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Clinical Update


Easy Calculation Evaluates

Post-LASIK Ectasia Risk
by linda roach, contributing writer
interviewing kevin m. miller, md, marcony r. santhiago, md, phd,
and george o. waring iv, md, facs

lthough few patients with System (ERSS), and CCT, the research-
normal corneal topography ers found. The mean PTA in affected
Ra t ing Ris k
develop post-LASIK ectasia, eyes (n = 30) was 45.1 percent ± 3.9.
this surprise complication This compared with a mean PTA of
remains one of the most 31.9 percent ± 5.8 in 174 control eyes
feared in laser refractive surgery, thanks that came through LASIK with no
to its potential to cause visual catastro- problems.
phe. “Ectasia is the nightmare scenario Many of the patients in the study
in refractive surgery,” said Kevin M. who developed ectasia would have
Miller, MD, at the Jules Stein Eye Insti- been considered at low risk if other
tute in Los Angeles. “We’re always on measurements (notably RSB or CCT)
the lookout for it.” had provided the sole guidance, said
Against this backdrop, refractive principal investigator Marcony R.
surgeons are reacting positively to a Santhiago, MD, PhD. But as it turned ROBUST ASSOCIATION. PTA proved to
proposed new formula—the “percent out, all of them had a high PTA. “The be the most prevalent risk factor for
tissue altered” (PTA) metric—for association is more robust than all the post-LASIK ectasia when individual
identifying at-risk eyes. variables isolated, and I use the formu- variables were investigated. All eyes
la with my patients every day,” said Dr. had normal corneal topography prior
How It Works Santhiago, at the Federal University of to LASIK.
The metric consists of an equation that Rio de Janeiro.
calculates the proportion of the cor- User friendly. Further research is it can enable surgeons to recognize
nea that will be impacted by LASIK. needed, but the early evidence suggests corneas in which the usual minimum
The surgeon adds the expected flap that calculating the PTA is a user- values for RSB and CCT values would
thickness (FT) to the planned ablation friendly way to look beyond normal not suffice. “Typically, we’ll say that
depth (AD), and then divides the sum topography and identify at-risk eyes, we want to leave a 250-µm residual
by the eye’s central corneal thickness said George O. Waring IV, MD, FACS, stromal bed and then the patient will
(CCT). Thus, percent tissue altered is at the Medical University of South be safe. Well, not really. For instance,
derived from (FT + AD) ÷ CCT. Carolina in Charleston. if you have a very thick cornea and
Critical variable. Last summer, a “PTA gives a more holistic view of you take away three-quarters of it, a
joint Brazilian-U.S. group reported the factors that seem to matter, and it 250-µm bed probably won’t be good
that a PTA of greater than 40 percent tends to be the most predictive metric enough. PTA is a better metric in a
was the most significant independent we have so far,” Dr. Waring said. “Also, case like this.”
m a r con y r . s a n t hi a go, md, phd

variable associated with post-LASIK it is very easy to calculate. You’re not

ectasia in eyes with normal-appearing having to do a lot of mathematical Considering Biomechanics
corneas before surgery.1,2 gymnastics in your head when you’re The anterior cornea’s role. Post-
PTA correlated more strongly with sitting in the lane or when you’re LASIK corneal ectasia is thought to
ectasia incidence than did the previ- counseling the patient preoperatively.” occur when the surgery reduces the
ously known risk factors, including Teasing out nuances. Dr. Miller stroma’s structural integrity to a level
patient age, residual stromal bed (RSB) said that he is “generally in agree- too low to maintain corneal shape and
thickness, the Ectasia Risk Scoring ment with the PTA concept” because curvature.1 The anterior 40 percent

