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Received: 24 January 2022    Accepted: 16 February 2022

DOI: 10.1111/bpa.13062


Classification of adult-­type diffuse gliomas: Impact of the World

Health Organization 2021 update

Benjamin T. Whitfield  | Jason T. Huse

Departments of Pathology and

Translational Molecular Pathology, Abstract
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, Texas, USA Over the last decade, developments in molecular profiling have radically altered
the diagnosis, classification, and management of numerous cancer types, with
Jason T. Huse, Departments of Pathology primary brain tumors being no exception. Although historically brain tumors
and Translational Molecular Pathology,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer have been classified based on their morphological characteristics, recent
Center, 2130 W Holcombe Blvd, LSP9.4009, advances have allowed refinement of tumor classification based on molecular
Unit 2951, Houston, TX 77030, USA.
Email: jhuse@mdanderson.org alterations. This shift toward molecular classification of primary brain tumors
is reflected in the 2021 5th edition of the WHO classification of central nervous
system tumors (WHO 2021). In this review, we will discuss the most recent
updates to the classification of adult-­type diffuse gliomas, a group of highly
infiltrative and largely incurable CNS malignancies. It is our hope continued
that refinement of molecular criteria will improve diagnosis, prognostication,
and eventually treatment of these devastating tumors.

astrocytoma, glioblastoma, glioma, IDH, oligodendroglioma

1   | I N T RODUC T ION entities and better predict clinical behavior [2–­4]. Beyond
this, it is expected that as therapeutic toolkits expand,
Adult-­type diffuse gliomas are the most common malig- molecular—­rather than histopathologic—­classification
nant tumors of the central nervous system [1]. Survival will allow for better therapeutic selection and improved
varies greatly depending on the subtype of glioma pres- clinical outcomes.
ent, with low-­g rade gliomas having 5-­year survival rates WHO 2021 expands upon the trend started in 2016,
as high as 80%, while high-­g rade gliomas have 5-­year using key molecular biomarkers to define neoplastic
survival rates under 5% [1]. Regardless of grade and entities and greatly reducing the dependency on mor-
prognosis, gliomas are highly infiltrative and resistant to phologic features for tumor classification. Terminology
therapy, rendering them largely incurable. Historically, around tumor grading has also been simplified, with
classification and prognostication for diffuse gliomas molecular features dictating classification and joint his-
has been based on morphologic features of the tumor topathologic and molecular analysis determining grade.
in question. These histopathological categories (e.g., as- The classification of diffuse gliomas under the 2021 up-
trocytoma, oligodendroglioma, and glioblastoma) were date is dependent largely on isocitrate dehydrogenase
conceptually based on presumed cell of origin. However, (IDH1/2) mutation status and 1p/19q codeletion status,
in recent years these tumors have been subjected to sig- resulting in 3 primary disease groups: IDH-­ mutant,
nificant molecular characterization and it has become 1p/19q codeleted oligodendroglioma; IDH-­mutant, non-­
clear that molecular markers yield more uniform disease codeleted astrocytoma; and IDH-­w ildtype glioblastoma.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-­NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Brain Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Society of Neuropathology

Brain Pathology. 2022;32:e13062.  wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/bpa   |  1 of 12

