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Assignment title: People Management Project

Weighting: 15%

Faculty responsible: Ms. Vera Champagne

Programme: MIHM1 Autumn2021

Course name: Global People Management in a Hotel Context

Course number: MIHM 7125
Hand-out date: Week 10

Hand-in date for Turnitin: Thursday 9 December 2021 at 23h59 (week 13)
Hand-in of the peer evaluation Sunday 12 December 2021 at 23h59 (week 13)

Assignment Overview: In a group, you need to create a part of a recruitment strategy for one
specific vacant position. Additionally, you will prepare interview questions for the selection process of
this position.

Overall aim: Understand and apply the acquired knowledge of the recruitment and selection

Learning outcomes:
Critically examine and apply techniques to processes associated with the role of HR in
recruitment and selection in organisations operating in a global environment.
Linked to learning outcome 3 and 4 of the course:
3. Appraise the factors of managing and developing people within cultural diversity.
4. Evaluate different talent management programs and strategies

Organisation and methodology:

• Students will work in a group of 3-4 persons that they have chosen themselves.
• The students will decide on ONE specific position they will recruit for within the restaurant
concepts they created in the F&B class. This will be a supervisory or managerial position.

• Introduction
Provide an introduction to the project including a brief description of the restaurant /
location, (please note that if you copy a part of your F&B project you will need to do an intext
citation) as well as the created organization chart of your employees. Clearly indicate
the title and a summary description for the positions you want to recruit and select.
Please note that you do not need to create a whole job description but just a summary (a

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paragraph that outlines the main purpose and scope of the job). See examples below on page 6
and 7 where the summary is indicated with an arrow.

• Profile sheet
Prepare a complete profile sheet of the ideal candidate for this position, with an overview of
essential and desirable KSAs. Please be reminded of Equal Employment Opportunity! You
may use the 7-point plan or the 5-fold grading system, as you prefer. A clear separation of
essential and desirables needs to be shown.

• Recruitment source
Based on your restaurant, and the candidate profile, choose 2 different recruitment sources
you would recommend using to recruit candidates for this position. Clearly explain each
source and argue why you believe this is the best choice. Make sure you use an
argumentation using at least 2 different academic sources.

• Interview questions
The group will prepare a list of 15 specific interview questions that will be used during the
body of a structured selection interview for this position. These questions will be similar for
any candidate and are based on the profile sheet, not on a specific CV.

For each question, indicate clearly:

• which type of question it is (Behavioural, Hypothetical or General question)
• which specific KSA or competency you are looking for that is mentioned
in your profile sheet.
A minimum of 3 questions per type of question are required. Do NOT include probing

• Conclusion
Your conclusion should include your main learning through this project.

• Students are required to use the following format for this project.
o Layout: Cover page (including all names and student numbers of group members
and position chosen) table of contents, introduction, profile sheet, recruitment
source, Interview questions, conclusion, references, statement of authorship (see
sample page 5) - It should be signed by all the members of the group. Be clear:
insert titles and subtitles to clearly indicate the parts of your assignment.
o Font of your preference (although it must be easily legible), Size 10 to 12, single
spacing. Make sure that font and layout are consistent throughout the project.

Resources available:

HR Books from Library, E-Library, scholar Google, Class slides and/or content, websites (no

Make sure you reference your sources, both in-text citations and full referencing at the end.
Class slides and/or content need to be referenced, too! Using APA style.

Assessment tasks & weighting:

Group project
English skills 5%
Presentation of project 5% (this includes referencing)
Profile sheet 30%

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Recruitment source 25%
Interview questions 25%
Peer evaluation 10% (through Google Docs)

Common skills: assessed (bold) or developed (italics):

4. Transfers skills 5.Uses a

1.Manages own 2. Manages own
MANAGING AND DEVELOPING gained to new and range of
role and time in achieving
SELF changing situations thought
responsibilities objectives.
and contexts. processes
7.Relates to and
6.Treats others’
WORKING WITH AND RELATING values, beliefs 8.Works effectively as
objectively with
TO OTHERS and opinions a member of a team
individuals and
with respect
9.Receives and 10.Presents 12.Participates in oral
responds to a information in a 11.Communicates in and non-verbal
variety of variety of visual writing communication
information forms
14. Deals with a
13.Uses 15.Identifies and
information solves routine and
PROBLEMS routine and non-
sources non-routine problems
routine tasks
17.Uses a range
BECOMING NUMERATE AND of technological
numerical skills
USING TECHNOLOGY equipment and
and techniques


