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Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDSUtils OneDS mitigation checks passed

Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I

Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA ef.d Build model matches: false
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I Application is not started
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I Starting application
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 W WARNING: QApplication was
not created in the main() thread. (:0)
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I Opening database
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 V WifiAvailableJob Scheduling a WifiAvailableJob
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I Current DB version is 183
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I Log the database file info
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 1695744 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 32768 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 20:34:14 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 28872 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"JSONApiBaseUrl" with value "{SkyApiURLValue}/API/2/"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"AllowExpandedEditCommands" with value "True"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"RegisterNotificationSubscriptionUrl" with value
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"DeleteNotificationSubscriptionUrl" with value
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"NotificationSubscriptionSecondsToExpiry" with value "604800"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"NotificationSubscriptionSecondsToPreRenewal" with value "302400"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileScenarioName" with value "FollowAFile"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileUrl" with value "activity"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileSecondsToExpiry" with value "7776000"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UnfollowAFileSecondsToExpiry" with value "34128000"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"CreatePersonalVault" with value "false"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"RevisedVaultQuota" with value "true"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UserResolutionRamp" with value "1"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UserFirstRunRamp" with value "1"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FullSyncMaxItemCount" with value "1000"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"IncrementalSyncMaxItemCount" with value "50"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"PerFileSizeLimitBytes" with value "2147483647"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FileNameLimit" with value "255"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Polling interval set to
"86400" (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/qpolicydocument.cpp:260)
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Next refresh at
QDateTime(2023-05-24 18:52:25.480 -03 Qt::LocalTime)
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I The CreateVaultFolder rule
in policy doc is "false"
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I onAppLaunch: updates
records: 0
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Reset SP Lists Comments on
Launch (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/listscommentsdbhelper.cpp:142)
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 PhotoStream
comments (cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 PhotoStream
comments (cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on
launch. (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/photostreamdbhelper.cpp:1622)
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I
cleanOrphanedCacheAsyncIfNecessary has the settings to run cleanup false
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Refreshing item upload
helper info for driveId: 1
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Drive by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/drivesdbhelper.cpp:360)
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Executing group refresh on
thread: QThread(0x849999b0, name = "Thread (pooled)")
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Completed group refresh on
thread: QThread(0x849999b0, name = "Thread (pooled)")
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA
Oneauth ramp state is set and locked to false for remainder of this session
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneAuth Init adal's setUpSecretKey in
SkyDriveApplication start - Skipping oneauth init because oneauth is not enabled
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA NotificationChannelController
Tue May 23 20:34:15 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Drive by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/drivesdbhelper.cpp:360)
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasHighestPlan is false
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 E RansomwareNotificationChannel Non-Premium
users should not receive Ranswomware notifications
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor Canceling
sor)" before scheduling a new one
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
0:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run
between 0:00:00.001 and 4:11:36.937 from now
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
7:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run between
0:00:00.001 and 3:53:36.922 from now
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungMigrationUpsellJob A job is already
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasPaidPlan is false
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianActivity isMeridianEnabled: true,
isSamsungDevice: true, mockSamsungPreInstalled: false
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA
Oneauth ramp is: false
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianUpsellJob isEnabled: true,
timesShown: 1, allAppsSetUp: false, areNotificationsEnabled, true,
isChannelEnabled: true
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianUpsellJob There is already a job
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA VaultManager fixVaultTokenExpirationTime:
start checking and fixing vault expiration time.