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This revision further demarcates IDH-­ mutant from astrocytomas are highly infiltrative, with hypercellular
IDH-­w ildtype disease, a necessity given the wide gap regions intermixed with and entrapping normal brain.
in survival between IDH-­mutant and IDH-­w ildtype tu- Nuclear morphology is key in identifying neoplastic
mors, even those bearing the same histopathologic clas- cells, which commonly exhibit angular nuclei with un-
sification [5]. For the remainder of this review the term even chromatin and hyperchromasia [6]. While the
oligodendroglioma will refer to IDH-­ mutant, 1p/19q WHO does not define a firm threshold for proliferative
codeleted diffuse glioma, astrocytoma will refer exclu- activity, grade 3 designation is dependent on an elevated
sively to IDH-­mutant, non-­codeleted diffuse glioma, and mitotic rate, while WHO grade 2 tumors are compara-
glioblastoma will refer to IDH-­w ildtype diffuse glioma. tively inert (Figure 2). Generally, grade 3 tumors have
The increasing dependence of classification and prog- greater cellular crowding and nuclear atypia; abnormal
nostication on molecular features in turn increases the mitoses and multinucleated tumor cells may also be
importance of laboratory assessment of biomarkers. present (Figure 3). Grade 4 IDH-­mutant astrocytomas
Many relevant biomarkers—­such as mutations involv- possess, by definition, microvascular proliferation, ne-
ing IDH1/2 and ATRX—­can be assessed with immuno- crosis, and/or homozygous deletion of cyclin-­dependent
histochemistry (IHC), while others—­ including 1p/19q kinase inhibitor 2A/B (CDKN2A/B) (see below) [7]. Large
codeletion—­require focused molecular approaches like foci of ischemic and pseudopalisading necrosis, typically
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Although associated with IDH-­w ild type glioblastoma, are not in-
sufficient in many cases, singleton assays have crucial frequent [8].
limitations, discussed further below, and have been ren- WHO 2021 fully formalizes IDH mutational status
dered increasingly inefficient in the face of the molecular as a defining molecular feature of adult-­type astrocy-
profiling demands implicit in modern tumor classifica- tomas and oligodendrogliomas. Glioma-­ associated
tion schemes. This quandary has been largely addressed IDH1/2  mutations are exclusively missense and involve
by the widespread implementation of multiplex and active site arginine residues, R132 for IDH1 and the anal-
high-­dimensional assays based on platforms such as ogous R172 for IDH2 [9, 10]. Under normal conditions,
next-­generation sequencing (NGS) and global DNA isocitrate dehydrogenase is responsible for the conver-
methylome profiling. The expanding use of multiplex as- sion of isocitrate to alpha-­ketoglutarate. However, the
says stands to both improve clinical decision making and R132 and R172  mutations induce a neomorphic en-
deepen our understanding of these complex diseases. zymatic activity, wherein alpha-­ ketoglutarate is con-
verted to D-­ 2-­
hydroxyglutarate (2-­ HG) [11]. Buildup
of 2-­HG leads to significant epigenetic changes to the
2  |   A ST ROC Y TOM A , I DH -­ cell, altering methylation patterns of both histones and
M U TA N T DNA. Increased DNA methylation and gene silencing
genome-­w ide induced by elevated 2-­HG is often referred
Astrocytoma, IDH-­ mutant is now the preferred des- to as the CpG island hypermethylator phenotype (G-­
ignation for all adult-­type gliomas that are IDH1-­ or CIMP) [12, 13], and is thought to promote tumorigene-
IDH2-­mutant with absence of 1p/19q codeletion. These sis through repression of normal cellular differentiation
diffusely infiltrating gliomas frequently harbor inac- [14, 15]. Moreover, G-­CIMP tumors have been shown to
tivating mutations in TP53 and ATRX and can be de- broadly dysregulate genome topology, resulting in aber-
fined as either CNS WHO grade 2, grade 3, or grade 4. rant enhancer function and gene regulation. Beyond its
Designations such as diffuse astrocytoma, IDH-­mutant; epigenetic impact, IDH mutation also appears to have
anaplastic astrocytoma, IDH-­mutant; and glioblastoma, significant impacts on oncogenic HIF signaling [16, 17].
IDH-­mutant are no longer preferred, having been re- Concurrent with IDH1 and IDH2 mutations, astrocy-
placed with astrocytoma, IDH-­mutant grade 2, grade tomas frequently possess mutations in TP53 and ATRX
3, and grade 4, respectively (Figure 1). The association [18, 19]. The aptly named “guardian of the genome,”
of multiple possible WHO grade designations with a TP53 encodes a central regulator of cell cycle arrest and
specific diagnostic entity represents a departure from apoptosis in response to cellular stress [20]. A canonical
earlier CNS tumor classifications, which linked all tumor suppressor, TP53, is the most commonly mutated
named diagnoses with specific WHO grades, whether gene in cancer, and its central role in multiple primary
1, 2, 3, or 4. Finally, disease entities such as diffuse as- tumors of the CNS has been known for some time [21,
trocytoma, IDH-­w ild type, and anaplastic astrocytoma, 22]. By contrast, the impact of ATRX deficiency on
IDH-­w ildtype are now encompassed by other entities tumor biology is only beginning to be explored, despite
not bearing the astrocytoma designation, most notably its recent association with multiple tumor types within
glioblastoma, IDH-­w ildtype (see below). and outside of the CNS. ATRX cooperates with death
The histologic appearance of astrocytoma can vary domain-­associated protein (Daxx) to form a key chro-
greatly, from well-­differentiated, and minimally mitotic matin remodeling complex, which is responsible for the
(CNS WHO grade 2) to overtly anaplastic, hypercellu- deposition of H3.3 in telomeric regions, pericentric het-
lar, and proliferative (CNS WHO grades 3–­4). Broadly, erochromatin, and other regions of repeat DNA [23, 24].
      3 of 12

