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R e s i d e n t s ’ S e c t i o n • P hy s i c s M i n i m o d u l e

Huda and Abrahams

Resolution on Radiographs

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Physics Minimodule
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X-Ray-Based Medical Imaging and

inRadiology Resolution
Walter Huda1

he purpose of most radiologic im- (kilovoltage and tube current–exposure time
R. Brad Abrahams 2 aging examinations is to either product). In this article, we describe the es-
identify abnormalities in a patient sential characteristics of spatial resolution.
Huda W, Abrahams RB or to classify a patient as being Factors that influence spatial resolution, as
healthy while minimizing radiation exposure well as performance of x-ray-based medical
[1]. To achieve these goals, it is of obvious im- imaging modalities, are described [4–7].
portance to ensure that the radiologic image
quality is sufficient for a given imaging task. What Is Resolution?
Medical image quality is normally character- Blur and Sharpness
ized in terms of contrast, noise, and spatial Most radiologists have an intuitive sense
resolution. The achieved quality for any im- of what constitutes poor resolution and can
age will depend on both the intrinsic proper- easily recognize a blurred image. Resolu-
ties of the imaging system and the manner in tion, however, is sometimes taken to mean
which the images were obtained, including the ability to see objects so that when lesions
the choices of image acquisition tube voltage are seen, then the resolution must be good.
(kilovoltage) and output (tube current–expo- Such statements are incorrect, as illustrated
sure time product). by considering a single-cell molecule labeled
To be detectable, a lesion must transmit a with a radionuclide and imaged with a PET
different x-ray beam intensity compared to system. The activity will be seen, but the blur
the surrounding normal tissues. The differ- associated with this point source will be sev-
ence in x-ray beam intensity through a lesion eral millimeters, resulting in a blurry image
relative to the normal background is called with poor resolution.
subject contrast. The appearance of this sub- This example can be expanded to illus-
ject contrast in the resultant image is called trate what imaging scientists mean regard-
Keywords: focal blur, image quality, motion blur, image contrast. Noise has both random and ing spatial resolution performance. For two
radiographic imaging, receptor blur, resolution structural components, with the latter being nearby cells with radioactively labeled DNA
fixed for a given patient, such as ribs in chest in their nuclei, a system that can resolve
radiographs. The random noise in virtual- these two entities would show two hot spots
Received May 9, 2014; accepted after revision ly all radiographic imaging is due to quan- as distinct entities (Fig. 1, upper panel). A
May 30, 2014. tum mottle, which can be reduced by using PET system would show only one very large
more x-ray photons to create the image, but blurred object, and the activity in cell one
Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, which will also increase the patient dose [2]. would not be resolved from the activity de-
Medical University of South Carolina, 96 Jonathan Lucas
Contrast and noise are directly related to the picted in the nearby cell two (Fig. 1, lower
St, MSC 23, Charleston, SC 29425-3230. Address
correspondence to W. Huda (walterhuda@hotmail.com). choice of radiographic techniques, namely panel). A system with good resolution per-
x-ray tube voltage (kilovoltage) and output mits the detection (and characterization) of
Department of Radiology and Imaging, Georgia Regents (tube current–exposure time product) [3]. two small features, such as microcalcifica-
University, Augusta GA. The amount of blur, or unsharpness, af- tions in mammograms, even when they are
fects the appearance of both normal anat- physically close to each other.
This is a web exclusive article. omy and pathologic abnormalities. Spatial There are several terms used to describe
resolution is the technical term used to re- spatial resolution in imaging. Blur and sharp-
AJR 2015; 204:W393–W397 fer to the amount of blur in an image. Spatial ness are good descriptors that are universal-
resolution performance is an intrinsic prop- ly understood, and they simply mean that
erty of an imaging system that is generally a sharp edge will also appear as sharp (not
© American Roentgen Ray Society independent of the selected technique factors blurred) in an image obtained with a system

