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Assessment of customer service delivery in Ethio-tele com (in case study of Harar


Research proposal by: Mr. Ahmed Yaqub

Mr. Arjun Abas

Harar Teachers Education and Business College

Faculty of Business and Economics

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................i
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1
1.1. BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY........................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem .........................................................................................................2
1.3. Research question ....................................................................................................................3
1.4. Objective of the study..............................................................................................................3
1 .4.1 General Objective...........................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific Objective...........................................................................................................3
1.5. Significance of the study.......................................................................................................3
1.6. Scope /delimitation of the study............................................................................................4
1.8. Limitation of the study..........................................................................................................4
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..................................................................................5
2.1 DEFINITION OF SERVICE.................................................................................................5
2.2 Nature of Service...................................................................................................................5
2.3 Distinctive Characteristics of Service....................................................................................6
2.3.1 Intangibility.....................................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Inseparability...................................................................................................................7
2.3.3 Variability........................................................................................................................7
2.3.4 Portability........................................................................................................................7
2.4 Factor influencing the Growth of Service sector...................................................................7
2.4.1 Demographic Change......................................................................................................7
2.4 2 Social Change..................................................................................................................8
2.4.3 Economic Change............................................................................................................8
2.4.4. Policy Changes...............................................................................................................8
2.5. Developing the Service Communication Mix.......................................................................8
2.6. Marketing strategy for service firm......................................................................................9
2.7. Customer Service Strategy....................................................................................................9

2.7.1 Important of Customer Service Strategy.......................................................................10
2.8. Four Core Element of Service Strategy..............................................................................10
2.9. Definition of Telecommunication.......................................................................................11
2.10. Benefit of Telecommunication in Economic Development of a Country........................11
2.10. Advantage of Telecommunication System in Business....................................................11
3.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..............................................................................................11
3.1 Description of study Area....................................................................................................11
3.2. Population and sample procedure.......................................................................................12
3.2.1. Population and sample Method....................................................................................12
3.3. Data Source ........................................................................................................................12
3.4. Sampling technique.............................................................................................................12
3.5. Data Collection Procedures.................................................................................................12
3.6 Data collection instrument...................................................................................................12
3.6.1 Questionnaires...............................................................................................................13
3.6.2. Interview.......................................................................................................................13
3.7. Validity and Reliability of measures...................................................................................13
3.8. Data presentation.................................................................................................................13
3.9. Data analysis.......................................................................................................................13
4. WORK PLAN AND LOGISTICS.............................................................................................14
4.1 Work Plan4.1 Work Plan.....................................................................................................14
4.2 Logistics Stationery Cost.....................................................................................................15
REFERENCE ...............................................................................................................................16

ii | P a g e
The study is conducted on the assessment of customer service delivery of Ethio-telecom in case
of Harar city by the main purpose of service delivery with an appropriate price it also assessed
the strategy that Ethio-telecom use to render service. The proposal used both primary and
secondary data source, the primary data was collected through questionnaire and interview, the
secondary data was obtained from related Book, newspaper and reports. The collected data was
analyzed through tabulation and percentage in order to assess the customer service delivery of
Ethio-telecom. The proposal also used convenient sampling technique, because this technique
was favorable to get customers easily, less costly and it gives freedom to choose sample
according to wish the researcher

iii | P a g e
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Chapter One

1.1. Back Ground of The Study

Telecommunication is one of the communication elements in the world. The current
technological development in the world has its own effect for the development of
communication facilities for different people and organization for facilitating international
economy. In recent year, the world communication has enormous changes the field of
communication is extremely complex and includes many diverse set of technologies. When as a
new communication technology are developed companies have to find way to make easier for
employees to seek out sort through organizer give disperse and share information. (Bouee thill
2000 P.338). Many companies by using the internet, email and Fax to communicate with
suppliers and customers these technology allows people from opposite end of the world to work
together seam less while they send bits and bytes rocketing around the globe. This global
collaborationist enables companies to build their products run their operation, and deliver their
sentience better faster and cheaper way, (Bouee, thill 2000 P.339). In the sophisticated
information age different technologies are, invented one of this is telecommunication
technology. Telecommunication refers to communicate across a distance by means of various
types of equipment. Telecommunication plays a major role in exchanging information among
various sectors of socio cultural and economy of the society. The modern communication like
mobile communication, wireless communication, is not the only essential to the country socio
economic development but also its one of the condition in attracting foreign capital and
encouraging competition many firm for example coworker accent entered department are no
telephone system in expensive fax machine and copes and power full but economic computer
make it practical for people to telecom. The Ethio telecom manager and cotinuousily cited to be
formulating and preaching about policies that will ensure high customer quality standards in their
Ethio Telecom. Gathering from different works done on quality of service, the conclusion drawn
by boating (1995) is that an improved service quality has the altimate goal of achiving over all
increased productivity increased performance and profitability which emanates from derived
advantages; Enhanced customer retention rates, Higher costumer loyality, Attraction of new
customer, Improved employee moral.