F I G U R E 1   Schematic showing how the disease entities from WHO 2016 is now defined in WHO 2021. Solid lines denote strong correlations
between the two classifications, while dotted lines denote how a WHO 2016 disease entity would likely, but not definitively, be defined

Loss of ATRX leads to genome instability, DNA dam- astrocytoma is generally feasible by routine IHC and
age, and global epigenetic dysregulation [25, 26]. Cells FISH. Immunohistochemical interrogation of IDH1
deficient in ATRX undergo p53-­dependent cell death, a R132H, p53, and ATRX is generally advisable. The
phenomenon that at least partially explains the frequent IDH1 R132H mutation accounts for ~90% of all glioma-­
co-­occurrence of ATRX and TP53 mutations in cancer associated IDH mutations, enabling highly sensitive im-
[27, 28]. For reasons that remain obscure, patients with munohistochemical screening of IDH mutational status
ATRX-­deficient, IDH-­mutant, non-­codeleted astrocy- [10]. That being said, given the low but significant num-
toma have a somewhat better prognosis than counter- ber of so-­called “non-­canonical” mutations in IDH1/2
parts with ATRX-­ intact, IDH-­mutant, non-­ codeleted characterizing both astrocytomas and oligodendroglio-
astrocytoma [29, 30]. Beyond their abnormal genomic mas, it is recommended that indeterminate or negative
and epigenomic phenotypes, ATRX-­ deficient tumors staining for IDH1 R123H be followed up by confir-
display lengthening of telomeres via a telomerase-­ matory gene sequencing, particularly in the setting of
independent process known as alternative lengthening ATRX deficiency or other compelling histopathological
of telomeres (ALT) [31]. Interestingly, IDH-­mutant and findings [9, 32]. Such follow-­up testing may not be neces-
1p/19q codeleted oligodendrogliomas frequently possess sary in patients over the age of 55 whose tumors exhibit
activating mutations to telomerase reverse transcriptase WHO grade 4 histopathological features (e.g., microvas-
(TERT), which are mutually exclusive with ATRX mu- cular proliferation and necrosis), as non-­canonical muta-
tations. In this way, virtually all IDH-­mutant tumors, tions in this clinical context have been found to be quite
both codeleted and non-­codeleted, exhibit some form of rare [33, 34].
pathological telomere maintenance. Immunostaining for p53  mutation leverages the
Laboratory assessment of molecular alter- fact that missense mutations in TP53 increase the en-
ations relevant to the diagnosis of IDH-­ mutant coded protein's half-­life, leading to observable nuclear
4 of 12       WHITFIELD and HUSE

F I G U R E 2   Astrocytoma, IDH-­
mutant, WHO grade 2. H & E-­stained
sections reveal an infiltrating glial
neoplasm composed of pleomorphic tumor
cells (A). Microvascular proliferation,
necrosis, and mitotic activity are
inapparent. Immunohistochemical
stains reveal that the tumor cells express
IDH1 R132H (B), while exhibiting loss
of nuclear ATRX expression (C; note
retained expression in background normal
cellular constituents). p53 immunostaining
is positive in tumor cells (D). (200X

F I G U R E 3   Astrocytoma, IDH-­
mutant, WHO grade 3. H & E-­stained
sections reveal a cellular astrocytic
neoplasm (A). Immunohistochemical
stains are positive for IDH1 R132H (B)
and negative for ATRX (C; loss of nuclear
expression). MIB1 (Ki-­67) immunostaining
demonstrates an elevated proliferation
index (D), consistent with WHO grade
3 classification. (200X magnification)

