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Mary W.

Shelley Jane Austen

1 Mary W. Shelley was born on August 30, 1797 in London.
1 Jane Austen was the daughter of a quite prosperous
Her parents were famous personalities: her mum, Mary
parson. She was born in Hampshire, England, in
Wollstonecraft, was a feminist author, while her father
1775, and she was the seventh of eight children. As
William Godwin was a philosopher. Only 11 days after her
a child, she had access to his father’s library and
5 birth, her mum died. At the age of 14, Mary was sent to
5 read voraciously. She started writing in her early
Scotland. But in 1814 she returned to her father’s London
teens and she loved entertaining her family with
home, where she met some of her father's friends. This
her stories. In 1800 her father decided to retire and
changed her life forever: her father introduced her to the the family moved to Bath, but Jane was very
young poet Percy B. Shelley. He was already married, but unhappy there. In 1809 she moved to Chawton,
10 they fell in love and ran away together. They married in 10 Hampshire, where she spent the last eight years of
Europe in 1816, but Mary’s father never forgave her for the her life. She died in 1817, at the age of 41.
scandal. It was a tragic union: Percy died six years later. Austen's novels describe in a satirical way the life
Mary wrote until her death in 1851. of the middle-classes in the early nineteenth-
She is best remembered for her novel Frankenstein, in century Britain and this is why they are called
15 which the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a mysterious 15 'novels of manners'. One of her recursive topics
and terrifying creature. In the novel, Shelley introduces was marriage (and yet she never married!) This
many philosophical topics and reflects about the power of topic is central to her most well-known novels,
science and the positive and negative effects of the Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.
environment on individuals.

Charlotte Brontë George Eliot

1 Born on April 21, 1816 in Yorkshire, England, Charlotte 1 George Eliot was born Mary Ann Evans in 1819 in
Brontë was the third daughter of Reverend Patrick Brontë England. Unusually for a girl, she was educated at school
and his wife Maria Branwell. She was sent to a boarding until the age of 16. At this time, her mother died and she
school with her two sisters -who died there due to bad was forced to return home to keep the house for her
5 sanitary conditions- and, when she grew older, she worked 5 father. Although she had received a strong religious
as a teacher. education, her interest for reading and meeting people
Charlotte used these experiences in her most famous book, with different ideas made her change her mind about
Jane Eyre. She published the novel under the name of politics and religion. She had many problems with her
'Currer Bell' because women works were considered father because of this, but she stayed with him until he
10 valueless. It is a special book because it studies the 10 died in 1849. Eliot then traveled to Geneva and to
personality, feelings and thoughts of a woman at a time in London, where she became editor of the journal 'The
which most main characters were men. In the novel, Brontë Westminster Review'. She found true love with George
reflects about social class, gender roles, education, H. Lewes, who was separated but could not divorce. In
independence and religion, among others. 1854, they chose to live together openly, and she began
15 The book was a success, but its publication was followed by 15 writing her novels using a male pseudonym to protect
tragedy: her brother Patrick and her other sisters, Emily and her privacy. Her writing ended after Lewes died in 1878.
Anne (who were also writers) died. She married Reverend Eliot wrote about rural life in England and her major
Nicholls in 1854 and died during childbirth the following works include Middlemarch, Daniel Deronda and The
year. Mill on the Floss.
Who was the daughter Who was the daughter Who received a better Who lost he mother very
of a relatively rich man? of two intellectuals? education than most girls? early in her life?

2 3 4
a. Mary Shelley (Q14) a. Mary Shelley (Q12) a. Mary Shelley (Q2) a. Mary Shelley (Q19)

b. Charlotte Brontë (Q12)
c. Jane Austen (Q.15)
d. George Eliot (Q9)
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q4)
c. Jane Austen (Q10)
d. George Eliot
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q8)
c. Jane Austen (Q11)
d. George Eliot
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q18)
c. Jane Austen (Q17)
d. George Eliot

Who was sent away from Who was a teenager when she
Who read a lot when she was a Who had 5 siblings?
home when she was a kid? started writing?
a. Mary Shelley (Q5) a. Mary Shelley (Q2)

5 6 7
a. Mary Shelley (Q3) a. Mary Shelley (Q11)
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q19)
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q10)
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q2)
c. Jane Austen (Q16)
d. George Eliot
b. Charlotte Brontë (13)
c. Jane Austen (Q14)
d. George Eliot

Who disappointed her father? Who set her novels in the Which author made fun of the Who lived more than her
countryside? traditions of the society of her sisters?