The above mentioned are the importance of providing quality customer service and underscores
why ensuring quality customer service has become the competitive power in to day business

When come at quality service delivery of Harare city Ethio Telecom, also have strong influence
on customer satisfaction. Some factors in this also be considered keys affecting customer
engagement, moral, satisfaction of customer. Although convenient quality service delivery
conditions are requirements for improving profitability, quality works as well as customer
satisfaction. Importance of managing good service delivery of customer;

 Reducing market cost since direct mail follow up and other customer requirements
 Evaluate profitability due to increased sales and customer relation during production
 Providing mechanism for managing service delivery and follow the customer.
 Identify what customers value and devising an appropriate shortage of the service for
each customer (warren,1997;207)
 Current information facilitation
 Understanding others

1.2. Statement of the problem

and facilitates the communication service of the country having the development of high
qualified, sufficient, reliable, and affordable delivery system. Telecommunication plays a
significance role in socio-economic and political development of both developed and developing
country (manual report from Ethio-telecom 2000). In Ethiopia the expansion of communication
service are relatively recent phenomena. Due to that some problem related to service delivery
existed and dissatisfaction of customer. Moreover, different researcher tries to find out those
problem but still the same problem is not perfectly solved such as Lack of customer awareness
about Ethio-telecom customer service delivery, Mismatch between the institution strategy and
the real situation, Problem associated with network, Lack of unwillingn in dealing Ethio-telecom
service plays an important role in economic developments of a country ess employee to give

service. Hinder them to achieve their high objective these studies would try to get a solution for
those problems with customer service delivery in Ethio-telecom in case of Harar city.

1.3. Objective of the study

1 .3.1 General Objective
The main objective of the study is assessing customer service delivery of Ethio-telecom in Harar
1.3.2 Specific Objective
 To know willingness of employee that give service for customers.
 To examined awareness of customer about Ethio-telecom service delivery.
 To examine customer, complain of customer service delivery.
 To assessed the cause of network problem.

1.4. Research question

 What is Willingness of employee to give service?
 What strategy the institutions use to render service?
 How to aware the customer about Ethio-telecom service?
 What is the cause of network problem?

1.5. Significance of the study

The study ensures that the assessment of service delivery of Ethio-telecom beside the study
would have the following significance.
 It helps the customer to understand the service delivery of corporation.
 It serves preference for other research.
 It helps to give good information in order to get enough knowledge and awareness about
different service.
 It would forward suggestion to improve existing problem.

1.6. Scope /delimitation of the study
This study focuses on customer service delivery of Ethio-telecom in case of Harar city.
Assessing all customer service system was difficult so the study would limit on customer service
delivery of Ethio-Telecom. Similarly, Ethio-telecom has so many branches throughout the
country. However, due to time and budget constraint the study would limit on only Ethio-
telecom, Harar city.

1.7. Limitation of the study

To conduct the study, the proposal is expected to the following limitation during gathering of
 The view of this proposal limited on only one distinct of Ethio-telecom and the study
focused only on customer service delivery.
 During sampling technique, the investigator took only some part of the total population
so these may introduce some level of bias in this proposal.
 The investigator faced un willingness of respondents in order to gather enough data.

Chapter Two

2. Review of Related Literature

2.1 Definition of Service
It can difficult to define just what is meant by a service because most products we buy contain a
mixture of good element and service element. Even apparently pure good such as timber often
contain service element such as the service required in transporting timber from where it was
produced to where a customer requires it. A service is any activity or benefit that one party can
offer to another which is essential intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. In
more tongue. In cheek manner services have been described as anything which cannot be
dropped on your foot (Michael J. Baker 15th edition 2003.pp.588). A service is any act or
performance that one party can offer to another that is essential intangible and does not result in
the ownership of anything. It production may not betide to a physical product. Manufacture,
distributor and retailer can provide value added service or simply excellent customer service to
differentiate them self-service are deeds (insurance) process. (Customer clearing) and
performance (haircut, surgery teaching etc) service are not tangible things that cannot be touched
seen, felt, but rather intangible deed and performance. A service in deed performed by one party
for another, when you proved a customer with a service the customer cannot keep it. Rather a
service is experienced used or consumed service are not physically they are intangible you
cannot “hold” a service and it may be hard to know exactly.