accumulation. Samples should be considered “positive” for effective IHC interpretation [38]. Although muta-
(consistent with underlying TP53  mutation) if >10% of tions in ATRX and IDH1/2 frequently co-­occur, ATRX
their nuclei stain strongly for p53 [35, 36]. However, as expression may also be lost in multiple IDH-­w ildtype
non-­m issense variants can account for 10% of TP53 mu- glioma variants. As such, absence of nuclear ATRX im-
tations, p53 immunostaining results should be evalu- munolabeling does not obviate the need for IDH1/2 mu-
ated in the context of the larger molecular workup (e.g., tational assessment. That being said, the combination
ATRX and 1p/19q codeletion status), as well as tumor of IDH1/2  mutation and ATRX deficiency in a diffuse
histomorphology. ATRX mutations frequently take the glioma is sufficient for the diagnosis of IDH-­mutant as-
form of truncating alterations and an absence of protein trocytoma and eliminates the need for 1p/19q codeletion
expression, leading to loss of nuclear immunoreactivity testing to formally exclude oligodendroglioma.
[37]. ATRX expression in endothelial cells and neurons Beyond the diagnostic biomarkers discussed above,
serves as an internal positive control and must be present several additional molecular features have been identified
      5 of 12

with significant prognostic implications for IDH-­mutant oligodendrogliomas consist of closely packed tumor cells
astrocytomas. For instance, focal amplification events with round-­to-­oval, monotonous nuclei (Figure 4). The
involving CDK4 and MYC, along with mutations in presence of perinuclear clearing is frequently described
PIK3R1, have each been associated with significant de- as giving the cells a “fried egg” appearance. Dense,
creases in overall survival [39–­41]. Most significantly, branching capillary networks within the tumors lead to a
homozygous deletion of CDKN2A/B, both key cell cycle “chicken wire” appearance, and microcalcifications are
regulators and tumor suppressors, has been repeatedly frequently present [44]. Much like IDH-­mutant astrocy-
associated with decreased progression free and overall tomas in WHO 2021, IDH-­mutant and 1p/19q-­codeleted
survival [7, 40, 42, 43]. Accordingly, identification of ho- oligodendrogliomas are now associated with multiple
mozygous deletion of CDKN2A/B is sufficient to clas- possible CNS WHO grades, either grade 2 or grade 3,
sify IDH-­mutant glioma as WHO grade 4, independent reflecting significant differences in overall survival
of histologic characteristics, necessitating its formal as- [45]. Histopathologically, Grade 3 tumors display some
sessment in the context of a complete workup. number of the following features: increased cellularity,
Finally, recent work has confirmed that rare in- marked atypia, greater mitotic activity, microvascular
fratentorial variants of IDH-­mutant astrocytoma ex- proliferation, and necrosis with or without palisading
hibit molecular and clinical distinctions from their (Figure 5). Although ≥2.5  mitoses/mm2  has been iden-
supratentorial counterparts. Specifically, the rate of tified as a cutoff of prognostic significance, there is no
non- ­c anonical IDH mutations in infratentorial astro- set proliferative standard differentiating grade 2 and
cytomas is almost 80% (relative to <20% in supratento- grade 3 oligodendrogliomas [46]. Accordingly, Ki-­ 67
rial astrocytomas), the rate of ATRX loss is under 50% immunostaining and clinical features (e.g., rapid symp-
(relative to 94%), and the rate of O(6)-­methylguanine-­ tomatic progression) can be informative in borderline
DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methyla- cases. Homozygous CDKN2A and/or CDKN2B deletion
tion is just under 60% (relative to 96%). Patients with is present in a relatively small proportion of oligoden-
infratentorial IDH-­mutant astrocytomas also appear drogliomas; however, its association with poor prognosis
to have significantly reduced overall survival relative to independent of histologic features has prompted its des-
those with supratentorial tumors. While this relatively ignation as a molecular marker for grade 3 oligodendro-
unfavorable outcome measure may partially reflect the glioma [42].
infratentorial localization of these tumors and their As indicated above, 1p/19q codeletion distinguishes
proximity to vital brainstem structures, the molecular oligodendroglioma from astrocytoma on a foundational
distinctions described above speak to more fundamen- molecular level. This unique molecular alterations is the
tal biological properties driving tumor intrinsic malig- product of an unbalanced translocation between chro-
nancy factors. Further study is needed to explore these mosomes 1 and 19, with subsequent loss of the product
possibilities. containing whole-­arm loss of 1p and 19q [47, 48]. Partial
deletion of either or both arms does not constitute di-
agnostic 1p/19q codeletion, and can in fact occur in
3   |  OL IG ODE N DROGL IOM A , I DH -­ other relevant CNS tumors, most notably IDH-­w ildtype
M U TA N T, A N D 1P/ 19 Q CODE L ET E D glioblastoma [49]. Although it is broadly hypothesized
that 1p/19q codeletion unmasks loss-­of-­function muta-
Oligodendroglioma is defined on a molecular level by tions in the retained chromosomal copies, with some
co-­occurrence of IDH mutation and complete deletion genetic evidence substantiating this conjecture (CIC
of the 1p and 19q chromosomal arms. Histologically, and FUBP1  mutations, see below), the full biological

