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DNA sequencing is a process to ultimately give you a readout of your unique code,

which is not only vital to your health, but also can help you to understand your own
strengths and weaknesses and make you aware of major health risks. With the power of
DNA sequencing, a person can have their entire genome sequenced, which can be
particularly helpful in uncovering any risk of disease, especially in case of children. A
child’s DNA can be sequenced as early as 9 months, which enables doctors to identify
any risk of genetic diseases that may be passed on by the parents.

 Aside from its use in medicine, DNA is an essential forensic tool for locating missing
persons' remains, identifying criminals, and determining a child's biological parents. This
is because each person's DNA is unique. Additionally, DNA is used in agriculture to
benefit plants because it increases the efficiency of nitrogen fixation by copying
bacterial genes and introducing them into plant cells.

Researchers are also experimenting with the use of DNA in solar panels, as it might be
possible to coat the panels with photosynthetic bacteria to increase their efficiency. DNA
is essential in all living things, and it has many uses beyond those listed here. As
research and technology continue to advance, the ways in which we use DNA will
undoubtedly expand as well. With any luck, we will soon discover even more uses for
this fascinating molecule.

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