Bahasa Inggris Yuvita

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Home work


VIDIO 1 ( Vital sign checkoff)

expressions/sentences a Nurse

1. Hi my name is Deska I’m a student Nurse with Henry ford college my have check
other your vital today.
2. Let’s gonna check about 15 minutes
3. Oke, can you fare your name for me
4. Yes. Ember
5. Oke I’m checking your situation
6. I’m checking your temperature
7. Open your mouth, close your mouth
8. Your temperature is ninety eighty six, this normal. That right
9. I’m recording a book
10. Oke, let’s going I’m checking your blood pressure
11. Ember your do you wanna be pines?
12. lets your arms
13. This is stethoscope clean
14. Oke one thirty over weight
15. I will check the pulse and do you anything just relax, oke
16. Oke and your ready pulse is seventy two and this normal
17. And your bed is lock
18. Do you something to ask about checking this today
19. Oke I’m going to let’s checking it’s vital today
20. I will reshort checking with my instructure

VIDIO 2 (can skill: vital sign temperature pulse and respiration)

expressions/sentences a Nurse

1. Hi, your namely Sidney I’m checking your temperature, pulse, and respiration today
2. So, I meant wash my hand and be right back
3. I wash my hand completely right
4. and I get supplies and put them on table
5. and my record paper , and alcohol swab
6. can go
7. and my record paper , and alcohol swab
8. can go your hand the bed hand the bed
9. so your temperature twenty seven three
10. I’m clean temperature again with swab alcohol
11. Alright some going to take your pulse you can cannot thrity second
12. Finger next to the bone
13. so your respiration in hel in excel
14. So sometime trouble anly abdomen you can see
15. So checking your pulse 60 seconds
16. So checking your pulse 30 seconds and I’m record. so your pulse twenty seven
17. So checking your repiration 60 seconds
18. So checking your repiration 30 seconds
19. alright I’m going to a head, and your respiration normaly
20. and this your watter, and I’m going
21. I’m washed again my hand

VIDIO 3 ( Dmostration)

expressions/sentences a Nurse

1. Hi, miss I’m sonya I check your respiration

2. I wash my hand on sanitizer
3. Do you have me quation?
4. First, I was checking your pulse, and your pulse is normal
5. Checking your pulse on oximeter and push your figher
6. Im checking heart rate on stethoscope, and this normaly
7. Your checking is finifh, your situations normaly foingher, your oxygen
8. Oke darling I’m done for today

VIDIO 4 (can skill: vital sign temperature pulse and respiration)

expressions/sentences a Nurse

1. Hi, my name is vegy im checking your repiration sample with me

2. First I was my hand I’m check on thermoter in your mouth, see your temperature ninety
sixy one
3. I’m going to do your repiration 30 seconds
4. Thank you Vicky, I’m going wash my hand and I will excuse

VIDIO 5 (english for nurse: taking vital sign )

1. Good morning Mr. green wood I need to do your vital sign. Is that oke?
2. Can I check temperature first
3. I pute a thermomether tougue take your temperature right it’s 37.9 dehgree.
Yourtmperature is high but this morning. That’s notmal 37,9 degrees is a little high
4. Your blood pressure is 80/50 quit low
5. I’m going to see oxygen is in your blood
6. Youre oxygen 99% that’s very good
7. Your respiration is 16, that’s ok

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