9 10 11
a. Mary Shelley (Q7) a. Mary Shelley (Q9)

a. Mary Shelley (Q17) a. Mary Shelley (Q15)
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q6) b. Charlotte Brontë (Q11) b. Charlotte Brontë (Q5) b. Charlotte Brontë (Q5)
c. Jane Austen (Q5) c. Jane Austen (Q3) c. Jane Austen (Q4) c. Jane Austen (Q10)
d. George Eliot (Q14) d. George Eliot (Q2) d. George Eliot (Q15) d. George Eliot (Q12)
Lines: Lines: Lines: Lines:

Who wrote about something According to the texts, who Which author had a job -apart What did Mary do when she
that she never experienced? wrote an innovative book? from writing? fell in love for P. Shelley?

a. She went back to London (Q7)

13 14 15 16
a. Mary Shelley (Q20) a. Mary Shelley (Q2) a. Mary Shelley (Q4)
b. She ran away because he loved his
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q12) b. Charlotte Brontë (Q20) b. George Eliot (Q.3)
wife. (Q17)
c. Jane Austen (Q17) c. Jane Austen (Q11) c. All of them (Q14) c. She went to Europe with him (Q6)
d. George Eliot (Q6) d. George Eliot (Q9) d. None of them (Q18) d. She wrote Frankenstein (Q20)
Lines: Lines: Lines: Lines:

Who stopped writing when she Who used a different name to Who died while she was giving Who discusses in her most famous
lost the love of her life? sign her novels? birth? book how society influences our

17 18 19 20
a. Mary Shelley (Q3) a. M. Shelley & C. Brontë (Q17) a. Mary Shelley (Q13) a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q2) b. J. Austen & G. Eliot (Q14) b. Charlotte Brontë (Q16) b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen (Q5) c. C. Brontë & G. Eliot (Q13) c. Jane Austen (Q18) c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot (Q8) d. All of them (Q11) d. George Eliot (Q7) d. George Eliot
Lines: Lines: Lines: Lines:
Who was the daughter Who was the daughter Who received a better Who lost he mother very
of a relatively rich man? of two intellectuals? education than most girls? early in her life?

a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen (Q.15)
d. George Eliot
a. Mary Shelley (Q12)
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot
a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot (Q9)
a. Mary Shelley (Q19)
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot
Lines: 1 -2 Lines: 2- 4 Lines: 2-3 Lines: 4- 5

Who read a lot when she Who had 5 siblings? Who was sent away from Who was a teenager when
was a child? home in her teens? she started writing?

a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen (Q18)
d. George Eliot
a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q10)
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot
a. Mary Shelley (Q11)
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot
a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen (Q14)
d. George Eliot
Lines: 4-5 Lines: 4, 16-17 Lines: 5-6: Lines: 5- 6

Who disappointed her Who set her novels in the Which author made fun of the Who lived more than her
countryside? traditions of the society of her
father? sisters?

9 10 11 12
time? a. Mary Shelley
a. Mary Shelley (Q7) a. Mary Shelley
a. Mary Shelley b. Charlotte Brontë (Q5)
b. Charlotte Brontë b. Charlotte Brontë
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen c. Jane Austen c. Jane Austen
c. Jane Austen (Q4)
d. George Eliot d. George Eliot (Q2) d. George Eliot
d. George Eliot
Lines: 11 -12 Lines: 17 Lines: 12-13 Lines: 4, 16-17:

What did Mary do when she

Who wrote about something According to the texts, who Which author had a job -
fell in love for P. Shelley?
she never experienced? wrote an innovative book? apart from writing? a. She went back to London

a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen (Q17)
d. George Eliot
a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q20)
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot
15 16
a. Mary Shelley
b. George Eliot (Q.3)
c. All of them
d. None of them
b. She ran away because he loved his
c. She went to Europe with
him (Q6)
d. She wrote Frankenstein
Lines: 15-17 Lines: 10 -11 Lines: 11-12 Lines: 10 -11

Who stopped writing when Who used a different name Who died while she was Who discusses in her most
she lost the love of her life? to sign her novels? giving birth? famous book how society

a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot (Q8)
18 19 20
a. M. Shelley & C. Brontë
b. J. Austen & G. Eliot
a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë (Q16)
c. C. Brontë & G. Eliot (Q13) c. Jane Austen
d. All of them d. George Eliot
influences our personalities?
a. Mary Shelley
b. Charlotte Brontë
c. Jane Austen
d. George Eliot
Lines: 16 Lines: Brontë: 9, Eliot: 1- 15 Lines: 18 Lines: 18-19

Cod1 15 3 9 7 11 4 19 16 6 10 2 12 5 18 13 17 8 14 20

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