AJR:204, April 2015 W393

Huda and Abrahams

Fig. 2—Illustration on
left depicts radiographic
image being generated
of narrow line of x-rays,
such as might result when
x-ray passes through long
narrow slit in sheet of lead.
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Upper right panel shows

broadened (blurred) line
in radiographic image;
lower right panel shows
line profile through
radiographic image,
showing line spread
function (LSF) and
measured broadening as
full width half maximum
(FWHM) and full
width tenth maximum
(FWTM). (Illustration by
Abrahams RB)
Fig. 1—Objects are depicted on left, and resultant
images are shown on right. Top panel shows that
two objects that are separated far apart result in
2). The amount of blur can be measured as the spatial frequency, the image of the bars and
two (blurred) lesions in image. Bottom panel shows full width half maximum, which for a line is gaps blends into a uniform gray. At this point,
that, when these two objects move closer together, the physical distance in millimeters between there is zero modulation in the image, and ad-
image shows one blurry object, and lesions are not the two points where the line intensity has jacent bars cannot be differentiated (Fig. 3).
resolved. (Illustration by Abrahams RB)
been reduce to half of the central (maximum)
that has good resolution performance. Oth- value. Different measures of the spread in the Line Pair Phantoms and Pixel Size
er terms that may be used include resolution, image are also possible, such as the full width A line pair phantom contains strips of lead,
high-contrast resolution, unsharpness, and tenth maximum, where the value of full width with gaps of the same size as the lead. When
detail visibility. tenth maximum is obviously greater than the the lead (and gap) are 0.5 mm, we can fit one
full width half maximum (Fig. 2). The advan- line pair into 1 mm and call this a spatial fre-
Measuring Resolution tage of these measures is that they are intuitive quency of one line pair per millimeter. High
Imaging scientists consider the spatial reso- and provide a quantitative sense of the amount spatial frequencies correspond to small ob-
lution performance to be an intrinsic charac- of blur in a given imaging system. jects and vice versa. When a line pair phan-
teristic property of an imaging system. In gen- A modulation transfer function curve can tom is imaged, the large objects are readily
eral, resolution cannot be evaluated by looking be estimated by looking at the images ob- resolved from each other because there is a
at line pair phantoms because the visibility tained at differing spatial frequencies, as de- large gap between adjacent lines (Fig. 3). As
(detectability) in phantoms depends on the picted in Figure 3. For low spatial frequen- the spatial frequency increases, however, the
amount of noise in the image. It is only when cies, corresponding to very large bars and lines start to blur into each other and the lim-
noise is somehow made negligible that one is gaps, the region behind the lead will be pure iting spatial resolution occurs when distinct
left with the intrinsic blur associated with a white and the region in the gap between the lines are no longer visible (Fig. 3). When the
given imaging system. Two common ways of bars will be pure black. The difference be- images are obtained at high exposures so that
assessing the intrinsic resolution properties of tween the lead and gap regions is called mod- noise is negligible, this spatial frequency is
an imaging system are the line spread function ulation and is essentially close to 100% (black known as the limiting spatial frequency and is
and the modulation transfer function. vs white) at the lowest spatial frequencies. expressed in line pairs per millimeter.
A line spread function is measured using This modulation is always reduced as spatial The use of large pixels would clearly re-
an image obtained of a narrow line, which is frequencies increase because of the blurring duce the limiting spatial resolution perfor-
simply a blurred version of the initial line (Fig. effects of an imaging system. At some high mance. In general, however, the use of small-

Fig. 3—On left is bar pattern that ranges from low

spatial frequencies (largest objects) to high spatial
frequencies (smallest objects), but all have 100%
modulation defined as difference in intensity (black
vs white). On right is resultant image showing how
image blur reduces modulation from close to 100% for
large objects to 0% modulation at spatial frequency
corresponding to limiting spatial resolution.
(Illustration by Abrahams RB)

W394 AJR:204, April 2015

Resolution on Radiographs

er pixels is not expected to improve spatial Fig. 4—Relationship

resolution performance. The reason for this is between size of focal
spot and amount
that there are intrinsic sources of blur in the of blur in resultant
imaging chain, such as the size of the focal image in magnification
spot, that cannot be overcome by making pix- mammography. Use
of a large focal spot
els smaller. Vendors of imaging systems will
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(top) results in a much

