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Name:____________________________________ Grade & Sec: __________________ Score:___________

School:___________________________________ Teacher:______________________ Subject: SCIENCE 8

LAS Writer : Louilla C. Defiño, Roselyn C. Benitez, and RJ Anne L. Feliciano
Evaluators : Retchie Joy G. Pisaña, Emma T. Surita, Lily Rose Y. Rafaila,
Michael Dave M. Nalagon,Christine Joy B. Sua, Blessy Mae M. Cabayao
Lesson Topic: Particle arrangement of matter (Quarter 3, Week 1, LAS 3)
Learning Targets: 1. Recall the different state of matter; and
2. Illustrate the arrangement of particles of the different states.
Kinetic Theory - an Introduction. Available at: Accessed
March 10, 2021.

The three states of matter are: Solid, Liquid, and Gas. They are made up of microscopic particles, but
the behaviors of these particles differ from each other.
Solid has definite shape and volume because the particles are tightly packed together in a fixed
position. The particles cannot move around. They are held together by strong attraction. In solid, the particles
pack together as tightly as possible in a neat and ordered arrangement. The particles are held together too
strong to allow movement from place to place but the particles do vibrate about their position in the structure
table salt crystals are hard and have a fixed shape.
Liquid have an indefinite shape and a definite volume. Particles of liquid are closed together with no
regular arrangement. Vibrate, move about and slide past each other. In the liquid state, particles do not have
fixed position. They move about freely. Orange juice is an example of liquid state of matter which can be
poured out because the forces of attraction between the particles are quite strong but not as strong as in
Gas has an indefinite shape and volume. Its particles are well separated with no regular arrangement.
Vibrate and move all around while bumping to each other in high speed. Gases do not have a fixed shape.
Think about the balloon, the gas fills the entire space inside the balloon. You can squeeze the balloon
changing the shape. Gases fill the space available to them. The particles in a gas possess a lot of energy. The
forces between particles are very weak.



ACTIVITY: Party-Cles!
Direction: Complete the table below. The first one is done for you. It will serve as your guide.


Arrangement Of Closely packed in a Loosely arrangement, but No particular

Particles regular arrangement still close together arrangement

Movement Of Particles

Forces Of Particles

Space Between

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