steel
disks or drums with rubber fingers mounted on them.The birds are conveyed through the rotating picker
fingers ,the feathers are rubbed or plucked from carcass.Continuous water sprays flush away features.
Science and technology make some discoveries used in technopreneurship.In technopreneurship science and
technology are involved as there is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the
natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.Looking at generation of
electricity which is not freely available in nature, so it must be produced that is transforming other forms of
energy to electricity so science reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering
enduring principles among elements is needed.Science discovers that electrical power generation is based on
Faraday's law of mutual electromagnetic induction in an electrical circuit moving for example rotating so
that it cuts magnetic lines of force.An electromotive force (emf) is generated that is proportional to the rate
at which unit lines of force are cut. The magnetic field is generated by direct current excitation current in a
primary circuit, produced by rectifying alternate current from a subsidiary generator geared mechanically to
the main alternator. According to Lenz's law, the direction of the current set up in the subsidiary circuit is
such that electromagnetic interaction between the two circuits tends to hinder the motion setting up the emf
in the secondary circuit.Power generation companies apply this knowledge to develop power generation
technology by using water or steam to turn blades in a turbine either turning magnetic field or conductor.. In
a broader sense, entrepreneurship is achieved as the process of transforming the status quo by solving the
most pressing problems and pain points of lack of electricity in society by introducing an innovative product
which is electrical power or service or creating new markets. Power generation companies use the process of
developing, organising, and running an electrical power business to generate profit while taking on financial
There are also discoveries in agriculture made from science and technology. Segments of DNA that code
genes for a specific characteristic can be selected and individually recombined in another organism. The new
organism is called a transgenic organism. Thus, science and technology has played a significant role in the
areas of mechanisation of agricultural production, protection of crops and animals, improvement of soil
fertility for increased crop yield, production of disease resistant varieties of crop and species of animals
Identifying substances to treat diseases.Genetic modification technology practice in assisting
technopreneurship systems in adapting to rapidly changing global growth by hastening the breeding of new
varieties. On the other hand, the development of genetic engineering has enabled more precise control over
the genomic alterations made in recent decades. Genetic changes from one species can now be introduced
into a completely unrelated species, increasing agricultural output or making certain elements easier to
manufacture. Harvest plants and soil microorganisms are just a few of the more wellknown genetically
modified creatures. Science researches assess current studies and illustrate the possibility of genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) from the perspectives of various stakeholders. Geneticaly modified organisms
increase yields, reduce costs, and reduce agriculture’s terrestrial and ecological footprint.There are also
environment discoveries .Some bacteria thrive on the chemical components of waste products. Microbes can
be induced to produce enzymes needed to convert plant and vegetable materials into building blocks for
biodegradable plastics.
Science discovers natural substances which can be used in technology. For example discovery of critical
minerals such as copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare earth elements are essential components in many of
today's rapidly growing clean energy technologies from wind turbines and electricity networks to electric
vehicles.The types of mineral resources used vary by technology. Lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese and
graphite are crucial to battery performance. Rare earth elements are essential for permanent magnets that are
used in wind turbines and electric vehicle motors. Electricity networks need a huge amount of copper and
aluminium, with copper being a cornerstone for all electricity-related technologies.Technology is developed
from these science discoveries and used in technopreneurship.
Discoveries of scientific properties of materials at the nanoscale have properties that is mechanical, optical,
chemical and electrical are quite different than the bulk materials. Compared to bulk materials, it is
demonstrated that nanoparticles possess enhanced performance properties when they are used in similar
applications. Chemical reactivity, catalytic potential and physical behavioural properties magnetic, optical
are high in nanoparticles and these can be applied in technology to create entrepreneurship. Owing to the
advantages offered by this unique manipulation, nanotechnology is adopted in a variety of different
industries. These include construction, healthcare, and energy. In the construction industry, these
technologies are used to create new materials that are durable and provide lucrative benefits such as water
resistance, corrosion protection, and even self cleaning. Another widely popular application is the
semiconductor industry, which has successfully created transistors that are now as small as three
nanometers. Healthcare is another segment that benefits from nanotechnology, as nanotubes, owing to their
small size, are effective fighters against cancer cells. These treatments involve injecting the nanotubes in the
vicinity of cancer cells, and once they are bombarded with lasers, they generate heat that ends up killing the
cancer cells. Nanoparticles are also used to bypass the blood-brain barrier due to their small size.This
application of technology can be made into businesses or enterprises.
