Last Month I and My Friend Were at Warszawianka Hotel

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Last month I and my friend were at Warszawianka hotel, we had a lovely time there.

We decided to do towed tubing, as we were towing through the water being pulled by a speed boat.

At one point we reached 80 Km/h, and my friend’s dad decided to slow down because another boat was
passing by. That made our tube start to sink although we were still moving at about 20 km/h but under
the water. I was still holding on while my friend decided to let go and got propelled into the air and fell
back down to the water, while I was holding on for my life my friend’s dad started again to accelerate
and it became even harder to hold on because of resistance of the water until finally I managed to
emerge from the water whilst still holding on to the tube.

This was one of the scariest moments of my life, but I was glad that it ended well.

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