2.2 Nature of Service

The service sector accounts for more than 50% India GDP. It is growing at a much faster rate
than the other tow sectors. Namely, manufacturing and agriculture is highly competitive. Rigidly
globalization environment the designing managing of service is going to be a challenging task.

Also companies facing parity with competitive offer in on product feature use service dimension
successful differentiation companies seek to develop a reputation for superior performance in
delivery a better and faster response to queries and a quicker resolution of complaints (Philip
Kotter 12th edition 2006. Pp340). Service industry are everywhere the government sector with its
court employment service hospital loan agencies monetary service police and fire department
postal service regulatory service and fare department and school and in the service business the
private nonprofit seat or with its museum, charities, churches, college foundation on and hospital
is in the service business a good part of business sector with its airline banks, haters insurance
companies haw firm management consulting firm medical practice motion picture companies
plumbing repair companies and real estate firms is in the service operator accounts and legal
staff are really service provider in to the “good factory” and those in the retail sector such as
cashier clerks sales people and customer service representatives providing a service (Philip
Kittler 2006. 12th edition pp.340).

2.3 Distinctive Characteristics of Service

Pure service has a number of distinctive characteristics that differentiate them from goods and
have implication for the manner in which they are marketed. These characteristics are often
described as intangibility; inseparability and variability and portability to won a service.

2.3.1 Intangibility
A pure service cannot be assessed using any of the physical senses it is an abstraction which
cannot be directly examined before it is purchased. A prospective purchaser of most goods is
able to examine the goods for physical integrity aesthetic appearance taste, smell etc. many
advertising claims relating to these tangible properties can be varied by inspection prior to
purchase on the other hand pure service have no tangible properties which can be used by
customer to verify advertising declaim before the purchase is made. Intangible process
characteristics which define service, such as reliability personal care attentiveness of staff their
friendliness etc can only be verified once a service has been purchased and consumed goods
generally have tangible bench marks against which quality can be assessed (e.g. durability taste).
In the case of service these bench mark can often only be defined in the mind of consumers
(Michael: Baker 15th edition 2003 pp.589).

2.3.2 Inseparability
Service are typically produced and consumed simultaneously this is not true of physical good
which are manufactured. Put in to inventory distributed through multiple reseller and consumed
later if a person render the service then the provider is a part of the service. Because the client is
also a present is produced provider client interaction is a special feature of service marketing.

2.3.3 Variability
Because they depend on who provides them and where they are provided service are highly
variable. Some doctors have excellent bed side manner forming a certain operation other are less
successful service buyer are aware of this variability and often talk to other before selection a
service provider. Service firm can take steps toward quality control the first is investing in good
hiring and training procedures. recruiting the right employees and providing them with excellent
training is crucial regardless of whether employees are highly skilled professional are low skilled
workers (Mithileshwar Jha 2006. 12th edition pp 343).

2.3.4 Portability
Service differ from good in that they cannot be stored producers of must manufactured goods
who are unable to sell all of their output in the current period can carry forward stock to sell in a
subsequent period the only significant cost are storage cost, financing cost and the possibility of
less through wastage or obsolescence. By contrast the producer of a service which cannot sell all
of its output produced in the current period gets no chance to carry it forward for sale in a
subsequent period. Bus companies which offer seal and a bus leaving Manchester for buyer
cannot sell any empty seats once the bus has completed its journey very few services face a
constant pattern of variation which could follow a daily pattern (Michael; Baker 2003. 15th
edition pp. 591).

2.4 Factor influencing the Growth of Service sector

2.4.1 Demographic Change
Three basic phases relevant in the growth of service are: -

1. Decrease in the rate of mortality infant death and fertilizer as a result of the target audience
increase for service marketing.

2. Increase the proportion of the young people and if they get employment then they will have
more disposable income to buy service and also can be employed in service industry.

3. Finally people live longer we have more orderly people to whom service can be marketed
because they have the need paying capacity.

2.4 2 Social Change

Because of the improvement in the social condition of the house hold people have more
disposable income more so far families where women also earn new need are created and
catered. E.g. working mother increase surplus since of the families and be a consumer of child
care services as they have less time to book after the children life style changes are on such are at
latest era is high flying professional need high quality service and service providers.

2.4.3 Economic Change

After world war II there where as a stabilization activity more piece due to the technological
advance during the war the company of those household improved more factories more
employment more surplus earning more good and services as the government withdraw control
overhand ownership etc.

