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People tend to say that school do not prepares their students for real life.

However others think

school is essential for anybody.
On the one hand some students think that the content of lessons is useless due to the fact that it is
outdated. Moreover people against school claim subjects or contents more usefully such as driving,
how to get job, how to react in an interview.
On the other hand is social relationships. This is one of the best legacy of school. An environment with
people of the same age, force them to make friends and to talk and discuss between them, which
produce communicative skills.
Another consideration is discipline. Go to school involve a timetable and it is really similar to a work
timetable. Furthermore at school students have homework which implies work at home and personal
To sum up, in mi opinion school prepare students for real life and is really important. Even with some
outdated content.

Words: 162

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