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Journeys 5th Grade Vocabulary Unit 1

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5

A Package for A Royal Mystery Off and Running Double Dutch: A Celebration Elisa’s Diary
of Jump Rope, Rhyme, &
Mrs. Jewls Sisterhood
collapsed – fell down; brandishing – waving debate – a discussion of unison – at the same officially – in an official
caved in about in a bold or daring opposing opinions about a time; at once way; formally
manner; flourishing topic
disturbing – intruding upon uniform – being the same preliminary –
or bothering; troubling or bungled – botched; inflated – expanded with as the others introductory
upsetting handled badly air or gas
mastered – became the opponents – rivals; people
interrupted – stopped
contagious – spread by shaken – made uneasy; master of; had under who oppose others
contact; communicable disturbed; agitated control
numb – unable to feel or
brutal – harsh; cruel;
move normally
discomfort – distress or decorated – furnished competition – a test of ruthless
shifted – moved or unease with something beautiful; skill or ability; a contest
transferred from one adorned embarrassed – felt self-
place or position to honored – accepting or identical – exactly equal conscious or ill at ease;
another enjoying respect or gradually – little by little; and alike ashamed; disconcerted
distinction slowly and steadily
specialty – a unique talent element – a part of a typically – usually;
or skill; a particular immersed – fully hesitated – was slow to whole ordinarily
pursuit or occupation absorbed or occupied act, speak, or decide
routine – a standard or gorgeous – dazzlingly
squashing – squeezed; imprinted – marked on a scanned – looked over regular procedure or beautiful or magnificent
flattened; crushed surface by printing or something; examined course of action; a
pressure series of activities supposedly – thought or
staggered – moved stalled – slowed down or performed regularly considered to be true;
unsteadily, as if carrying a interior – the inside of a stopped the process of; seemingly
great weight; was space, such as a home brought to a standstill intimidated – filled with
or building fear; frightened; sweeping – a long curved
beckoned – signaled by discouraged motion; having wide-
struggled – had great
primitive – simple, waving or nodding reaching effect
difficulty; made strenuous
unsophisticated or crude recite – to say aloud
prodded – urged; pushed; (something prepared or obvious – easily
wobbled – moved secretive – concealing; stirred to action memorized) in front of understood or
unsteadily from side to not open or frank an audience discovered; evident
side; trembled
qualifying – making eligible
Journeys 5th Grade Vocabulary Unit 2
Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10
Quest for the Old Yeller Everglades Forever: Storm Warriors Cougars
Tree Kangaroo Restoring America’s
Great Wetland
beaming – smiling broadly bounding – leaping; endangered – nearly critical – extremely unobserved – not seen
jumping, springing extinct important; vital or noticed
calculate – to figure out
mathematically; to find by checking – stopping or unique – being the only one secured – fastened; available – able to be
using addition, subtraction, holding back of its kind caused to remain firmly obtained (or gotten)
multiplication, or division in place or position; held
frantic – very excited adapted – fitted or tightly detecting – discovering
dwarfed – caused to look suitable, especially for a
with fear or anxiety; the existence of
or seem smaller specific purpose
desperate; frenzied realization – the act of
enthusiastic – full of or vegetation – the plants in realizing, or the condition mature – to grow older;
lunging – making a sudden of being realized to develop fully
showing a strong interest, an area or region; plant
excitement, or admiration forward movement life
annoyance – something ferocious – savage;
outfitted – equipped picturing – forming a conserving – protecting causing trouble or fierce
mental picture of; from loss or harm; bother; a nuisance;
perch – a branch on which visualizing; imagining preserving irritation or displeasure resemble– look like
an animal can sit; a high
resting place romp – lively or spirited restore – to bring back to bundle – to dress warmly particular – certain;
play an original condition separate and different
presence – the condition clammy – unpleasantly from others in the same
of being present or near; shouldered – placed on guardians – people or damp, sticky, and usually group or category
attendance the shoulders for things that guard, cold
carrying protect, or watch over vary – to be different;
procedure – a way of squalling – loud crying; to change; to not remain
doing something or getting strained – worked as attracted – to cause to screaming the same
something done, often by hard as possible; draw near; to direct to
a series of steps oneself by some quality
physically exerted commotion – a contentment – the
or action
oneself disturbance or tumult condition (or feeling) of
snug – fitting closely
regulate – to control or being content;
stride – a single, long step demolished – torn down satisfaction
transferred – cause to direct according to a rule
move from one place to or law completely; destroyed
another wheeled – turned or keen – sharp; sensitive;
whirled around in place responsibility – something elite – a small or acute
that one is responsible privileged group
for; a duty or obligation
Journeys 5th Grade Vocabulary Unit 3
Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15
Dangerous Crossing Can’t You Make Them They Called Her James Forten We Were There, Too!
