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I- Competency:

Identify home hazards such as household products that are harmful if touched, ingested
or inhaled, especially electrical appliances ( H2HS-IVb-40)

II- Objective:

1. Identify home hazards such as household products that are harmful.

2. Describes the use of hazardous household products found at home.
3. Manage household materials to avoid danger.

III- Subject Matter: Hazards at Home

Materials :Pictures of different common household chemicals

References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide in MAPEH 2 page 40
K to 12 Teacher’s Guide page 441
K to 12 Learner’s Guide page 403-405

Subject Integration: ESP

IV- Procedure:

A. Review

B. Motivation:

Song : The teacher will play the ´Bahay Kubo”

1. Do you want to live in that kind of house?

2. Do you think the people living in bahay kubo are healthy? How did you say so?
3. Which do you prefer to live in a house like bahay kubo or in a mansion? Why?

a. What are the things that can be found in your house that is run by electricity?
b. How can these things be properly used?
c. If wrongfully used, what could be its possible effects?

C. Presentation:

Reading of a short story, Listen as the teacher reads it and be ready to answer the questions
related to the story.

Ask: 1. Why did Aaron accidentally dropped the iron’s cord?

2. If you were John will you do the same? Why?
3. What should we do to avoid the danger of using things that are run by electricity?
4. What could be the possible effect if these things are wrongfully used?

B. Modelling:

Show a picture: The teacher explains each one of the picture

C. Guided Practice:

Raise your right hand if the product is harmful when touch, hold your nose if harmful when inhaled or
ingested and open your mouth if harmful if swallowed.

1. Hair spray 6. rugby

2. Muriatic acid 7. Liquid soap
3. Broken wire plug 8. Motor oil
4. Gasoline 9. hypo
5. Chlorine 10. Floorwax

D. Group Activity:

Group the class into 3 groups

Group I – Arranged the jumbled letters, the pictures will guide you.



3. TOLKA- 5. SIKWI -
Group II – Group the products/ chemicals that are harmful according to the column below.

Touched Inhaled Swallowed

*gasoline * Moth balls *pesticide

* muriatic acid * motor oil * Broken wire plug

Group III – Check the blank if the product is useful to our body and put X if harmful.
_______1. Milk
_______2. Gasoline
_______3. Sauce
_______4. Muriatic acid
_______5. Moth balls

V. Generalization:
1. What are those home hazards such as household products that are harmful if touched,
ingested or inhaled, especially electrical appliances?
2. How will you handle such household materials to avoid danger?

VI- Evaluation:

Read and understand the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer

2 3

1. Which of the pictures shown above is hazardous?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

2. The illustrations above good examples for our health EXCEPT one. Which one is it?

a. 1 b. 2 c.3 d.4

3. Chloe is playing match in the kitchen. What will you do?

a. I will not mind her.
b. I will play with her.
c. I will run outside so I cannot see her.
d. I will tell her to stop playing because it can cause fire.

4. You have seen a group of boys inhaling rugby. What will you do?
a. I will join them.
b. I will not mind them.
c. I will report it to the police
d. I will tell my brother that we will join them.

5. How will you disposed hazardous materials?

a. I will put it in our kitchen
b. I will put it in our dining table
c. I will disposed it in a proper and safe place
d. I will put it in the backyard of our neighbor.

VII. Assignment:

List down 5 products / chemical at home that is harmful if not used properly and 5 harmful products/
chemicals that is harmful when inhaled or swallowed.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher – II Master Teacher II

Approved by:

Principal II

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