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Senior Project Reflection

Going through the process of Senior Project taught me a lot about dedication. Not only

that, but I have learned so much more about my target interest than I ever thought I would. I

wanted to take a deep dive into fashion history, and this project provided me with the opportunity

to do so. Though challenging, I truly feel that it has helped me grow in terms of knowledge and

the ability to learn and apply. Through this process I worked a lot to find the best sources of

information, spending hours upon hours reading and selecting. I also had to figure out how to

convey the information I was learning in a way that would be of benefit to the others around me.

Typically with school projects, I never feel that they have a resounding impact. But watching all

my peers discuss their projects and the ways that they have contributed to the community has

truly made me feel accomplished and proud of my class. If there was something I could do

differently, I wish I had more time to go more in depth with concepts that intrigued me. I also

wish I could have interviewed more people on the topic as I sincerely find it fascinating. Though

I was very grateful for the opportunity to volunteer at a thrift store, If I could redo it, I wish I

could have come up with my own creative way of giving back to the community. All in all, my

project has reinforced the impact and power that fashion holds in shaping our nation. From being

a reflection of great social change to being a vessel for one’s voice, fashion has helped shape

every decade of our nation’s transformation into the vibrant country it is today.

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