Verbos en Ingles

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Present Past tense Progressive Future tense Past participle Meaning

(Pasado) (Presente
Am Was Being Be Been
Be Was, were Being Be Been
Arise Arose Arising Arise Arisen
Awake Awoke Awaking Awake Awaken
Bear Bore Bearing Bear Bornen,born
Bcat Beat Beating Beat Beaten,beat
become Became Becoming become Become
begin Began Beginning begin Begun
bend Bent Bending Bend Bent
Bet Bet Betting Bet Bet
Bid Bade Bidding Bid Bid
Bind Bound Binding Bind ---------
Bite Bit Biting Bite Bitten
Bleed Bled Bleeding Bleed Bled
Blow Blew Blowing Blow Blown
Break Broke Breaking Break Broken
Bring Brought Bringing Bring Brought
Broadcast Broadcast broadcasting Broadcast Broadcast
Build Built Building Build Built
Burst Burst bursting burst Burst
Buy Bought Buying Buy Bought
Cast Cast Casting Cast Cast
Catch Caught Catching Catch Caught
Choose Chose Choosing Choose Chosen
Cling Clung Clinging Cling Clung
come Came Coming come Come
Cost Cost Costing Cost Cost
Creep Creped Creeping Creep Crept
Cut Cut Cutting Cut Cut
Deal dealt Dealing Deal Deal
Dig Dug Digging Dig Dug
Dive Dived, dove Diving Dive Dived
Do Did Doing Do Done
Draw Drew Drawing Draw Drawn
Drink Drank Drinking Drink Drunk
Drive Drove Driving Drive Driven
Eat Ate eating Eat Eaten
Fall Fell Falling Fall Fallen
Feed fed Feeding Feed Fed
Feel Felt Feeling Feel Felt
Fight Fought Fighting Fight fought
Find found Finding Find Found
Fit fit Fitting Fit Fit
Flee Fled Fleeing Flee Fled

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