Innovative application of scientific and technical knowledge by one or several persons who start and operate
a business and assume financial risks to achieve their vision and goals is important in technopreneurship.
Elon Musk used knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general
laws of electromagnetism especially as obtained and tested through scientific method by Nicholas Tesla.For
example knowledge application by Tesla developed the alternating current power system that provides
electricity for homes and buildings.. Power is converted from the DC battery to AC for the electric
motor.Technology is developed from the science knowledge as the accelerator pedal sends a signal to the
controller which adjusts the vehicle's speed by changing the frequency of the AC power from the inverter to
the motor. The motor connects and turns the wheels through a cog. Tesla Inc (Tesla) is an automotive and
energy company. It designs, develops, manufactures, sells, and leases electric vehicles and energy
generation and storage systems. The company produces and sells the Model Y, Model 3, Model X, Model S,
Cybertruck, Tesla Semi and Tesla Roadster vehicles.
Technology breaks the distance barrier in technopreneurship.The term technopreneurship is used to describe
entrepreneurs who combine entrepreneurial skills with technology. Econet Wireless Zimbabwe uses a
consequence of science and engineering although technology as a human activity precedes the two fields.
Signaling is one of the most important basic science principles used in telecommunications used to develop
technology by Econet.Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Limited is the largest mobile telecommunications,
technology and digital solutions company in Zimbabwe. Econet Wireless is a diversified
telecommunications group with operations in nine countries in Africa, Europe and the East Asia Pacific
Rim, offering products and services in the core areas of mobile and fixed telephony services, internet and
Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world
through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes therefore improves efficiency the creation or extraction of economic value. With this efficiency in
change, generally entailing risk beyond what is normally encountered in starting a business, which may
include other values than simply economic.This is the optimal use of services to create a well structural,
stable, routine in product in high quantities, quality and at low cost.The study of scientific vacuums led to
development of technology like vacuum cleaners and vacuum systems to milk cows .Milk production
companies use technology to milk and pack milk.From milking parlours to robots to complicated softwares.
 Science uses technology to generate knowledge and technology uses scientific knowledge to generate
solutions leading inovation which the key to adaptability in technopreneurship. It requires looking for new
technologies, ideas and methods that may improve or completely change a process routine to match the
demands of the technological world. Adaptability also involves processes based on knowledge acquired
from an earlier work done. Adaptability helps you not just to reproduce but to improve on an existing model
so as to meet needs of clients.For example In the earliest days of paper making this was done by hanging the
sheets like laundry.In morden industries technology of various forms of heating is heated drying is used.The
most common used is steam heated can dryer. Application of technology in the entrepreneurship business
allows modern paper companies to build a permanent competitive advantage, mostly through such positive
effects as increasing quality and effectiveness, limiting costs, increasing customer loyalty,
internationalization of operations of modernizing management processes and methods.
Technology simplifies tasks saving time increasing productivity and efficiencys as it delivers countless
opportunities and empowers effective optimisation of the resources to achieve high profit margins.For
example technology entrepreneurship as an interesting proposition that aims to limit shortcomings and
develop innovativeness of small and medium enterprises through the engagement of commercial entities and
institutions of business environment into products and services distributed on market principles and
providing new values and desired benefits to clients for example parts production companies of bolts nuts
and other machined partsuse bulk production machines like the lathe ,shaper and milling machines .Cutting
operations are made automatically for massive production
Aderemi et al., (2008) placed technological entrepreneurship as being desirable to make complete use of
knowledge related to science and technology presently accessible in meeting the market needs as it
ultimately will make the country more industrious and more competitive. Technology based business
ventures exploit breakthrough advances in science and engineering to develop better products and services
for customers.Nano based polymers are now used in water industries and have immense potential for water
purification as membranes,adsorbents,coagulates and modified electrode for electrochemical water
treatment.Water engineering companies use water treatment technology in reverse
osmosis(RO),ultrafiltration(UF),microfiltration and nanofiltration(NF) are the most commonly used
membranes used for water treatment process.
