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Jaicysbel Rosas.

Prof: Mario Hutchings

Discurso oral

The situation between Russia and Ukraine

Vladimir Putin ordered on February 24 to attack around the Donbas region.

The Russian president defended through a message with which he opened the
hostilities against Ukraine that the clashes between the Ukrainian and Russian
forces are "inevitable" and "only a matter of time". "The expansion of NATO
and the military development of the territory of Ukraine by the Alliance is
unacceptable for Russia," the head of the Kremlin justified then. Russian
troops have attacked several regions of the country since that day, including
the capital of kyiv, in a war with an uncertain end.
The recent movements awaken the specter of the Cold War. The background
to this crisis is Russia's refusal to accept the rapprochement of NATO and the
European Union to the former Soviet republic, which Moscow considers part
of its identity and its space of influence, and whose control it deems vital for
its security. Putin believes that both countries make up "one people."

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