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ENGLISH – Classroom Language

Scholarship Examination
Grade 5

Your Name:
Sarath Wijenayake - Contact: 0707513337 / 0714513337

1. Greetings and wishes

1. Good morning. - iqn WoEikla fõjd!

2. Good afternoon. – iqn oyj,la fõjd!
3. Good evening. – iqn ikaOHdjla fõjd!
4. Good night. – iqn rd;s%hla fõjd!
5. Goodbye. – wdhqfndajka ^kslau hdfïoS&
6. Good luck. – jdikd fõjd!
7. All the best. – ish,a, idrA:l fõjd!
8. Happy birthday. – iqn Wmkaoskla fõjd!
9. Happy New Year. – iqn kj jirla fõjd!
10. Merry Christmas. – mS%;su;a k;a;,la fõjd!
11. Happy Christmas. – mS%;su;a k;a;,la fõjd!

2. Simple Commands

1. Hands up. – w;a Tijkak.

2. Hands down. – w;a my;g oukak.
3. Run. - ¥jkak.
4. Jump. - mkskak.
5. Start. – wdrïN lrkak.
6. Clap your hands. – w;afmdä .ikak.
7. Look at me. – ud foi n,kak.
8. Form a line. – fma<shla yefokak.
9. Don’t go out. – t<shg hkak tmd.
10. Get ready. – iQodkï jkak.

3. Requests
1. May I come in? – uu we;=<g tkak o?
2. May I go out? – uu t<shg hkak o?
3. Silence please. – lreKdlr ksYaYío jkak.
4. Listen to me please. – lreKdlr ug ijka fokak.
5. Hurry up please. – lreKdlr blauka lrkak.
6. Be quiet. – ksYaYío jkak.
7. Be careful. - m%fõYï jkak.

4. Praising
1. Good. - fyd|hs.
2. Very good. - b;d fyd|hs.
3. That’s right. – tal yrs.
4. Well-done. - fyd|g l<d.
5. I like it. – uu thg leu;shs.

5. Polite forms

1. Thank you. - Tng ia;=;shs.

2. Please excuse me. – lreKdlr ug iudjkak.
3. I am sorry. - ug lK.dgqhs.
4. Can I help you? – ug mq¿jka o Tng Woõ lrkak?

6. Simple question forms

1. Who is shouting? - ljqo lE.iñka isákafka?

2. What’s that? - wr l=ula o?
3. What’s this? – fï l=ula o?
4. What’s it? - th l=ula o?
5. Is it a parrot? – W! .srfjla o?
6. Is that a car? – wr ldrhla o?
7. Are you ready? - Tn iQodkï o?

7. Useful expressions and conversational language

1. What’s your name? – Tnf.a ku l=ula o?

2. How old are you? – Tnf.a jhi lSh o?
3. I am eight. – ug wghs.
4. Where do you live? – Tn cSj;a jkafka fldfya o?
5. I live in Maharagama. – uu csj;a jkafka uyr.u.
6. How many sisters do you have? – Tng ifydaorshka lShla isákjd o?
7. I have two brothers. – ug ifydaorhka fofofkla isákjd
8. What’s your school? – Tnf.a mdi, l=ula o?
9. In which grade are you? – Tn isákafka l=uk mka;sfha o?
10. I am in grade five. – uu isákafka miajk fY%aKsfha.
11. Can you sing? – Tng .dhkd lrkak mq¿jka o?
12. I can sing. – ug .dhkd lrkak mq¿jka.
13. Do you have a pet? – Tng iqr;f,la isákjd o?
14. I don’t have a pet. – ug iqr;f,la keye.
15..Do you have a pencil? – Tng mekai,la ;sfnkjd o?
16. Do you have a piece of paper? – Tng lvodis lene,a,la ;sfnkjd o?
17. Is this your pencil? – fuh Tnf.a mekai, o?
18. It is my pencil. – th uf.a mekai, .
19. What do you like? – Tn fudkjdgo leu;s?
20. Do you like ice-cream? – Tn whsia lS%ïj,g leu;s o?
21. No, I don’t. – keye. uu keye.
22. What is this? – fï l=ula o?
23. Who is this? – fï ljq o?
24. This is my father. – fï uf.a ;d;a;d.
25. How many flowers are there? – u,a lShla ;sfnkjd o?
26. There are two flowers. – u,a folla ;sfnkjd.
27. How much is it? - tys ñ, lSh o?
28. It’s ten rupees. – th remsh,a oyhhs.
29. It is on the table. – th fïih Wv ;sfnkjd.
30. Where are you going? – Tn hñka isákafka fldfya o?
31. I am going to the canteen. – uu wdmkYd,djg hñka isákjd.
32. Where is Saman? - iuka fldfyao isákafka?
33. He is in the canteen. – Tyq wdmkYd,dj ;=< isákjd.
34. Where are they? – Tjqka isákafka fldfya o?
35. They are in the canteen. – Tjqka wdmkYd,dj ;=< isákjd.
36. What are you doing? – Tn lrñka isákafka l=ula o?
37. I am reading a book. – uu fmd;la lshjñka isákjd.
38. What can you see? – Tng oel.kakg mq¿jka fudkjd o?
39. I can see a house. – ug ksjila oel.kakg mq¿jka.
40. What can you see in the picture? - Tng mska;r
+ fha oel.kakg mq¿jka fudkjd o?
41. I can see a cat. – ug n<f,la oel.kakg mq¿jka.
42. What is in my hand? – uf.a wf;a ;sfnkafka l=ula o?
43. It is a bag. – th nE.hls.
44. I like red. – uu r;= mdgg leu;shs.
45. I have a pet. – ug iqr;f,la isákjd.
46. It is a cat. – W! n<f,ls.
47. It is black. – W! l¿ mdghs.
48. My cat likes milk. – uf.a n<,d lsrsj,g leu;shs.
49. My cat has four legs. – uf.a n<,dg ll=,a y;rla ;sfnkjd.
50. It has a tail. – W!g j,s.hla ;sfnkjd.
51. It has two eyes. – W!g weia folla ;sfnkjd.
52. It has two ears. – W!g lka folla ;sfnkjd.
53. It has a small nose. - W!g l=vd kdihla ;sfnkjd.
54. It has a small mouth. – W!g l=vd lgla ;sfnkjd.

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