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I
RecommendationProvider::queryContent - Querying for
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Command by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/commanddbhelper.cpp:132)
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDriveTokenProvider
OneDriveTokenProvider#getAccounts() called
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDriveTokenProvider
Total Accounts found: 1
OneAuth Accounts Shared: 0
Total Accounts shared: 1
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungBonusNotificationWorker Job is
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA md.b Read ServiceConnections list from
preferences: 0
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA md.b Read hidden cloud account IDs list
from preferences: 0
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I Creating refresh factory
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Pre: false
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I Page size : "1000"
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Pre: true
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 V b Google Api Availability return code: 0
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor onStartJob()
called with isRunning: false, shouldBeProcessed: true
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Scheduling thread
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
requestingToRunJob: true
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Thread scheduled
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Battery start state: BatteryStatus(isCharging=true, percentage=57)
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Checking if GetChanges has completed at least once and if force
re-sync is active
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I The request sync root
points to 1 "root"
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasPaidPlan is false
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA Ramps updated from ECS
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayNotifier onStartJob() called with
userDisabledNotifications: false, isRunning: false, shouldTryToNotify: false,
shouldStart: false
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA Removing cached ramps
not found on the backend
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I start to clean offline
root id from moved files
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I Items moved out of an
offline root: 0
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 481
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 667
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 99
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 82
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 20:34:16 GMT-03:00 2023 I removeAllDeletedItems
removed 0 items
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 W CreationTimeTracker Skipping launch time
telemetry because ramp is disabled
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAccountManagerUtils Before a Samsung
account is signed in
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cancelling refresh task
for "vroom_getchanges_1"
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAccountManagerUtils Before a Samsung
account is signed in
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 I Exception thrown during
GetChanges() run
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 I Total time to sync (ms):
1540 (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/transport/getchangesdatawriter.cpp:226)
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (I)
Performance/GetChanges RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 I Creating refresh factory
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 I Page size : "1000"
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 I The request sync root
points to 1 "root"
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA PhotoStreamExperience initialize - trigger
experience check
Tue May 23 20:34:17 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA PhotoStreamExperience Experience Check:
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): hasGetChangesCompleted: true
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-23" "false"
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-24" "true"
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-24
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Pre: false
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Pre: true
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator hasFeatures()
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QuotaRefreshNetworkTask USQ Service Ramp
Status Enabled
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 353
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-24 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-25" "true"
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-25
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I Got valid response for
item "root" with 0 Duration: 928
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I tagsItems found : 0
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I Writing Metadata for
syncRoot ResourceId "root"
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I Metadata for syncRoot
ResourceId "root" is written into db in 50 ms with 0 ms yield time. The network
request takes 928 ms. There are 0 items in total and 0 items are skipped. The sync
is against the parentSyncRoot: true
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I The app status.
PowerSaveMode: false ForegroundMode: false
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I Schedule propagation of
special folder classification.
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I Executing propagate
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I Queue is empty, there are
no folders to propagate
Tue May 23 20:34:18 GMT-03:00 2023 I Total time to sync (ms):
1036 (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/transport/getchangesdatawriter.cpp:226)
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 323
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-25 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) XPlat
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-26" "true"
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-26
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 I Attributing api call for "
"Metadata/GetChanges" "
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 I Got valid response for
item "root" with 0 Duration: 2628
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 I tagsItems found : 0
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 I Refresh cancelled.
Stopping early.
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) XPlat
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 183
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-26 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-27" "true"
Tue May 23 20:34:19 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-27
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDSUtils OneDS mitigation checks passed
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA Ramps updated from ECS
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA Removing cached ramps
not found on the backend
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA ef.d Build model matches: false
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Application is not started
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Starting application
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 W WARNING: QApplication was
not created in the main() thread. (:0)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Opening database
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 V WifiAvailableJob Scheduling a WifiAvailableJob
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Current DB version is 183
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Log the database file info
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 1695744 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 32768 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 0 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"JSONApiBaseUrl" with value "{SkyApiURLValue}/API/2/"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"AllowExpandedEditCommands" with value "True"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"RegisterNotificationSubscriptionUrl" with value
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"DeleteNotificationSubscriptionUrl" with value
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"NotificationSubscriptionSecondsToExpiry" with value "604800"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"NotificationSubscriptionSecondsToPreRenewal" with value "302400"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileScenarioName" with value "FollowAFile"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileUrl" with value "activity"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileSecondsToExpiry" with value "7776000"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UnfollowAFileSecondsToExpiry" with value "34128000"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"CreatePersonalVault" with value "false"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"RevisedVaultQuota" with value "true"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UserResolutionRamp" with value "1"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UserFirstRunRamp" with value "1"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FullSyncMaxItemCount" with value "1000"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"IncrementalSyncMaxItemCount" with value "50"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"PerFileSizeLimitBytes" with value "2147483647"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FileNameLimit" with value "255"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Polling interval set to
"86400" (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/qpolicydocument.cpp:260)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Next refresh at
QDateTime(2023-05-24 18:52:25.480 -03 Qt::LocalTime)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I The CreateVaultFolder rule
in policy doc is "false"
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I onAppLaunch: updates
records: 0
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Reset SP Lists Comments on
Launch (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/listscommentsdbhelper.cpp:142)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 PhotoStream
comments (cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 PhotoStream
comments (cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on
launch. (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/photostreamdbhelper.cpp:1622)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I
cleanOrphanedCacheAsyncIfNecessary has the settings to run cleanup false
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Refreshing item upload
helper info for driveId: 1
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Drive by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/drivesdbhelper.cpp:360)
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Executing group refresh on
thread: QThread(0x849f8550, name = "Thread (pooled)")
Tue May 23 21:34:27 GMT-03:00 2023 I Completed group refresh on
thread: QThread(0x849f8550, name = "Thread (pooled)")
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA
Oneauth ramp state is set and locked to false for remainder of this session
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneAuth Init adal's setUpSecretKey in
SkyDriveApplication start - Skipping oneauth init because oneauth is not enabled
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 I
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA NotificationChannelController
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Drive by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/drivesdbhelper.cpp:360)
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasHighestPlan is false
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 E RansomwareNotificationChannel Non-Premium
users should not receive Ranswomware notifications
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor Canceling
sor)" before scheduling a new one
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
0:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run
between 0:00:00.001 and 2:44:47.534 from now
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
7:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run between
0:00:00.001 and 3:05:07.526 from now
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasPaidPlan is false
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungMigrationUpsellJob A job is already
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QosEventRecorder Start event: Purchase/Flow
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseProcessor
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseProcessor
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasPaidPlan is false
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseProcessor checkEligibility:OK
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QosEventRecorder Start event:
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA BillingService Connecting to billing
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA VaultManager fixVaultTokenExpirationTime:
start checking and fixing vault expiration time.