Behave, King George? Molly Pitcher Joseph Plumb Martin &
Sybil Ludington
bracing – securing; advantages – benefits; foes – enemies; apprentice – one who efficient – act or
strengthening things that put you in a opponents; adversaries learns to do a job by produce successfully,
better position than watching an experienced without wasting time or
conduct – the way tasks others formal – proper; official; worker energy
are organized and carried serious
out; management; benefit – something that aspects – elements or lacked – didn’t have; was
behavior is of help gushed – flowed out of facets without
very quickly; flowed out
cramped – crowded
contrary – willful; in a great amount authorities – people mimic – imitate someone;
distracted – had one’s stubbornly opposed to having the power to resemble closely;
others legendary – famous enforce laws simulate
attention drawn away;
unable to concentrate
midst – surrounded by; in magnificent – impressive; bondage – being held as a mocking – making fun of
embark – set out on an the middle of; the center outstanding; exceptional; slave someone
adventure; begin doing grand; splendid
something objected – protested; contributions – things organize – arrange in an
opposed; expressed plunged – threw or that are given orderly way
pressing – urgent; disapproval pushed something into
demanding immediate place forcefully dexterity – skill or grace peal – a loud burst of
attention previously – at some in suing the hands, body, sound (such as a bell, or
time before the period retreat – to move away or mind laughter)
representatives – agents; you’re talking about from someone or
people who act for others something; to withdraw influential – having power personally – in person or
prohibit – forbid to influence others by oneself; without
shattered – smashed; revolution – to over someone else’s help
broke rebellious – prone to throw one government persuade – convince
opposing authority and replace it with rural – relating to the
surveyed – looked over
another, especially by provisions – supplies country
something carefully
repeal – cancel force
tentative – not fully summons – calls forth
viewpoint – a position
from which something is temporary – lasting only shimmering – shining; worked out or finalized
observed; the way a short time; not glowing; glimmering tedious – boring;
someone thinks about permanent tiresome because of
things strategy – plan slowness, dullness, or
Journeys 5th Grade Vocabulary Unit 4
Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20
Lunch Money LAFFF The Dog Newspaper Darnell Rock The Black Stallion
assuming – supposing admitted – acknowledged to background – a person’s dependent – relying on delicacy – an appealing,
be true or real; confessed experience, training, and others or needing support delicious food
developed – created,
collected – calm; having
brought into being career – a professional or deteriorating – becoming descended – traveled
one’s emotions under
occupation; the kind of worse; falling apart downward
control; composed
episodes – parts of a work a person chooses to
story compliment – an expression do; job effective – successful, and diminishing – lessening;
of praise, admiration, or achieves the desired growing smaller
destruction – the condition
feature – to give special congratulation of having been destroyed; results; having the
attention to tearing something down expected effect fitful – restless; uneasy
concentrate – to direct
incredibly – unbelievably one’s thoughts or edition – a particular version exception – something heave – to swell or bulge
attention; focus of a book, magazine, or that doesn’t fit into a
newspaper that is published
launch – the act of general rule; being left out marveling – admiring with
destination – the place to at one time
starting or setting into which a person or thing is wonder
action going or is sent formula– a method of doing granted – given in an
something; procedure; official way; allowed piercing – having a sharp
mental – occurring or impressed – had a strong, recipe or high-pitched sound
done in the mind often favorable effect on issue – a subject or topic
the mind or feelings of; household – everyone living
that people think and talk quivered – trembled
pleased together in a single home
record – a measurement about; a question that is
that hasn’t been beaten insights – a person’s being debated rhythmic – having a
originals – first; existing
perceptions, thoughts, and patterned beat
before all others
thumbed – turned the opinions about a topic minimum – the very least;
pages of a text quickly, produced – created by the smallest amount savage – wild; fierce
publication – an issue of
glancing at the pages mental or physical effort printed or electronic possible
matter, such as a magazine,
villains – wicked or very rumor – a story or report, that is sold or distributed ordinance – a law or rule
bad people; scoundrels; usually spread by word of made by authorities
“The Bad Guys” mouth, that has not been required – needed;
established as true necessary; obliged
urge – to try to persuade
suspense – the state of uneventful – having no strongly
being uncertain; anxiety or significant events or
apprehension resulting happenings violations – acts that show
from uncertainty disrespect or break the
Journeys 5th Grade Vocabulary Unit 5
Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25
Tucket’s Travels The Birchbark House Vaqueros: America’s Rachel’s Journal: The Lewis and Clark
