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Name: Anderson Rosero

Date:14/11/2021 Teacher: Miss Martha González B.

A. Choose the correct option and complete the sentences with the correct present tense.
(5 points)

1. I ____ at a bank.
a. works b. work c. is

2. We ____ Ecuadorians.
a. do be b. are c. do are

3. It ____ a beautiful day today.

a. is b. am c. are

4. We ____ in Esmeraldas.
a. is b. isn’t c. aren’t

5. Do you ___ chocolate milk?

a. be like b. likes c. like

B. What’s the time? Draw. Number 1 is already done as an example. (5 points)

C. Complete the conversation with the missing information. Use the sentences from the box.
(5 points)

where are you from what’s your cell phone number what is your full name
Colombia 1508 street Are you single or married

Manager: Good morning, I am the manager, what can I do for you?

Applicant: Hello, my name is Tatiana. I am here for the job as a secretary.
Manager: Perfect! I just need to ask you some questions. 1. What is your full name?
Applicant: My full name is Tatiana Ivonne Coca Medina.
Manager: Ok, 2. where are you from?
Applicant: I am from Guayaquil, but my parents live here,
Manager: and, where do you live?
Applicant: I live at 3. Colombia 1508 street.
Manager: and, 4. what’s your cell phone number?
Applicant: I don’t have a cell phone number. But, my house number is 2441-986
Manager: Finally Miss Tatiana 5. Are you single or married?
Applicant: I am single.
Manager: Well, thank you very much. We will call you later.
Applicant: Thank you so much. Have a nice day!

D. Put the words I order to make sentences. (5 points)

1. love / collecting stickers / They

They love collecting stickers

2. doesn’t / He / shopping / like

He does not like shopping.

3. painting pictures / hate / don’t / I

I don´t hate painting pictures.

4. they / using the computer / like / Do /?

Do they like using the computer

5. doesn’t / He / cooking / love

He doesn´t love cooking

E. Read Sara’s story and complete the sentences. (5 points)

1. Sara used to drive her motorcycle fast and carefully.

2. It was easy for Sara to learn how to ride her bike.
3. Sara drove her motorcycle along the town happily.
4. Her motorcycle sounds loudly.

F. Listen and complete each sentence or question with the modal verb, "can." Some of these
verbs are negative. (5 points)

1. Where can I go to get some gas?

2. She can´t see through the windshield.
3. They can´t find their gloves.
4. How far can you throw this?
5. You can leave until 5:00.

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