FM Lab 2

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Fluid Mechanics Lab

Lab Report 02

The Hydraulic Bench


Session: ME-13 Section: C Group:


Name: Waleed Nasir

CMS: 394281

School of Mechanical and Manufacturing


The hydraulic bench

To use the hydraulic bench's volumetric tank to measure the volume flow rate at various valve

1. Water Channel
2. Working Bench
3. Flow Control Valve
4. Main Switch
5. Centrifugal Pump
6. Dump Valve
7. Volumetric Tank
8. Sight Tube
9. Dump Valve
10. Sump Tank

In the lower section, a sump tank stores water. The water from the sump tank flows through a
control valve to an outlet in the open channel's bed via a centrifugal pump. Water is collected in
the volumetric measuring tank, which is stepped to accommodate both high and low flow rates,
after passing through the testing unit. The volumetric tank integrates a stilling puzzle and
remote sight tube with adjusted volumetric scale. Water is returned to the sump tank for
recycling via a dump valve at the base of the tank. The stilling baffle has an overflow opening
built in to stop overtopping if the dump valve is closed.

1. Ensure that the Hydraulic Bench is placed on a level ground with locked wheels and
that the sump tank of the Hydraulic Bench is approximately 90% full.
2. Direct the water supply from Hydraulic Bench into the volumetric tank using
appropriate connector and hose. Then, fasten the hose with hose clip.
3. Fully close the flow control valve then switch on the main switch to run the
centrifugal pump.
4. Gradually open the flow control valve and allow the piping to fill with water until all
air has been expelled from the system.
5. As the water level rises in the tank, measure the amount of time taken to fill a
portion of the sump tank by observing the ‘sight gauge’.
6. Repeat the observation for various flow rates. Use a measuring cylinder instead of
the volumetric tank, when small flow rates occur.


Valve position Volume, Q [m3] Time, t [s] Flowrate, ̇ [m3/s]

180 0.004 15.8 2.53×10^-5

360 0.008 8 1×10^-3


540 0.020 22 0.0009


720 0.030 30 1×10^-3


900 0.032 27 0.001185


1080 0.028 19 0.001473


Draw a graph between valve position and the volumetric flow rate.
The hydraulic bench is a piece of equipment that allows for controlled and programmable
fluid flow simulation. It has a pump, a pressure gauge, a flow meter, and a set of valves and
pipes. The experiment is carried out by connecting the volumetric tank to the hydraulic
bench and adjusting the valve position to various settings. After that, the pump is started,
and the flow meter and the pressure gauge are used to measure the fluid's flow rate and
pressure. The volumetric tank has a calibrated scale that is used to record the volume of
fluid that goes through the system. In order to ascertain the effect of the valve position on
the volume flow rate, the experiment is repeated with various valve positions. The
outcomes are then recorded and analyzed.

In conclusion, the hydraulic bench can be used to operate many different fluid mechanics
study apparatus which require water as a working fluid. The hydraulic bench can provide a
variety of volumetric flow rates and pressures as well. By studying different fluid flow
scenarios and situations, engineers use the data obtained for optimizing systems that
involve fluid flows and interaction for maximum efficiency and also safety processes.

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