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Jl. Sukamanah V No. 11Tlp. 021-5525428 TANGERANG Day/date:


I. Write their meaning in Indonesian!

1. Prominence= 8. Lead to= 15. Suburban=

2. Harmless= 9. Digestive= 16. Practicable=

3. Preserved= 10. Prescribe= 17. Poisonous=

4. Considered= 11. Preservability= 18. Alteration=

5. Enhance= 12. Resistance= 19. Specimen =

6. Alteration= 13. Digest= 20. Threatening=

7. Distinguishable= 14. Threaten=

II. Make a sentence using the words below! (Use SIMPLE PAST TENSE NEGATIVE)

1. Enhance=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Loss=----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Keep in mind=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Resistance=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Considered=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. Alteration=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. Existence=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. Evolve=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. Considering=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. Threaten =---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

III. Make a sentence using the words below! (Use SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE)

1. Prominence =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Distinguish = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Harm =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Alter =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Tissue =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. Prescribe =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. Preserved =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. Threat =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. Practical =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. Admit =------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IV. Complete the sentences by using the correct words!

admit, prescription, digest, veranda, digestion. poison, pathogen, measles, enhance, resistance, threat

1. Small fitted kitchen, open to main living area, with sitting and dining areas with door out onto ………………………..

with wooden furniture.

2. Cod-liver oil is used externally in medicine when its internal administration is rendered impossible by

idiosyncrasy or the state of the patient's …………………………………………………...

3. I thought you did at first and I'll……………………………………………, I'm not completely certain things might not break

bad, but for now, I'm fine.

4. Jonny was safe, even if she hadn't been able to wipe away all traces of the …………………………………. in his blood.

5. None of the clinically diagnosed cases of………………………………………………. mumps and rubella formally notified have

been confirmed by the salivary antibody test.

6. Given to cows in moderate quantity, they have been found to ………………………………………………… both the yield and

flavour of milk.

7. One of these coils is in series with the armature circuit and with the insulation or high………………..……………………. to

be measured.

8. Yully listened, breathless, to the strangers who vowed to protect her from a ………………………………… similar to her


9. All parts of my body ached and the………………………………………… I was taking caused my head to spin.

10. The supernatant liquor is generally………………………………………………... free and can be used for pasture irrigation

without the drawbacks associated with raw effluent dispersal.

V. Match the following words with their definition!

Digestion, Digest, Exist, Pathogen, Harm, Evolution

1. Process by which the body breaks down the absorbs food =

2. Physical injury, especially that which is deliberately =

3. A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease=

4. Have objective reality or being=

5. The process by which different kinds of living organism are thought to have developed and diversified=

----Good Luck and God BLESS YOU---

VI. Complete the sentences by using the correct words!

11. Small fitted kitchen, open to main living area, with sitting and dining areas with door out onto veranda with
wooden furniture.
12. Cod-liver oil is used externally in medicine when its internal administration is rendered impossible by
idiosyncrasy or the state of the patient's digestion.
13. I thought you did at first and I'll admit, I'm not completely certain things might not break bad, but for now,
I'm fine.
14. Jonny was safe, even if she hadn't been able to wipe away all traces of the poison in his blood.
15. None of the clinically diagnosed cases of measles, mumps and rubella formally notified have been confirmed by
the salivary antibody test.
16. Given to cows in moderate quantity, they have been found to enhance both the yield and flavour of milk.
17. One of these coils is in series with the armature circuit and with the insulation or high resistance to be
18. Yully listened, breathless, to the strangers who vowed to protect her from a threat similar to her father.
19. All parts of my body ached and the prescription I was taking caused my head to spin.
20. The supernatant liquor is generally pathogen free and can be used for pasture irrigation without the
drawbacks associated with raw effluent dispersal.
6. Digestion: Process by which the body breaks down the absorbs food.

7. Harm; physical injury, especially that which is deliberately

8. Pathogen : a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease

9. Exist ; have objective reality or being

10. Evolution ; the process by which different kinds of living organism are thought to have developed and


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