F I G U R E 4   Oligodendroglioma, IDH-­mutant and 1p/19q codeleted, WHO grade 2. H & E-­stained sections reveal a diffusely infiltrating
glial neoplasm characterized by round-­to-­oval nuclear monomorphism and perinuclear halos (A). Immunostaining is positive for IDH1 R132H
(B). (200X magnification). Array-­based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) demonstrates whole-­arm loss of chromosomes 1p and 19q
(arrows) consistent with 1p/19q codeletion (C)
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F I G U R E 5   Oligodendroglioma, IDH-­mutant, and 1p/19q codeleted, WHO grade 3. H & E-­stained sections reveal a densely cellular
oligodendroglial neoplasm with obvious glomeruloid microvascular proliferation (A; arrow; 200X magnification). Mitotic activity is readily
apparent (B; arrow; 400X magnification)

consequences of this complex structural abnormality re- diagnosis can be made. Evaluation of 1p/19q codeletion
main unclear. is somewhat more complicated, as effective approaches
Several other molecular abnormalities occur fre- should identify coordinate absence of 2 chromosomal
quently in oligodendrogliomas, including mutations arms, rather than a single missense mutation or even sin-
in the TERT promoter, capicua transcriptional repres- gle gene loss. FISH is the most commonly used technical
sor (CIC), and far upstream element-­binding protein 1 approach and typically employs paired probes, one for
(FUBP1) [50–­52]. TERT encodes the catalytic subunit the lost arm and one for the retained arm. The most com-
of telomerase, an enzymatic complex responsible for mon commercial probes localize to 1p36 and 1q25 on
maintaining telomere length. Point mutations in the chromosome 1 and 19p13 and 19q13 on chromosome 19
TERT promoter region characterize many solid tumor [62, 63]. Although this method is cost effective and sensi-
variants and are present in virtually all oligodendrogli- tive, the direct assessment of localized genomic regions
omas. Functionally, TERT promoter mutations unmask as proxies for whole chromosome arms raises the possi-
binding motifs for ETS transcription factors, leading to bility of false positive results. Accordingly, any 1p/19q
TERT overexpression, telomere elongation, and cellular codeletion testing methodology that does not explicitly
immortality [53, 54]. As indicated above, the mutual ex- evaluate whole-­ arm chromosomal deletion should be
clusivity of TERT and ATRX mutations in IDH-­mutant interpreted with caution, particularly in unusual clini-
adult gliomas underscores the importance of abnormal copathological contexts. Alternative methods to directly
telomere maintenance to the process of gliomagenesis. assess whole-­arm 1p/19q codeletion include cytogenomic
CIC encodes a transcriptional repressor of genes integral array, next-­ generation sequencing (with appropriately
to growth and metabolism that are induced by receptor tiled capture probe sets), and global DNA methylation
tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling [55, 56]. Mutations to profiling. This latter technology will likely enjoy more
CIC mitigate its repression of RTK-­induced gene ex- widespread usage in the years to come, due to its notable
pression, leading to pro-­survival and proliferative tran- capabilities in designating both known and novel sub-
scriptional profiles. FUBP1 encodes a key regulator of groups of CNS neoplasms [64].
tumor suppressor and oncogene alternative splicing, the Finally, the historical designation of oligoastrocy-
loss of which leads to widespread alterations in RNA toma, referring to tumors exhibiting histopathological
splicing [57, 58]. FUBP1 is also crucial for establishing features of both oligodendroglioma and astrocytoma,
a setpoint of MYC expression, with FUBP1 loss leading is again absent in WHO 2021, as in the previous 2016
to setpoint dysregulation and increased MYC transcript update to the 4th edition. It has been repeatedly demon-
levels [59, 60]. Mutations in CIC and FUBP1 occur in strated that virtually all of these tumors have molecular
oligodendrogliomas at rates as high as 60% and 30%, features of either oligodendroglioma or astrocytoma, but
respectively, and mutations in either or both are associ- not both [18, 19, 32, 65]. Nevertheless, there have been
ated with shorter survival and faster time to recurrence several case reports describing IDH-­ mutant gliomas
[61]. Intriguingly, the genomic localization of CIC and exhibiting both mixed histopathologic and molecular
FUBP1, on chromosomes 19q and 1p respectively, is con- features [66, 67]. Within these tumors, regions appear-
sistent with the notion that 1p/19q codeletion partially ing morphologically oligodendroglial displayed 1p/19q
disables key tumor suppressors resident on the 1p and codeletion, while regions appearing astrocytic harbored
19q chromosomal arms. TP53 and ATRX mutations. The presence of truly mixed
Molecular assessments of IDH mutational status for IDH-­mutant gliomas is rare enough that the creation of
oligodendrogliomas do not differ from approaches used a specific subclass encompassing them was not deemed
for astrocytomas and are performed before a definitive necessary. However, these tumors do offer insight into
      7 of 12

