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As in all topics, it is difficult to predict for which rights will women be fighting for in the next 20 years. In
most countries, women are currently fighting for equal salaries, since in some companies women are
earning less money than men for doing the exact same job. Although I think that most of nowadays
society is conscious about the fact that women and men are equal and should have equal rights, I do
also think that the current fight of women will last some years more, minimum a decade more.
However, I strongly believe that if we all fight together, we will be changing these, and women will
finally get equal salaries. After getting this right, I do not think there will be anymore differences,
because most of the world population will be conscious about gender equality. However, I sadly believe
this will only be in occidental countries and countries whose current situation is like the US’ and other
European countries’ one, and that women in poor countries will still need to spend much more years to
gain the same rights as women in the US and occidental countries, I mean, the women in these poor and
discriminative countries will be fighting for rights that women in occidental countries have earned years

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