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Lipote (Syzgium polycephaloides ) Shintaro Leona

Lipote is an evergreen fruit-bearing tree

belonging to the family of Myrtaceae and it’s
indigenous to the Philippines. It’s known by
many other local names besides lipote, as
Bahag, Baligang or Igot.

Origin: Philippines

Leaves- ernate, oblong-lanceolate leaves

Flower- white flowers
Fruit-are in compact clusters of fifty or more
fruits in each one. They are red to dark purple,
small and round (1-2.5 cm diameter)

By product
 Wine
 Juice
 Jam

Lipote seeds are propagated through seeds or
through grafting and seeds will come into
bearing in 4-5 years

Health Benefit
Lipote was reported to have medicinal
properties. For that reason, local folks use it
to cure diabetes, high blood pressure and high
cholesterol. The Ifugaos also use the fruit for
treating coughs.

Producer in the Philippines

Lipote is now rarely found in its natural

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