the natural history of IDH-­mutant disease. The presence amplification, and combined chromosome 7 gain/chro-
of molecularly distinct astrocytic and oligodendroglial mosome 10  loss (+7/−10) [7], with the latter most fre-
lineages emerging from the same IDH-­mutant parental quently involving the whole chromosomes 7 and 10 and
subclone speaks to an evolutionary sequence of events less frequently restricted to only the 7q and 10q arms.
where IDH mutation is acquired first following by ei- These alterations effectively serve as “rule in” criteria
ther 1p/19q codeletion and TERT mutation or TP53 and for IDH-­w ildtype glioblastoma, as diffuse gliomas har-
ATRX mutations. These tumors also indicate that both boring any one of them, even in the context of grade 2
oligodendrogliomas and astrocytomas can arise from a or 3  histopathology, are characterized by poor clinical
common cell of origin, demonstrating that despite their performance [41, 69–­72]. TERT promoter mutations in
distinct naming, they share much histogenetically. glioblastoma are thought to promote tumor growth in
the same manner as in IDH-­mutant tumors (see above),
while EGFR amplification leads to increased pro-­
4   |  GL IOBL A STOM A , I DH -­ survival and pro-­c ell division signaling downstream of
W I L DT Y PE the encoded receptor tyrosine kinase. By contrast, much
less is known about the functional significance of +7/−10,
WHO 2021 reserves the term glioblastoma specifically although gains in chromosome 7 may facilitate oncogenic
for IDH-­w ildtype tumors, with IDH-­mutant glioblas- transformation in part by way of increased expression
toma having been effectively renamed astrocytoma, of secreted platelet-­derived growth factor α (PDGFA)
WHO grade 4. Mutations to histone variant 3 (H3) are [73]. Of note, recent work has questioned the robustness
also common in IDH-­w ildtype diffuse glioma, particu- of isolated TERT mutation as a diagnostic criterion for
larly in pediatric and young adult populations, but these IDH-­w ildtype glioblastoma, particularly in the context
tumor variants are designated separately (see below). of WHO grade 2 histopathology [74]. Additional studies
IDH-­w ildtype glioblastomas are generally high grade should clarify the optimal application of this diagnostic
and rapidly proliferating, with very poor prognosis [68]. feature moving forward.
Historically these tumors have been identified based on Promoter methylation of the MGMT gene has been
the histologic presence of florid microvascular prolifera- shown to play a significant role in the glioblastoma prog-
tion and/or necrosis with or without pseudopalisading nosis and therapeutic response [75]. MGMT encodes an
(Figure 6). Glioblastomas also tend to be poorly dif- enzyme responsible for removal of alkyl groups from the
ferentiated with brisk mitotic activity. Microvascular O6 position on guanine, which reduces the efficacy of al-
proliferation and/or necrosis are both sufficient to es- kylating agents. Promoter methylation impairs MGMT
tablish a diagnosis of glioblastoma in an IDH-­w ildtype, transcription, resulting in decreased enzymatic activ-
H3-­w ildtype diffuse glioma. However, WHO 2021 also ity and mitigated therapeutic resistance. Assessment of
delineates multiple defining molecular features for MGMT promoter methylation yields the only validated
IDH-­ w ildtype glioblastoma, namely TERT promoter predictive biomarker routinely employed in the man-
mutation, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) agement of IDH-­ w ildtype glioblastoma. Additional