e y e n e t 27
Refractive Surger y

of the cornea has significantly more percent,” Dr. Miller said. However, this
cohesive tensile strength than the pos- I n D e clin e ? does not negate the need for caution in
terior 60 percent.3 all high-PTA eyes, Dr. Santhiago said.
Reported rates of post-LASIK ectasia
Furthermore, the extent of the “The weakening predicted by a high
in eyes without identified risk factors
weakening depends not just on a single PTA does not mean ectasia will neces-
have declined in recent years:
parameter, such as RSB, but also on sarily occur, merely that these eyes
flap thickness and the depth of the re- • In 2006, Klein et al. reported eight carry increased risk. Given the elective
fractive ablation, Dr. Santhiago and his cases (1.8 percent), out of 450 LASIK nature of LASIK, it seems logical that
colleagues found. procedures.1 the balance of risk acceptance should
A combined look at risk. The PTA • In 2012, Spadea et al. reported 23 be weighted toward minimizing risk,
equation accounts for the biomechani- cases (0.57 percent), out of 4,027 especially when other procedures are
cal effects of a combination of risk eyes.2 available for refractive correction.”
factors, unlike a potentially “oversim- • In 2014, Moshirfar et al. reported
plified” approach of looking at risk on 1,992 LASIK cases with no iden-
Optimal Use of PTA
factors individually, Dr. Waring said. tified risk factors, in which ectasia
Dr. Santhiago cautioned that PTA
“In the past, risk factors have been developed in a single patient (0.05
is not a replacement for other well-
largely considered independently and percent).3
established risk assessment tools, such
with equal weight. But we know that as the ERSS. Instead, he recommends
the whole eye is a very complex, dy- 1 Klein SR et al. Cornea. 2006;25(4):
using PTA adjunctively. “The most
namic, and fluid biomechanical sys- 388-403.
important thing to remember is that
tem,” Dr. Waring said. For instance, he 2 Spadea L et al. Clin Ophthalmol. 2012;
the available tools are not mutually ex-
said, “You can have patients with thin 6:1801-1813.
clusive,” he said. “Adding PTA [to your
corneas that are strong, and you can 3 Moshirfar M et al. Clin Ophthalmol.
preoperative protocol] will increase
have patients with thick corneas that 2014;8:35-42.
the chances that you will identify the
are weak. Patients with thick corneas patients with normal topography who
can develop ectasia,” particularly if have high risk for ectasia.”
they are young and have “thick flaps numerator in the PTA ratio as a pa- For example, Dr. Santhiago’s study
and large ablations.” tient with the thin flap/large ablation found that PTA and younger age were
Dr. Santhiago agreed. “As compared combination, Dr. Waring said. “But a the top two factors associated with ec-
to specific residual stromal bed or CCT thick flap may bear a more significant tasia development in seemingly normal
values, PTA likely provides a more in- effect on the resulting biomechanics corneas. Thus, if both those factors
dividualized measure of biomechani- of the cornea than a thin flap would.” were marginal in a prospective LASIK
cal alteration because it considers the This would be particularly true in patient, caution might be in order, Dr.
relationship between thickness, tissue instances in which an older mechani- Waring advised. “We don’t want to
altered through ablation and flap cre- cal microkeratome was used. These oversimplify. But if a patient has two
ation, and ultimate residual stromal microkeratomes produce “a meniscus borderline findings—say a PTA of 30
bed thickness.” flap architecture [that is] thicker in the percent and an age of 18—he or she
periphery, where the biomechanical would likely not be a suitable LASIK
PTA’s Weaknesses properties of the cornea may be more candidate. Maybe you’ll do advanced
Despite its advantages, PTA does have adversely affected,” he said. surface ablation, depending on the
certain drawbacks. Dr. Santhiago is currently investi- other risk factors.”
No direct measurement of cor- gating the relative contribution of flap As this is a multifactorial risk-bene-
neal strength. The ideal approach to thickness and ablation depth within fit analysis, Dr. Waring said, he would
preventing post-LASIK ectasia would the PTA. Referring to research that also ask the following questions: What
be to directly measure the structural is expected to be published this year, does the topography look like? What
integrity of the preoperative cornea, he said, “We showed that the LASIK does the tomography look like? Is there
which PTA does not do, Dr. Waring flap had greater impact than ablation a family history? Is there a history of
said. “At the end of the day, PTA is still depth. However, thicker flaps alone other risk factors, such as eye rubbing?
a surrogate. It’s not a direct measure- were insufficient to create ectasia un- What do the direct biomechanical
ment.” Meanwhile, he and other re- less coupled with greater ablation measurements look like with the de-
searchers are helping to validate diag- depths—and thus high PTA values. vices that are available?
nostic technology to directly measure PTA was still a more significant factor
corneal strength. than the variables that comprise it.” What’s Ahead
Same numerator, different out- Some eyes don’t fit the model. “A ERSS update. Dr. Santhiago’s research
comes. A patient with a thick flap and few eyes do not develop ectasia despite group is currently working on a math-
a small ablation may have the same having PTA values greater than 40 ematical equation intended to screen

28 m a y 2 0 1 5
Refractive Surger y

for ectasia by combining the PTA

formula and the ERSS. Publication is
expected this year.
PTA in abnormal corneas. The
researchers are also investigating the
possible utility of the PTA equation in
corneas with suspicious topography.
“It does also appear to play a role in
eyes with abnormal topography,” Dr.
Santhiago said. However, the numeri-
cal cutoff values are significantly low- Any way you like it.
er, depending on the individual eye’s
risk profile, he said.4
Beyond PTA. Despite the utility of
the PTA metric, Dr. Miller predicted In prInt
that it will eventually decline in im-
portance, as U.S. ophthalmologists
migrate toward procedures that pre-
serve more of the cornea’s structural
“Do I think this is going to be a
big metric 10 years from now? No,
because we’re going to completely
change things. We won’t be making
flaps in the future. We’ll be doing our
refractive corrections with something
like SMILE [small-incision lenticule On yOur
extraction], which will allow us to go
a lot deeper and not have as much risk mOnItOr
of ectasia” or such problems as dry eye
and dislocated flaps, Dr. Miller said. n

1 Santhiago MR et al. Am J Ophthalmol.

2 Santhiago MR et al. J Cataract Refract Surg.
3 Randleman JB et al. Ophthalmology. 2008;
4 Santhiago MR et al. J Refract Surg. In press.

Kevin M. Miller, MD, is professor of clinical

On yOur
phOne or
ophthalmology at the Jules Stein Eye Institute
in Los Angeles. Financial disclosure: No re-
lated interests.
Marcony R. Santhiago, MD, PhD, is professor O nce dismissed as
a fringe interest in
ophthalmology, nutrition
of ophthalmology and head of cataract and gained mainstream respect
when AREDS showed its
refractive surgery at the Federal University of effect in macular
degeneration. Sample
some of the latest findings
Rio de Janeiro. Financial disclosure: Consul- from a smorgasbord of
a l f r e d t. k a m a j i a n


tant to Ziemer Ophthalmics. By AnniE StuARt, COntRiButing WRitER

36 a u g u s t 2 0 1 3

George O. Waring IV, MD, FACS, is director

of refractive surgery and assistant professor of
ophthalmology at the Medical University of
South Carolina in Charleston and adjunct as-
sistant professor of bioengineering at Clemson
University in Clemson, S.C. Financial disclo-
sure: No related interests.

e y e n e t 29

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