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Silver: Androgynous Orc with a metal leg, $1200 if freed

2. Bastille: Blonde Dwarf woman with a tattoo of a pixie, $600 if freed (Alive)
3. Cumberbatch: Elf who refuses to wear clothes, $1000 if shot dead in his cell
4. Hugh G. Rection: Troll with three horns, $3000 if given this locket.

5. Jamal T. Jumbo, A roided out Orc with rage issues and a snake tattoo around his right
eye. Don't free him (no one wants him to come home) just give him his glasses so he can
see who he is hitting next time $1200
6. Jimmy the Snitch: Balding human male with bad acne and yellow teeth. $4500 if
delivered to Mario's Italian Eatery. Bonus of $2000 if he is naked, hogtied and wearing a
ball gag. At back door ask for Grandma
7. Two-Gun Kat: Human female; catgirl cosmetic cyberware
8. Hopkins: Human; the most generic mother-fragger you ever saw.
9. Cut-Throat and Jane:
a. Cut-Throat: Muscled, Tattooed Razorboy, covered in scars and tattoos of knives.
b. Jane: Quiet, mousey woman who looks utterly bland.
c. Cut-Throat is terrified of Jane and always defers to her.
10. Ruby Razor: Female blond elf physical adept rewards $1000 a pair of daggers from the
gem crew, one Sapphire, and one Emerald bladed knife of fine craftsmanship with hand
carved wooden handles. Rest of the crew is too old to use them anyway. (The knives
lack metal and though the blades are fragile, they are as sharp as razors)
11. Gunter: Male Oldest Troll you've ever seen sporting first gen military grade ware.
Reward for release is your choice of an rpk hmg with three belts of APDS rounds, or a
case of AK97s.
12. Blue Lotus: Female Nartaki gunslinger, blue skinned, black hair. Rewards connection to a
reasonably powerful info broker.
13. Burner flamespire: male human full body burns. Rewards for proof of death, $500 and
discounts from a 3 loyalty 3 influence street doc connection.
14. Insight: Female dwarf hacker, may have been moved to a different facility. Rewards
$1500 for release, $800 for information on information about whereabouts. (Not
disclosed to players by Johnson but a little research reveals she may be a technomancer)
15. Vito Scarletty: Italian male 6 ft 9in tall, thick accent. Rewards $30000 if brought to [a
building run by the mob] preferably still in restraints but alive.
16. Grigori: Troll with extensive cyberware and a thick Russian accent.

17. Smiling Jack: Orc with half of a Glasgow Smile. Tell him Krav sent you and is calling in the
marker, he’s the best gunsmith I’ve ever seen, plus another $50 if you get him to put
some pants.
18. Volker: Human, only speaks German. Might need to bring a pack of cigs to get him to
follow you if you don’t. $300, he’s kind of an asshole. (Alive)
19. Slab: a troll FLR sam who had all his limbs removed. His torso and head weigh 200 kg
because he has titanium bone lacing. Runners have to drag his body outta there. Bonus
nuyen if you also get his cyberlimbs outta lockup. (Note that it would take too long to
install them by themselves...)
20. Alita; ripperdoc/combat medic. Expert at installing cyberlimbs. Can get Slab's legs
installed in under 5 minutes... But she’s too smart for her own good. Placed in solitary
confinement in the high security isolation wing, to prevent a 6th escape attempt.
21. Dogma; an incredibly dangerous combat mage. Constantly given a drug that makes it
impossible to do magic for some reason. He is also an incredibly racist Christian tradition
preacher member of Humanis. He’s actually not a Runner, but an evangelist. He has
mobs of followers that have pooled their money to give you a big payday if you free
22. Auntie Coulomb: Ornery Voodoo priestess known for her unpredictable hexes. $1000
if freed. (Alive)
23. Big Sibling: Non-binary hacker responsible for coding some of the most intrusive
surveillance software out there. $500 if you can wire the cameras to make it look like
their cell is empty, ironically ensuring they get forgotten.
24. Techpriest: Small human female rigger; Hikikomori with truly awful physical stats &
social anxiety when not jumped into one of her killer drones. $4500 if you still manage
to get her jittery wetware out of here.
25. Salami Slices - human decker with pizza themed personas and avatar. Young hanger on
of a mob bosses' child.
26. Deck: human hacker with low-visibility wireless datajack connection. Multiple mutually
exclusive bounties: large reward for live capture, larger reward for aiding escape, largest
reward for proof that his nervous system was destroyed without being inspected or
cyberware examined.
27. Gargles-With-Battery-Acid: Human fixer who sounds like Wolfman Jack with a sore
throat. Big like Vincent D'onofrio Kingpin big.

28. Stellar: Young Human blonde male, show off in sparkling red coat over naked body, with
holographic big word "STELLAR" on his back 200 ¥ if freed
29. Mad-Dog Chan: Middle aged Human male, Chinese, scars all over the body, doesn’t feel
pain and has no self-preservation instinct 15,000¥ if freed.
30. Veles: Awakened. Young Human male, wears tribal Slavic costume with antlers, trying
to speak to all cats he meets, 10,000¥ if beheaded in his cell, additional 5,000¥ if head
delivered to a widow (Dead, beheaded)
31. Terrabyte: Gigantic male troll, decker, shy and timid, 5,000¥ if freed
32. Recon: Ork male, cybereyes and a broken tusk. $1,000 for cybereyes (only)
33. Egon: Thin elf, 'poofy' hair, left cyber hand, $500 if freed
34. Commie Cate: Human female, red star tattoo on right cheek. $300 if killed in cell, $600 if
returned to Johnson
35. Luke Little (aka Little Luke, aka Petrova Winetsky): cross-dressing female troll with a
persecution complex; likely identifiable by refusing to wear a top. $500 if freed or
killed (Alive)
36. Elmo: a middle-aged, unmodded, mundane human, a bit overweight and balding. 2,000
if freed
37. John "the Eye" Bull: Rigger who uses squadrons of high tech flying drones with semi
auto sniper rifles and grenade launchers to cover his team, deliver airstrikes and to
assassinate his targets. Recently arrested for the reckless killing of 30+ corpo guards in
an urban area.
38. Big Boy: 90cm gnome, pretty handy with vehicles and weapons, $600 if freed. His
friends, Horny (2.80m Minotaur) and Grinder (red oni), are awaiting him at their team
39. Kevin: Lucky Bastard that somehow always gets out of trouble, but brings the people
around him into trouble. $300 if he stays in his cell + $X if he has company of a nasty
critter (scaling with the nastiness of the critter)
40. Fractal, Elf with a cyber arm that often ends in extendable tendrils rather than a hand.
41. Shrike, human cyber assassin leaves their victims impaled on barbed spikes often alive
but dying. 6000¥
42. JCB, Armored Troll CQB specialist often seen holding a battering ram. 2000¥
43. Hardpass, Dwarf Courier cybered infiltration specialist likes fast bikes 1500¥
44. Sam Frontiere, Dwarf High Threat Armored paramedic mage 2500¥
45. Lemons, Human Rigger likes to use citrus scented gas weaponry 1500¥
46. MarryMe, Orc Fixer and con artist tall, charismatic and extremely attractive, with
engineered pheromones 3500¥

Two dead guards in cell one, team has a radio, Luke Little has a service pistol and scalpel.

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