Excellent (10) Good (8) Pass (6) Fail (3) Zero (0)
English skills Excellent Very Positive, Slight Positive / Poor effect on
confusion due to Satisfactory – reader
minor inaccuracy. several errors but
Use of correct just a pass
grammatical tenses;
mechanics had minor
problems (in spelling,
capitalization, etc.);
and word choice was
always academic
avoiding colloquial
language or slang.
Presentation Structured layout. Structured layout. Structured layout. non-uniform Unstructured
/excellent presentation. Max 1 non-respected / Max 2 non layout or 3 layout or more
No non-respected instruction. respected non respected then 3 non
instructions. instructions. instructions. respected
Introduction and instructions.
Introduction and conclusion are Introduction or Introduction
conclusion are capturing included Conclusion are or conclusion Both Introduction
the learning and are included but are is missing and conclusion are
clearly formulated vague or non missing
All references are related References
All references made made although 1 or 2 are included
correctly (intext citations, minor format errors All references are but are not in
end references and no could be found including although APA style
format errors) more than 3
format errors are
Profile sheet Profound understanding Sound understanding Accurate but More than Inaccurate or not
of concepts with analysis, of concepts with limited analysis.. one item not linked to job
structured work. Great analysis. Coherent Maximum one of (or description, hotel,
insight and originality for structure, which is the ksa is not incorrectly) brand or its
all parts easy to follow. All relevant or does linked to job location. Major
requirements of the not add any value description or violation of EEO.
job have been included to the profile hotel and its Or not submitted
and are clearly sheet. No location.
relevant, although violation to EEO Insufficient
minor reflections KSA's added.
could be formulated Minor
violation of

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Recruitment Exceeds understanding of Good understanding Accurate choice Both Inaccurate or not
source recruitment sources by of the benefits and use of recruitment recruitment linked to this
contrasting and arguing of recruitment sources although sources have position/location or
the benefit of the chosen sources. Good some comments some not submitted
recruitment sources. argumentation with can be made on 1 incorrect
Written in excellent minimum 2 academic of the argumentation
academic writing skills. sources recruitment or are not
Academic sources are of sources . appropriate
high quality Only 1 source is Or only 1
of a good recruitment
academic quality. sources was
The other source submitted
is present.
Academic writing Only 1
skills acceptable external
source has
been used
Questions Perfect understanding of Good understanding Max 2 question Not enough not submitted or
interview questions. All of interview questions. incorrectly questions or 3 more than 4
questions are correctly All questions are categorized, and / or more questions
categorized. The correctly categorized. or not linked to questions incorrectly
behaviour questions have The use or need of KSA or profile incorrectly categorized. Or
been edited in order to each question (except sheet. / Poor categorized. more than 4
get to the STAR. The use max 1) is clearly explanation of Any violation questions not
or need of each question stated and linked to more than 1 of EEO. / 2 or linked to KSA or
is clearly stated and linked the whole project. question more profile sheet or
to the whole project. Reflections can be questions not missing justification
Creative and original made on the clarity of linked to KSA Major violation of
approach. a question or profile EEO.


Dittmer, P. (2003). Principles of food beverage and labor cost controls (7th ed.). J. Wiley.

Gregoire, M. (2013). Foodservice organizations: A managerial and systems approach (7th ed.). Pearson.
Lussier, R. N. & Hendon, J. R. (2019). Human resource management: Functions, applications, and skill
development (3rd ed.). Sage

Special instructions:

• Peer evaluation:
You are required to evaluate the work of your group members as well as a make a self
evaluation by Sunday the 12th of December 2021 at 23h59 at the latest. Both the self
evaluation as the candid evaluation of the other members needs to be done via
google docs, via the link the teacher will provide you
You can only give feedback as of the 10th of December (meaning once the project is

• Moodle / Turnitin instructions:

You are required to submit the projects by Thursday the 9th of December 2021 at 23h59 at the
latest. The report must be uploaded to Turnitin in its corresponding assignment via Moodle.
Once inside the assignment, click on the “Submit Paper” icon. You must use ‘Single file upload’.
You may only upload as a Word document

Failing to submit the project on time will result in a grade of 0 for the whole group.

Only 1 person per group will upload the group project to Turnitin. The name of the file
needs to contain the INITIALS of the team members. (Example: HR_Group_project_ VCJR)

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As feedback will be given by the lecturer through Turnitin, the person uploading is also
responsible for sharing this feedback with his/her colleagues. If, for any reason, a person is
unable to see the feedback provided by Ms. Champagne through the system, they can request
the feedback via email, explaining the reason.

IMPORTANT: Plagiarism will affect all group members ‘group grade’.


Plagiarism is the act of presenting another’s ideas or words as one’s own. Cheating includes, but
is not limited to, the intentional falsification or fabrication of any academic activity, unauthorized
copying of another person’s work, or aiding and abetting any such acts.
Particular care must be taken when presenting information that has been obtained from an
internet site. Should this information not be correctly referenced, then you are guilty of
plagiarism and will be penalised accordingly.
With respect to projects/assignments, faculty reserves the right to randomly call upon any
student and ask them to defend their work orally.
Any assignment/exam which is found to contain plagiarism will automatically be awarded a grade
of 0, and an e-mail will be sent to the student or the student’s parents/tutors/sponsors.
Depending on the circumstances, additional penalties could be imposed (see LRM Academic
Regulations, Section 11).

Statement of authorship

At the end of your assignment there should be a page on which each of the members of the group
sign a statement that the work included in the assignment is your own work except where
appropriately referenced. The following statement should be used:

Statement of authorship

I certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has been submitted as part of an
assignment in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains
no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text
of the assignment.

Signed ...............................................................................


Student number.............................................................

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Examples of Job summary

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