Technology propose that the key problem for an organization is not to assess scarce data accurately, but to
interpret an abundance of data into actionable knowledge improving collaboration in technopreneurship for
example nanotechnology allowed the textile industry to manufacture clothing with a more scientific lookout
such as fire repellent ,self cleaning and water repellent and produce products using less energy making them
sustainable.Technology is applied in artificial intelligence,internet of things ,mobile commence ,virtual and
augmented reality,3D printing producing truck covers (PVC coated PC fabrics),car trunk
covers ,airbags ,parachutes,boats inflaitable,air ballons and other products for commercial use collaborating
with other organisations.
Technology improves performance demonstrated to customers solution prototypes and tooling effective past
experience and recognition by external partners of expertise.Technology allows for multiple field expansion
in production in technopreneurship for example Advanced Actuator Technology which is the project of
creation of a new venture commercialising piezoelectric actuators. Advanced Actuator Technology which is
the project of creation of a new venture commercialising piezoelectric actuators.Companies improve
existing technology to which existing customers’ technical problems are solved. These new piezoactuators
could enter existing markets within established industries, replacing old technologies or creating new
applications.The new venture has the ability to enter the rocketing worldwide microsystems market with
major applications in the automotive, telecommunication, computer, optics and medical industries.
Technology is a broad concept that deals with a species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it
affects a species' ability to control and adapt having  flexibility in technopreneurship: This is the ability of an
organization to react to unexpected emergencies quickly while still maintaining it’s routine. It’s no longer
enough to rely solely on flexibility in order to cope with change, anticipating a change by leapfrogging
bringing to the market goods and services that meet the needs of the consumer to them even before the
consumer envisage the change.
Science and technology increases the level of digital maturity of a high tech enterprise.For example
Information technology company applied in technopreneurship that manufacture mobile phones.Mobile
phones use a microchip in the phone which is modulated or varies a radio frequency using the electrical
signal for communication throught the cell tower.
Technological innovation resolves problems mainly focused on the market and its various agents,it involves
the exchange of tacit and explicit knowledge, which facilitates learning from different approaches. .In the
earliest days of paper making was done by hanging the sheets like laundry.In morden industries technology
of various forms of heating is heated drying is used.The most common used is steam heated can dryer.
Application of technology in the entrepreneurship business allows modern paper companies to build a
permanent competitive advantage, mostly through such positive effects as increasing quality and
effectiveness, limiting costs, increasing customer loyalty, internationalisation of operations of modernising
management processes and methods.
Science and technology create a new product or come up with a solution to some problem using technology
based on the science. Technology and science among others, are important means of implementing
technopreneurship because of their potential to drive innovative entrepreneurship that delivers growth and
productive employment. Science and technology creates new firms by independent entrepreneurs and
corporations to exploit technological discoveries. Technology plays a fundamental role in enabling the
transformation of resource inputs into outputs. Innovation, by improving the efficiency with which inputs
are converted to outputs, is also an important driver of environmental performance improvement of business.
Such eco-efficiency improvements may be seen as a normal consequence of general efficiency upgrading by
business through incremental innovation, investment in new capital and improved control of processes. The
emergence of science in technology and the innovations has opened up new opportunities and challenges
into businesses in this regard, technological adoption and advancement act as channel to expand and
accelerate the businesses as well as the people. From customers’ dissatisfaction to technological innovation.
So, science and technology are the hallmarks of technopreneurship. Technological entrepreneurship is a key
source of economic and social progress.
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