English 7

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English 7

Quarter 4-Module 2
Competency: Employ a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal communication
(interview, dialog, conversation)

What is interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is the process of people exchanging ideas, information, feelings and intent
through messages and signals. It consists of any exchanges between people – this can be face-to-face but
can also exist online or over the phone. The messages people get across to each other can be verbal and
nonverbal – we communicate not only through what we say but also through things like body language,
tone of voice, facial expressions and gestures.

 Interview
An interview is a formal or structured conversation between two or more individuals, typically
conducted to gather information, assess qualifications, or evaluate someone's suitability for a particular
role or purpose.


Interviewer: "Tell me about your previous work experience and how it relates to this position."
Interviewee: "I have five years of experience in project management, where I successfully led cross-
functional teams and delivered projects within budget and on time."

 Dialogue
A dialogue is a conversation between two or more people, often involving an exchange of ideas,
opinions, or information. Dialogues can be casual, formal, or fictional, and they can take place in various


Person A: "What are your plans for the weekend?"

Person B: "I'm thinking of going hiking with some friends. How about you?"
Person A: "I'm planning to catch up on some reading and relax at home."

 Conversation
A conversation refers to an informal exchange of thoughts, ideas, or experiences between two or more
people. It is a general term that encompasses a wide range of interactions, from casual chit-chat to deep


Person A: "Did you watch the latest episode of that TV show?"

Person B: "Yes, I did. It was intense! The plot took an unexpected turn."
Person A: "I agree! The writers really know how to keep us hooked."
Directions: Identify the situations below if they can be described as INTERPERSONAL
COMMUNICATION. Put a check mark ( ) on the space before the number if it is
Interpersonal Communication and mark X if it is not.
____1. Having a one-on-one conversation with a friend about personal matters.
____2. Watching a movie alone.
____3. Texting a family member to discuss dinner plans.
____4.Reading a book silently.
____5.Posting a status update on social media.
____6.Participating in a group discussion at school.
____7. Listening to a podcast.
____8.Talking to a store cashier while making a purchase.
____9.Writing a diary entry.
____10.Skyping with a relative who lives in another country.
____11.Watching a live theater performance.
____12.Sending an email to a coworker to discuss a project.
____13.Playing a video game online with friends.
____14.Attending a lecture in a large auditorium.
____15.Leaving a voicemail message for a colleague.
____16.Listening to a recorded music album.
____17.Having a phone conversation with a customer service representative.
____18.Reading a newspaper article.
____19.Engaging in a face-to-face debate with a classmate.
____20.Sending a direct message on social media to a friend.

Activity # 1-B
Directions: Identify if the following items are DIALOGUE,INTERVIEW or CONVERSATION.Write
your answers on the space provided before the number.

___________1. Two friends discussing their weekend plans.

___________2. A journalist asking a politician questions about their policies.
___________3.A group of coworkers brainstorming ideas for a project.
___________4.A talk show host discussing current events with a panel of experts.
___________5. Two actors rehearsing their lines for a play.
___________6.A customer asking a salesperson about the features of a product.
___________7.A radio host chatting with a celebrity guest about their new movie.
___________8.Two strangers exchanging pleasantries at a social event.
___________9.A teacher and a student discussing a homework assignment.
___________10.A podcast host engaging in a deep conversation with a renowned author.
This activity is patterned from Boy Abunda’s Fast Talk segment where he asks questions to his
guests (interviewees) in a short span of 2 minutes.
Directions: Please find a partner and take on the role of Boy Abunda, the interviewer. Prepare a
list of 20 questions for your partner to answer in a Fast Talk style. Conduct the interview
verbally and allow your partner to answer as many questions as possible within a one-minute
timeframe. Record the interview through a video.A video file will be sent to your teacher for

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