2.4.4. Policy Changes

The government is the policy maker of a country and the polices have the major impact on the
development of the country these is nature to the population in general and development pattern
in particular. In India if happened slowly like some sectors where opened to private ownership
globalization liberation on decontrol. Exim policy GATT e.t.c
(WWW.Sribdocomdoc/2651834/service marketing-introduction the nature of service marketing)

2.5. Developing the Service Communication Mix

Communication strategy is one of the key components of the service marketing Mix. In general,
the primary role of the service firm’s communication strategy is to inform persuade, or remind
consumer about service being offered consumer cannot be expected to use a service they don’t
know about, therefore, a primary objective of communication strategy is to create consumer
awareness of a service product exist consumer may need additional encouragement to try it an
information how to obtain and use the service. Finally, people forget just because they have been
told something once does not mean that they will necessary remember over it. (John. EG.
Bateson 2001. 2nd edition pp. 192).

2.6. Marketing strategy for service firm
Many service businesses are small such as share pair shop and hair salons and don’t use formal
marketing techniques there are also plenty of professional service business such as accounting
and law firms that through it was unprofessional to use marketing and some still do-both this is
changing the classical good but service companies need to pay attention to additional element
marketing gerus boon and bitner identify additional for service marketing.

1. People: - If the service you offer is provided by people then the selection, trading and
motivation of your employee has a huge effect on customer satisfaction. Employee should be
competent caring responsive and have problem solving ability see our articles on managing
people well for tips in this area.

2. Physical evidence: - as a service company you need to demonstrate your service quality
through physical evidence and presentation.

3. Process: - you can choose among different way or process for your service company to
deliver your service for example restaurant have developed different format such as cafeteria
style, fast food, buffet and can delight service (

4. Gap between service delivery and external communication: - Customers’ expectations are
affected by statement made by company representatives and advertising.

5. Gap Between Perceived Service and expected service: - this gap occurs when the consumer
misperceives the services quality.

2.7. Customer Service Strategy

There are four key steps in creating a customer service strategy (James G. Barness 1995. Pp.
352-359). 1. Identifying a service mission:- a service company should articulate its service
commitment and values with in its corporate mission and or in a separate service mission
statement which reflects t the company’s philosophy and commitment to the customer service.
2. Setting customer service objective: - this involves answering question such as how important
is customer service compared with other marketing mix element? Which are the most important
customer service elements? In the considering level of performance in setting these objectives
service companies must consider the importance of service quality variable such as reliability,

responsiveness assurance empathy and tangible. 3. Customer service strategy: - Most market
consists of market segment which seek different combination of benefit. As all customers don’t
require the same level of service segmentation can be a powerful means of creating appropriate
service packages for each relative market segment. 4. Implementation: - Once the most effective
service package has been developed for each segment it should then become part of an integrated
marketing mix. A service organization should focus especially on customer service and keep
customer satisfaction levels under constant review.

2.7.1 Important of Customer Service Strategy

To survive organization must understand how they create values for themselves and for the
customer. The mission of the service strategy phase is to develop the capacity to achieve and
maintain a strategic advantage the associated objectives are: -

 Defining strategic objectives

 Determining the direction for growth opportunity
 Setting investment priority
 Defining outcomes learning about effectiveness
 Creating a strategic asset
 Identifying the competition
 Surprising the competition by delivering distinctive performance
 Devising plan that will ensure dominance over the competition now and in the future.

The development and application of the in the service strategy require constant revision just as in
all other component of the cycle. If the strategy is effective, then the efforts that are expanded in
all of the other phase of life cycle will be successful (jan.van.bon 2008).

2.8. Four Core Element of Service Strategy

1. Service Reliability: - refers to accurate and dependable service it refers to keeping the service
promise. 2. Means finding: - way to make the customer say “Wow” these folks are good” it
comes from UN expected extra. 3. Involves regaining the customer confidence: - is the service is
deficient it means standing behind the service. 4. Requires a level playing field for company and
customer business: - is conducted in an ethical arena.

10 | P a g e
2.9. Definition of Telecommunication
Telecommunication also called is the exchange of information over significance distance by
electronic means. A complete, single telecommunication circuit s of two stations, each equipped
with transmitter and receiver the transmitter is a receiver at any station may be combined in to a
single device called a transceiver. The medium of signal transmission can be electronically wire
of cables (also known as “Copper” optical fiber or electromagnetic field the free-space
transmission and reception of data by means of electromagnetic field the simplest form of
telecommunication take place between two stations. However, it is common for multiple
transmitting and receiving station to exchange data among themselves such armament is called
telecommunication network.

