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D: Hi Paola, good morning! How are you?

P: Hi Diego, very well and you?

D: Very good, thank you, it's nice to see you here at the art exhibition
P: Yes! There’s a lot of talent here and I like to come to these places.

D: It’s interesting to see all these paintings and learn about their history. Let's
take a walk and see what we find.

P: That's a great idea. For example, I really like this Mona Lisa painting that
was painted by Leonardo da Vinci since 1503.

D: Ohh yes! It's very cool, I’m not really into paintings, but I think this one’s
P: I understand and which one do you like?
D: I like this picture… The Thinker because it’s a sculpture by Rodin made in
1882, and it’s usually placed on a stone pedestal.
P: What is this made of?
D: It’s made of Bronze and what is The Mona Lisa made of?
P: It’s made of oil, I love this art.
D: Really? It’s fantastic.
P: I mean it. This work is very impressive. Why do you like The Thinker?
D: He work depicts a nude male figure of heroic size sitting on a rock. He pose
is one of deep thought and contemplation, and the statue is often used as an
image to represent philosophy. And why do you like The Mona Lisa?
P: Leonardo da Vinci's creation indicates serenity and, together with a
sidelong, but direct look at the viewer, shows mastery of feelings, something
that was not normally attributed to a woman back then.
D: Perfect, they have a fantastic painting. I love it
P: Yes, it’s a great collection of paintings.
D: I hope to continue attending these art exhibitions that I like.
P: Yes of course, on a next occasion we’ll meet and attend it.
D: Yes, take care, we'll be in touch. Bye! See you later.
P: Goodbye! You’ve a nice day.
Jai, mai neim is diego arley rojas gomez and am from grup i-ziro-uan jandred
fifti uan.

D: jai paola, gud morning! Jau ar iu?

P: jai diego, veri wel and iu?
D: veri gud, thenk iu, its nais tu sii iu Jair at de art exibichion
P: yes! Ders a lot of talent jiar and ai laik tu com tu dis pleices.
D: its interesting tu sii ol dis peintings and lern ebaut deir jistori. Leds teik a
wol and sii wad wi faind.
P: dads a greit aidia. For exampol, ai rili laik dis mona lisa peinting dad wos
peinted bai Leonardo da vinchi sins uan tousand faif jandred ziro thri.
D: ohh ies! Its veri kul, am not rili intu peintings, bad ai think dis uans biuriful.
P: ai anderstand and wich uan du iu laik?
D: ai laik dis pitchur… de dinker bicos its a sculptur bai rodin meid in uan
tousand eight jandred eighti tu, and its iusuali pleisd on a eston pedestal.
P: wad is dis meid of?
D: its meid of brons and wad is de mona lisa meid of?
P: its meid of oil, ai lof dis art
D: rili? Its fantastic.
P: ai men it. Dis work is veri impresif. Wai du iu laik de thinker?
D: ji work depicts a niud meil figur of heroic sais siting on a rock. Ji pous is
uan of dip thought and contempleichon, and de statu if oufen iusd as an
imach tu riprisent filosofi. And wai du iu laik de mona lisa?
P: Leonardo da vinchis crieichon indikeits serenity and, tuguether wid a
saidlong, bat direct luk at de viuwer, shows masteri of filings, somthing dad
wosent normali atributd tu a wuman bak den
D: perfect, dei jaf a fantastic peinting. Ai lof it.
P: yes, its a greit coletchion of peintings
D: ai jop tu continiu atending dis art exibichions dad ai laik.
P: yes of cors, on a next okeishon wil mit and atend it
D: Yes, teik ker, wil bi in toch. Bai! Sii iu leider.
P: gudbai! Yuf a nais dei.

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