make the pixels as small as they need to be, blurrier image than small
and pixel size is not further reduced when in- focal spot (bottom).
trinsic factors become the determinant factors This is especially true
for magnified images
of achievable image sharpness. depicted in this graphic,
illustrating importance
What Affects Resolution? of small focal spot when
geometric magnification
Focal Spot (twofold) is being
The size of the focal spot affects the used. (Illustration by
amount of focal spot blur in all radiologic Abrahams RB)
imaging, as depicted in Figure 4 [8–10]. In
radiography, fluoroscopy, and CT, the x-ray
tube normally has two focal spot sizes, with
nominal sizes of 0.6 and 1.2 mm. When the be voluntary or involuntary. Examples of in- β-blockers can be prescribed to reduce the
large focal spot is used, the total power load- voluntary motion include cardiac motion and heart rate [14]. Sedation can be used when im-
ing that may be used is 100 kW, whereas the peristalsis. The amount of motion blur is also aging newborns and young infants [15].
small focal spot can only tolerate 25 kW. The directly proportional to the exposure time of
use of small focal spots will thus generally any radiographic examination. Motion blur Receptor Size
result in longer exposures, which, in turn, in- can be estimated by multiplication of the speed Scintillators used in radiology include ce-
crease the likelihood of motion blur (see dis- of any motion by the corresponding exposure sium iodide used in flat-panel detectors and
cussion later in this article). time. When increasing x-ray tube output, the image intensifiers and gadolinium oxysulfide
In mammography, the x-ray tube normal- x-ray tube currents should be increased when in mammographic screens. When x-rays are
ly also has two focal spot sizes, with nomi- this is technically feasible, so that exposure absorbed by any scintillator, approximate-
nal sizes of 0.1 and 0.3 mm. The maximum times are kept as short as possible. ly 10% of the absorbed energy is converted
tube current with the small focal spot is only Chest radiographic imaging has very short into light, which spreads out when traveling
25 mA but can be four times higher with the exposure times, of the order of milliseconds, to the light detector, as depicted in Figure 5
large focal spot. As with radiography, the use which is easy to achieve as the chest is not dif- [16]. This spreading of light between the x-
of a small focal spot is generally associated ficult to penetrate and only low x-ray tube out- ray interaction and the corresponding light
with much longer exposures and the associ- puts (≈ 1 mAs) are used. In abdominal imag- detector (film or a digital equivalent) may
ated problems of motion blur. ing, exposure times must be increased to tens result in significant image blur. Although a
In mammography, geometric magnification of milliseconds to ensure that enough radia- columnlike structure can be used to reduce
is used to investigate suspicious regions, which tion is incident on the image receptor, which is diffusion of light, detector blur is nonethe-
is achieved by moving the compressed breast achieved by use of much higher intensities (≈ less present in all scintillators. The amount
closer to the x-ray tube (Fig. 4). In intervention- 20 mAs). The longest exposures are generally of blur is directly related to the scintillator
al neuroradiology, the visibility of very small encountered in mammography, where a typi- thickness as depicted in Figure 5.
blood vessels can be improved through the use cal exposure time is approximately 500 ms or In photoconductors, charge created after a
of geometric magnification. In both of these more and up to a factor of 3 higher when per- photoelectric or Compton interaction is collect-
cases, the use of geometric magnification will forming magnification mammography [11]. ed directly by the application of an electric field
always require the use of smaller focal spots to There are a number of practical steps that [17]. Because low-energy electrons do not trav-
minimize focal spot blur. may be taken to minimize patient motion. Im- el very far, there will be very little blur (Fig.
mobilization devices include head supports 6). Consequently, photoconductors are expect-
Motion in CT and compression paddles in mam- ed to have excellent resolution performance
The amount of motion blur is directly re- mography [12, 13]. Patients can be asked to and are attractive for use in digital mammog-
lated to the speed of any motion, which may hold their breath and stay still. In cardiac CT, raphy, where good resolution performance is

Fig. 5—For scintillators that absorb x-rays and produce light, amount of image
blur is directly related to thickness of scintillator (1 mm [left] vs 0.5 mm [right]).
Thickness of scintillator can be taken to be comparable to blur introduced into
resultant image. (Illustration by Abrahams RB)

AJR:204, April 2015 W395

Huda and Abrahams
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Fig. 6—Illustration of photoconductor shows Fig. 7—Photostimulable phosphor shows scattering of incident read-out narrow light beam (left) and
that charge (electrons) generated by incident emission of stimulated light from pixel of interest (right), as well as adjacent pixels, which increase image blur.
photons have minimal divergence when collected (Illustration by Abrahams RB)
by application of voltage across photoconductor.
(Illustration by Abrahams RB)

