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To All Respondent:
All of the information collected during this survey will be used for research purposes only to determine the effectiveness
of TVL curriculum in enhancing the skills of Grade 12 TVL students at Laura De Leon Halili High School. The data will
remain confidential arising from surveys under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173) and will not be shared with third
parties for any reason. By agreeing to participate in this survey, you acknowledge that your answers are truthful and
accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Name:(optional): Age: Date:

Grade and section: Sex: Female Male

Read each question carefully:

Part I. Choose the BEST answer to then following question. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

1.1 How do you find the TVL curriculum in term of enhancing your skills?
a. Extremely Effective
b. Very effective
c. Somewhat effective
d. Not at all effective
1.2 which specific skills do you think the TVL curriculum has helped you improved?
a. Technical skills
b. Communication skills
c. Problem-solving skills
d. Teamwork and collaboration
1.3 What TVL strands are you currently enrolled in?
a. Information and Communication Technology
b. Industry Arts
c. Home Economics
d. Agri-Fishery
1.4 Determine the technique you use to explore different TVL curriculum before making your decision?
a. Online articles and videos
b. TVL brochures and hand-outs
c. School career guidance
d. Friends’ suggestion
1.5 Which activities in the TVL curriculum did you find most helpful in developing your practical skills?
a. Classroom lectures
b. Hands-on activities
c. Field trip
d. Group activities

Part II. Check (/) Yes or No in the blank space provided.

2.1 Have you participated in any on-the-job training or work immersion as part of TVL curriculum?
2.2 Did the job-training/ work immersion enhanced your skills and communication?
2.3 Does the TVL curriculum provide adequate technical knowledge and skills needed in various vocational careers, such
as Bread and Pastry, Home Economics, and ICT?
2.4 Would you recommend the TVL curriculum to others who are interested in pursuing a career in the same field?
2.5 Do you think TVL education would help you in enhancing your skills?

Part III. Put a check on the box that all apply.

3.1 How do you think the TVL curriculum could be improved to better enhance your skills?
More Industry Partnership and Exposure
More Hands-on Activities
More advanced equipment and facilities
More relevant and up to date curriculum
Others (please specify)
3.2 What are the most significant challenges you face in pursuing your TVL education and enhancing your skills?

Lack of resources and equipment

Difficulty in understanding the lesson
Lack of opportunities for practical application
Limited job opportunities after graduation
Others (please specify)
3.3 How do you think TVL education can be improved to better help students?

More opportunities for hands-on experience

More advanced technology and equipment
Expanded job placement programs –
Greater recognition and acceptance of the TVL strand –
Other (please specify)
3.4 If you did not choose TVL as your current strands/track, what are the reasons for your choice?

Interest in another field

Future educational plans
Parental influence
Perceived limited career options
Lack of awareness about TVL opportunities
other (please specify)

3.5 Which factors influenced your decision to choose TVL strands

Personal interest and passion
Academic performance
Good preparation for career
Peer/classmate influence
Job opportunities
Have a higher employment compared to other strands
other (please specify)


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