F I G U R E 6   Glioblastoma, IDH-­
wild type, WHO grade 4. H & E-­stained
sections reveal a cellular, pleomorphic,
glial neoplasm with glomeruloid
microvascular proliferation (A; arrow;
200X magnification). Atypical mitotic
figures (B; arrow; 400X magnification)
are prominent. H & E-­stained sections
of another case demonstrating notable
nuclear pleomorphism and giant cell
features (C; arrow; 100X magnification),
along with pseudopalisading necrosis (D;
arrow; 200X magnification)
8 of 12       WHITFIELD and HUSE

molecular alterations have been associated with prog- coding domain of the TACC3 gene represents the most
nostic relevance in glioblastoma, although results are frequent alteration, defining a small subset of IDH-­
less than unanimous. CDKN2A/B loss has been linked wildtype glioblastoma with distinctive histopathology
with reduced overall survival; however, some studies [80–­82]. The FGFR3-­TACC3 fusion protein possesses
have found this to be true only in tumors without MGMT constitutive kinase activity and engages molecular
methylation [76, 77]. Recent work has also demonstrated pathways distinct from those typically downstream of
variable associations between TERT mutation and un- canonical FGFR signaling. Finally, intratumoral vari-
favorable clinical course [77, 78]. These contrasting find- ability in RTK composition is now a well-­documented
ings may reflect dependencies on specific clinical and/or phenomenon for IDH-­w ildtype glioblastoma, with dif-
molecular contexts that remain to be elucidated. In the ferent populations of cells in a given tumor harboring
coming years it is likely that more context-­dependent and distinct amplifications events in EGFR, PDGFRA, and/
independent prognostic factors will emerge, further en- or MET [83, 84]. The implications of such cell-­by-­c ell
hancing our ability to predict outcomes for glioblastoma. heterogeneity are profound, particularly with regards to
IDH-­w ildtype glioblastoma is characterized by marked the molecular assessment of clinical specimens, along
molecular heterogeneity, on both intra-­and intertumoral with the development of truly viable targeted treatment
levels. Although IDH-­mutant astrocytoma and oligo- approaches. Within a single tumor, multiple subclones
dendroglioma possess small numbers of defining mo- can exist with unique genetic and transcriptional pro-
lecular alterations, glioblastomas typically harbor many files, with unique clones recurring after therapy [85–­88].
gene abnormalities spread across a number of classic on- Targeting multiple tumor cell clones with distinct thera-
cogenic networks, including the p53 and retinoblastoma peutic vulnerabilities and resistances represents a signif-
[79]. Amplification and/or mutation events involving re- icant barrier to the treatment of glioblastoma and one
ceptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) genes not limited to EGFR which will need to be addressed as the field advances.
are also common, activating a variety of downstream The considerable inter-­and intratumoral heteroge-
pro-­tumorigenic effectors. Alternative RTKs most com- neity described above emphasizes the inherent limita-
monly include platelet-­derived growth factor receptor α tions of standard singleton approaches for the molecular
(PDGFRA), MET, and fibroblast growth factor receptor workup of glioblastoma. As this fundamentally diverse
3 (FGFR3). For the latter, fusion of the tyrosine kinase diagnostic entity becomes further fragmented into molec-
coding domain to the transforming acidic coiled-­coil 3 ularly specified subclasses—­w ith each hopefully paired

F I G U R E 7   Flowchart showing the diagnostic progression of diffuse glioma in adults, based on the most relevant molecular markers. IDH
mutation is used initially to divide diffuse gliomas into IDH-­mutant and IDH-­w ildtype tumors. The IDH-­w ildtype tumors are they subdivided
into 1p/19q-­c odeleted oligodendroglioma and 1p/19q-­non-­c odeleted astrocytoma, based on both 1p/19q and ATRX status. CDKN2A then
provides further prognostic value. IDH-­w ildtype tumors will be classified as glioblastoma if they possess any one of five markers: (1) histologic
evidence of necrosis, (2) histologic evidence of microvascular proliferation, (3) TERT promoter mutation, (4) EGFR amplification, and/or (5)
whole gain of chromosome 7 and whole loss of chromosome 10. IDH-­w ildtype tumors which do not possess any of these “rule-­i n” criteria must
be further examined for appropriate diagnosis
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