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9/25/21, 11:17 AM Basic Word Structure | Module 1 | Medical Terminology | edX

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Medical Terminology
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Course / Module 1 / Basic Word Structure
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Building Words
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Building Words for the Medical Language

language of medicine the first thing
to do is to understand
how to divide words into their
component parts.
Let’s look at an example: Hematology
– Hema (blood): root
O: Combining vowel Logy (process of
study): suffix
The root is the foundation of the
 All medical terms have one or more
The suffix is the word ending.
All medical terms have a suffix.
The combining vowel, usually an “o”
links the root to the suffix or to
 The suffix is the word ending. another root.
The combining vowel has not
meaning of its own it just joins one
work part to another.
0:33 / 1:36 1.0x It is useful to read the meaning of the
     
medical term starting from the suffix

Summarized in The Language of Medicine by Davi-Ellen Chabner are the 5 basic elements from
which medical terms are built:
1. Root: foundation of the term (all medical terms have one or more root elements)
2. Suffix: word ending (all medical terms have a suffix element)
3. Prefix: word beginning (not all terms have a prefix)
4. Combining Vowel: vowel (usually o) that links the root to the suffix or the root to another root
5. Combining Form: combination of the root and the combining vowel
Davi-Ellen Chabner’s book The Language of Medicine also provides three general rules to remember
when building medical terms:
1. READ the meaning of medical terms from the suffix back to the beginning of the term and across.
2. DROP the combining vowel (usually o) before a suffix beginning with a vowel: gastritis, not
3. KEEP the combining vowel between two roots: gastroenterology, not gastrenterology.
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