essential. By contrast, in computed radiogra- fore be obtained using smaller cassettes. The mance. With a standard 500-line television
phy, light beams are used to release the energy limiting resolution of a typical film-screen system, the nominal limiting fluoroscopy
stored in an exposed photostimulable phosphor. system used for chest radiography was about spatial resolution performance is about one
As shown in Figure 7, there will be scattering of six line pairs per millimeter, or a factor of 2 line pair per millimeter. Flat-panel detec-
the incident light, which will result in increased better than a typical digital chest radiograph- tors with a pixel size of 175 μm can achieve
image blur because of the release of light from ic imaging system. a limiting resolution of three line pairs per
adjacent pixels. For this reason, there is a limit In digital mammography, the pixel size millimeter. When these are used for per-
to the thickness of any photostimulable phos- typically ranges between 50 and 100 μm, so forming fluoroscopy, binning four pixels into
phor. When thin detectors are used, this in- that the corresponding limiting spatial reso- one large pixel is common for larger FOVs,
creases patient doses because of the reduction lution ranges between 10 and five line pairs which results in a limiting resolution of 1.5
in x-ray absorption in thinner detectors. per millimeter. A common pixel size of 70 μm line pairs per millimeter.
In fluoroscopy, the number of television corresponds to a limiting resolution of close Digital photospot images using an image
lines determines the nominal width of each to seven line pairs per millimeter. The total intensifier–based imaging chain are general-
line and thereby affects the achievable spa- number of pixels in a digital mammogram is ly obtained using a high-quality (1000 line)
tial resolution performance. When the num- about 12 million, assuming a 3000 × 4000 television system. For a 25-cm FOV, the re-
ber of television lines increases from 500 to matrix size. Most mammography worksta- sultant pixel size is 250 μm, and the corre-
1000, the limiting resolution performance tions are capable of displaying up to 5 million sponding limiting resolution will be about
will also improve by a factor of 2. In CT, it is pixels, so that seeing all the available detail in two line pairs per millimeter. Commercial
the physical size of each detector (length and a digital mammogram will require the use of 2000-line television systems are available,
width) that is directly related to the achiev- image zoom capabilities [19]. but the benefits of providing improved spa-
able spatial resolution performance [18]. Film-screen mammography typically tial resolution performance were not deemed
When corrected for image magnification, the achieved a limiting spatial resolution of 15 to be worthwhile. For flat-panel detectors,
nominal detector dimension in both direc- line pairs per millimeter, which is a factor spatial resolution for digital photospot im-
tions on a CT scanner may be taken to be a of 2 better than digital mammography. This ages is identical to that for radiographs ob-
nominal 0.5 mm or so. example illustrates that the benefits of digi- tained with these detectors—namely, three
tal mammography relate to image processing line pairs per millimeter.
Resolution Performance in rather than any resolution issue per se. Mam-
Radiographic Imaging mography film-screen systems are superior to CT
Radiography and Mammography the capabilities of the human visual system, In a head CT scan, the FOV is 250 mm,
Digital radiographs generally have a ma- which is about five line pairs per millimeter at the matrix size is 512 × 512 and the pixel
trix size of 2000 × 2500. For a 35 × 43-cm a 25-cm viewing distance [19]. This explains size is 0.5 mm. The best achievable resolu-
cassette, this digital matrix corresponds to a why mammographers in the days of film al- tion for this FOV and matrix size is thus one
pixel size of 175 μm and a limiting resolution ways had a magnifying glass in their hands for line pair per millimeter. Increasing the FOV
of three line pairs per millimeter. For a 20 × viewing mammograms on viewboxes. to 500 mm for a large patient doubles the pix-
24-cm cassette, the pixel size would be 100 el size (1 mm) and halves the limiting spa-
μm, and the limiting resolution would be five Fluoroscopy and Digital Photospot tial resolution performance (i.e., 0.5 line pair
line pairs per millimeter. Extremity radio- Fluoroscopy can be performed with image per millimeter). Spatial resolution in CT is
graphs, where good resolution is important intensifiers or flat-panel detectors and does thus an order of magnitude worse than film-
for detecting hairline fractures, should there- not generally require high-resolution perfor- screen combination and four times worse

W396 AJR:204, April 2015

Resolution on Radiographs

TABLE 1: Representative Values of Limiting Resolution Performances for Digital Imaging Systems
Limiting Resolution,
Line Pairs per
Imaging System Millimeter Comments
CT ≈ 0.7 Improved by zoom reconstruction of the central region of acquired image
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Fluoroscopy ≈1 Improved by the use of electron magnification modes, as well as high-quality television
systems (1000 line)
Digital subtraction angiography or photospot ≈2 Improved by the use of electronic magnification modes of image intensifiers (e.g.,
magnification 1 or 2)
Radiography ≈3 Improved performance can be achieved by the use of smaller cassette sizes (5 line pairs
per millimeter for 20 × 25 cm)
Mammography ≈7 Use of smaller (50 μm) pixels would improve resolution, whereas large pixels (100 μm)
would degrade resolution

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AJR:204, April 2015 W397

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