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Come over here Jane and have a look at this dress.

Jane: Oh, yes! It looks lovely. Why don’t you try it on in the fitting room?
Tui: It looks like it will fit you.
Lucy: I better try it on. Last time I bought a dress it was baggy and did not fit
Tui: Let me hold the hanger while you try it on.
Lucy: Thanks, Tui.
Jane: If you need a different size just ask and I will get it for you.
Lucy: What do you think, does it look good?
Tui: Perfect! It fits you and you look very pretty in it.
Jane: I agree, it really suits you, Lucy!
Tui: Why do you want to buy a dress anyway, Lucy?
Lucy: I’m going to my brother’s 30th birthday party and I want to look my best!
Jane: There are some designer dresses over there that look nice as well.
Lucy: I think I will buy this one. Is this dress in the sale?
Tui: Yes, the label says it is 30% off.
Lucy: Great. Let’s go to pay for it, come on.
Andrew: Are you going to wear a suit, Bob?
Bob: Yes, I am. Why?
Andrew: I’m thinking what outfit I should wear to the wedding ceremony.
Bob: I think a waistcoat looks very smart for attending a wedding. Do you have
Andrew: Yes, I do. I also have a matching tie. Look, here it is.
Bob: That looks very smart. I think you should wear that outfit.
Andrew: This shirt needs cufflinks. Do you have some I can borrow?
Bob: Yes I do. Here you go.
Andrew: Thanks Bob. 
Bob: No problem. Don’t forget to wear a coat as it’s supposed to rain today.
Andrew: Yes I know. I will probably take a jumper as well. It is quite cold.
Bob: Are you taking a change of clothes for the party on the evening?
Andrew: Yes, I’ve packed some smart casual clothes for the evening.
Bob: Me, too. Are you ready to go?
Andrew: Just about ready. Thanks for your help. Let’s go to the church.
Bob: You’re welcome, Andrew. Let’s go.

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