First Cowboys Story of a Pioneer Girl

evident – very easy to astonished – very acknowledged – balked – refused; barrier – something that
see; obvious surprised; shocked, recognized and agreed objected prevents other things
amazed upon from passing or entering;
factor – a part of a beacon – something that something that keeps
plan banish – to get rid of acquainted – to know and gives light and guidance out unwanted things
something forever; to be familiar with someone
mirages – optical illusions exile it or something disadvantage – despite – regardless of; in
of things that look real something that creates spite of
but aren’t really there bared – uncovered for decline – decrease; a problems or difficulties;
others to see; showed lowering or fall in the a drawback or “con” edible – able to be safely
pace – the speed or rate number, amount, or eaten; fit to eat
at which you’re doing deserted – left behind by value of something fared – how someone
something someone or something; performed; how expedition – a journey
left all alone; uninhabited dominated – completely successful someone was that is made for a
salvation – a thing that controlled or crushed special purpose
saves a person envy – jealousy lectured – gave a speech
extending– making or reprimand fulfilled – to have met or
seep – to gradually soak margins – edges or something larger; satisfied one’s desire
through; to ooze borders stretching something mishap – an accident
out range– a set or chain of
shuffled – walked nerve – courage quaking – shaking all over mountains
without lifting your feet; flourished – thrived and your body (especially
letting them drag reasoned – thought succeeded from fear) resumed – began again
through logically after stopping
stunted – too short; not hostile – unfriendly; angry rustling – soft scratching
properly developed spared – given mercy and sounds techniques – methods or
released prospered – succeeded; skills needed to bring
undoubtedly – something thrived surged – moved forward about a certain result
that’s not questioned; upright – vertical; suddenly; suddenly
beyond doubt or debate standing straight up; with residents – people who became very strong, like trek – long, slow journey
your back straight live in a place a wave often taken on foot; a
vain – something that long hike
has no chance of sprawling – spread out torment – to cause
success over a wide area; vast annoyance, pain, or tributaries – rivers or
suffering streams that flow from
larger rivers
Journeys 5th Grade Vocabulary Unit 6
Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30
Animals on the Move Mysteries at Fossils: A Peek Into The Case of the Get Lost! The
Cliff Palace the Past Missing Deer Puzzle of Mazes
disturbing – intruding dwarfed – caused to look viewpoint – a position record – a measurement undoubtedly – something
upon or bothering; or seem smaller from which something is that hasn’t been beaten that’s not questioned;
troubling or upsetting observed; the way beyond doubt or debate
procedure – a way of someone thinks about incredibly – unbelievably
struggled – had great doing something or getting things pace – the speed or rate
difficulty; made something done, often by destination – the place to at which you’re doing
strenuous efforts a series of steps surveyed – looked over which a person or thing is something
something carefully going or is sent
transferred – caused to reasoned – thought
gradually – little by little;
move from one place to through logically
slowly and steadily advantages – benefits; suspense – the state of
things that put you in a being uncertain; anxiety nerve – courage
scanned – looked over enthusiastic – full of or better position than or apprehension resulting
something; examined showing a strong interest, other from uncertainty barrier – something that
excitement, or admiration prevents other things
identical – exactly equal previously – at some required – needed; from passing or entering;
and alike adapted – fitted or time before the period necessary; obliged something that keeps out
suitable, especially for a you’re talking about unwanted things
routine – a standard or specific purpose insights – a person’s
regular procedure or legendary – famous perceptions, thoughts, disadvantage – something
course of action; a conserving– protecting and opinions about a that creates problems or
series of activities from loss or harm; retreat – to move away topic difficulties; a drawback or
performed regularly preserving from someone or “con”
something; to withdraw dependent – relying on
gorgeous – dazzlingly critical – extremely others or needing extending – making
beautiful or magnificent important; vital persuade – convince support something larger;
stretching something out
realization – the act of
sweeping – a long curved aspects – elements or effective – successful,
realizing, or the condition residents – people who live
motion; having wide- facets and achieves the desired
of being realized in a place
reaching effect results; having the
rural – relating to the expected effect
available – able to be balked – refused; objected
primitive – simple, obtained (or gotten) country
unsophisticated or crude diminishing – lessening; techniques – rivers or
resemble – look like organize – arrange in an growing smaller streams that flow from
brandishing – waving orderly way larger rivers
about in a bold or daring marveling – admiring with
manner; flourishing wonder

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