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= \ Jet: Michelle, Tomes) Antonio, Nick, Galilea ntegan Q ACTIVITY Qe WORK AS A TEAM I. Many countries are famous for a type of food or a special dish. Match the dishes (1-6) with the countries (a—-f). 1 Pizza ‘a England 2 Ceviche. — ——b Indonesia 3 Satay. < ——ePeru 4 Kabsa— d Poland 5 Pierogi- —-elndia 6 Curry, ——f-\™ Saudi Arabia 7 Fish & chips — \.g Italy IL. Write C for countable and U for uncountable. Biscuit__( Tea__U Bread___€ Onion __C Cheese__© Salt__U Apple _C Wine __U Meat u Rice Sugar U. Milk Ww Burger c Tomato__C Oil v Butter Vv Juice ta Carrot ic Eggs t Water \ III. Use a/ an or some and write C for countable or U for uncountable. Some__money__U. Some __ coffee _w Sore _ponds__¢ A cake A cup of tea__\ An eges__C Sore sugar An orange _C A bar of chocolate__¢ a bunch of grapes __C Some rice __U Some coins _U ‘Teacher Eliezer C. Sc Escaneado con CamScanner TV. Choose the correct options to complete the conversation about a Thai dish called satay. A: I'd like to make satay this evening. What do you think? B: Sounds good. A: OK, well, we need 1 any / ome) chicken, Can you buy 2(aY some kilo when you go to the supermarket? B: Sure. A: And we need 3 a /(an)onion. B: There are 4 any / om onions in the cupboard. Can we have salad with it? Good idea. Do we have everything we need? B: [ think so. Oh no, we need 5 Gom tomatoes AA: And I'd like 6 8 (Gome)plive oil as well. There isn’t 7/an})/ some left. € B: OK. So, need 8 any (some chicken, tomatoes and olive oil. Anything else? V. Complete the text about mint tea with these food verbs. Mixes Make Tastes | Pour | Put VI. Complete the sentenc 1__How many sandwiches are there? 2 How many carrots are there in the fridge? 3,__ Yow mudh pasta is there? This photo is from Morocco. Moroccans |_Mo¢ a hot day, it 2 4a te a lot of mint tea. On delicious! You need a tall glass with a lot of mint leaves. Also, you need to 3_gu} some sugar in the glass. Boil some water and 4_g9ur it slowly into the glass. Wait for five minutes so the sugar 5_enixes with the mint. Then drink! with How much or How many. 6 How are there? Many bottles of water a ow vay salad is there in the bowl? 8 How many apple pies are there? Teacher Eliezer C. Soto a Escaneado con CamScanner 4.__How much salt is there? sh Yow much _ chocolate is there in the cupboard? 9.__tlow many _____jars of jam are there? 10.___ow mayen ham is there in the fridge? VII. Look at the picture and decide if each statement is true or false. T. There are seven people in the picture. TRUE / FALSE 6. There is a small chair in front of the coffee table. (RUE) FALSE 2. There is a cat on a chair. TRUE / FALS 7. There aren’tany children in the living room. TRUE /fALSE) 3, There is a woman standing behind a sofa. (rue FALSE 8. There are some flowers in front of a man. Tur FALSD 4, There aren't any cups on the table. TRUE / 9. There is a fan in the picture. TRUE(FALS) | 5: There are some books under the coffee table, TR UE) FALSE 1 ‘There is a small dog next to a chair. TRUE / Teacher Eliezer C. Soto Hi Escaneado con CamScanner a VIL. Write ‘Questions. Use How much or How many. Ex. How much 1 ‘ wee jee is there? There isnt any juice. 2 There are a lot of eggs. 2 a 2 There is a packet of pasta. 3 OORT, to auc there? There aren’t any tomatoes. ex¢__? There are two burgers. — ad 1S there? There are three slices of bread. 6 How waych mux ig theye —_? There is a lot of milk. 7 och vice is there? There is a bowl of rice. Fill the gaps with how much or how many. many potatoes are there? butter is there? How much pizza is there? honey is there? bottles of milk are there? How any strawberries are there? How much meat is there? How _ynany peaches are there? y How mach ham is there? 10 ow) io i ices of bre Escaneado con CamScanner

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