2.10. Benefit of Telecommunication in Economic Development of a Country

The world is rapidly moving toward an economic system based on the continuous an ambiguous
availability of information recent advance in telecommunication technology have an important
vehicle in permitting information exchange to develop as a valuable commodity. Countries and
sector equipped with the requisite telecommunication system have been rapidly having in to
postindustrial information based economy growth. Telecommunication infrastructure is not only
essential for domestic economy growth but a perquisite for participation in increasingly
competitive world markets and for attracting new investors.

2.10. Advantage of Telecommunication System in Business

Advantage of Telecommunication System in Business Are Reduce Operational Cost, Efficient
Customer Service, Marketing Strategy and Access to a Wider Market.

Chapter three

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Description of study Area
The study will only focus on the role of customer service delivery strategy of the Ethio telecom
that exist in Harar city which is located at a distance of 526 kilo meter from Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. The growth of expansion in Harar city will be dramatically increasing now when we
comparing with other city. and the population Harar City were mostly Muslim when compared

11 | P a g e
with orthodox Christianity additionally the air condition of this zone is very comfortable for
human being so the Harar city very good for living from other region

3.2. Population and sample procedure

3.2.1. Population and sample Method.
For this study the researcher used comprehensive sampling techniques because, the number of
workers in the Ethio Telecom in Harar city are manageable, the total number of worker are forty
eight ,and the researcher would be used purposive sampling technique for interview. So the
researcher would distribute questioners for all workers of Ethio-Telecom.

3.3. Data Source

The necessary data for this study would be used primary data source. The primary data source
was collected through interview and questioner of the employee and customer

3.4. Sampling technique

The sampling technique used for this study were Census sampling technique to select from ethio
telecom workers because the total numbers of workers were less than fifty. To select customers
from the total populations the student researcher uses convenient sampling techniques because
researcher can easily get the customers who has mobile service user as well as fixed telephone
service user.

3.5. Data Collection Procedures

To collect relevant data from the respondents, the researcher follows certain steps. Accordingly,
first Questionnaires would be distributed for workers in their organization, and the researcher
would be given clear information for respondents regarding on the purpose of questionnaire and
request to read. The questions carefully and to set the appropriate answer which express their
idea. Second, some worker was interviewed and the interviews were interpretations and analysis
of collect the data.

3.6 Data collection instrument

To conduct this study, the researcher would be employed two major data collecting method i.e.
questionnaires and interview.

12 | P a g e
3.6.1 Questionnaires
Questionnaire would be a research instrument consisting of a series of question and other
prompts for the purpose of gathering information from the respondents. The questionnaire
contains open -ended questions because, to give the respondents free chance to write their idea,
and close-ended questions would use to give chance to all major workers to gathering

3.6.2. Interview
Interview is another research instrument conversation between two or more people where
questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewers. Interviewer
would be used to collect data to get relevant information from the expect respondents. Interview
were collected from the participants and it would hold individually to let the participant feel to
speak their experience and believe about factors that affect what we study.

3.7. Validity and Reliability of measures

The researcher was distributing questionaries’ to the worker and if their response of respondent
the same, the finding problem of the study is reliable and what extent the problem the researches
investigate was real problem of the organizations.

3.8. Data presentation

After all information was collected and the results achieved, there was presentation of results
through: - Explaining the results in detail, Presentation of the results by using. Tabulation
Percentages and etc.

3.9. Data analysis

After data processing the next step will analyze the data the researcher will use descriptive
analysis method by using the tabulation, statement form, percentage, explain the result in detail
to analyze and interpret the collect data.

13 | P a g e
4.1 Work Plan4.1 Work Plan
No Activity Time

1 Reviewing literature February& March


2 Refinement of proposal March 2023

3 Defense presentation and approval of -


4 Securing funds for intended study March 2023

5 Purchase of necessary stationery March 2023

masteries and supplies

6 Preparation of questionnaire -

7 Pilot testing and refining the -

14 | P a g e

8 Data collection -

9 Data entry and result analysis -

10 Write-up first pr0posal draft March 2023

11 Submission of first thesis draft -

12 Submission of final Draft -

13 Presentation for defense -

4.2 Logistics Stationery Cost

No Item Unit Quantity Unit Total
cost(Birr) cost(Birr)

1 Photocopy Ream 2 200 400


2 Note book No 2 20 40

4 Printing Ream 2 200 400


5 Push pencil Pecs 5 10 50

6 Flesh disk No 1(8GB) 200 200

Total 1090

15 | P a g e
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