Typical Foods of Mexico

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Typical foods of Mexico

The mole
The kitchen is a reward for the palate and in Mexico if you are celebrating something probably
the main dish on the table will be a good Mole. In our country you will be able to find a great
variety of them, some of them become so sophisticated that they can contain an endless
number of ingredients from different parts of the world that, when mixed correctly, take on an
undoubtedly Mexican identity. It is a sauce that is alive and when you put it in your mouth it
literally becomes a great party for the palate.

The pozole
To talk about this delicious stew, we have to go back a bit in history since several Friars began
to document its existence. Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, wrote about the unique saucer in his
monumental work: General history of the things of New Spain. We can affirm that he wrote it
with disgust, since the ancient Mexicas prepared pozole with meat from the captives sacrificed
in some festivals, mainly the one dedicated to Our Lord the Flayed, Xipe Totec. Said celebration
bore the name of Tlacaxipehualiztli.

Today this dish has a different and more civilized preparation since nowadays it is made with
pork. At present, the pozole has undergone changes and differences associated with the region
where it is prepared and consumed. In the state of Guerrero, white and green are prepared,
while in Mexico City, Sinaloa, Nayarit, and Jalisco, the red variant is consumed.
. Cochinita pibil
In Mexico, the kitchen, like the map, is divided into several regions. The gastronomy of each of
them is very different from the other. Yucatan cuisine is quite particular. First, because it
developed very far from what was happening in the center of the country, and because of the
influence of the Mayans. It is not for nothing that it forms an important part of the
gastronomic routes and the best-known dish in this area is the cochinita pibil.

The cochinita pibil is part of the cultural fusion that developed in Yucatan: the Spanish and the
Mayan. This dish, prepared with pork marinated in achiote and wrapped in banana leaves, was
traditionally cooked inside a hole in the ground on hot stones, since pibil in the Mayan
language means "under ground." This preparation of underground ovens is especially
representative because it was essential for the most important celebration of the pre-Hispanic
world, the "Hanal Pixan", or Day of the Dead. For this celebration, the Mayans made a large
tamale that contained various animal meats such as deer and pheasant.

Among others.

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