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianActivity isMeridianEnabled: true,
isSamsungDevice: true, mockSamsungPreInstalled: false
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseProcessor queryData:CONNECTING
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianUpsellJob isEnabled: true,
timesShown: 1, allAppsSetUp: false, areNotificationsEnabled, true,
isChannelEnabled: true
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QosEventRecorder Start event:
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA BillingService Billing client is not ready,
awaiting connection...
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA
Oneauth ramp is: false
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 I
RecommendationProvider::queryContent - Querying for
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianUpsellJob There is already a job
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Command by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/commanddbhelper.cpp:132)
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDriveTokenProvider
OneDriveTokenProvider#getAccounts() called
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDriveTokenProvider
Total Accounts found: 1
OneAuth Accounts Shared: 0
Total Accounts shared: 1
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungBonusNotificationWorker Job is
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 V b Google Api Availability return code: 0
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA md.b Read ServiceConnections list from
preferences: 0
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 I Creating refresh factory
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA md.b Read hidden cloud account IDs list
from preferences: 0
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 I Page size : "1000"
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 I The request sync root
points to 1 "root"
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor onStartJob()
called with isRunning: false, shouldBeProcessed: true
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Scheduling thread
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
requestingToRunJob: true
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Thread scheduled
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Battery start state: BatteryStatus(isCharging=true, percentage=85)
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Checking if GetChanges has completed at least once and if force
re-sync is active
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayNotifier onStartJob() called with
userDisabledNotifications: false, isRunning: false, shouldTryToNotify: false,
shouldStart: false
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): hasGetChangesCompleted: true
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-23" "false"
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-24" "true"
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-24
Tue May 23 21:34:28 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I start to clean offline
root id from moved files
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I Items moved out of an
offline root: 0
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 100
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-24 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-25" "true"
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-25
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 481
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 667
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 99
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 82
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I removeAllDeletedItems
removed 0 items
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 228
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-25 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-26" "true"
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-26
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 W CreationTimeTracker Skipping launch time
telemetry because ramp is disabled
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAccountManagerUtils Before a Samsung
account is signed in
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAccountManagerUtils Before a Samsung
account is signed in
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cancelling refresh task
for "vroom_getchanges_1"
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I Exception thrown during
GetChanges() run
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I Total time to sync (ms):
991 (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/transport/getchangesdatawriter.cpp:226)
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (I)
Performance/GetChanges RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I Creating refresh factory
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I Page size : "1000"
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA PhotoStreamExperience initialize - trigger
experience check
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA PhotoStreamExperience Experience Check: Not
expired, do not run check
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 I The request sync root
points to 1 "root"
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 503
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-26 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -

Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-27" "true"
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-27
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:29 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 201
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-27 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processed 4 days
Tue May 23 21:34:30 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Clearing previous days
Tue May 23 22:34:44 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDSUtils OneDS mitigation checks passed
Tue May 23 22:34:45 GMT-03:00 2023 I
Tue May 23 22:34:45 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA Ramps updated from ECS
Tue May 23 22:34:45 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA Removing cached ramps
not found on the backend
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA ef.d Build model matches: false
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Application is not started
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Starting application
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 W WARNING: QApplication was
not created in the main() thread. (:0)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Opening database
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Current DB version is 183
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Log the database file info
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 1695744 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 32768 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I File:
"/data/user/0/" size: 0 bytes
permission: QFlags(0x200|0x400|0x2000|0x4000)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 V WifiAvailableJob Scheduling a WifiAvailableJob
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"JSONApiBaseUrl" with value "{SkyApiURLValue}/API/2/"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"AllowExpandedEditCommands" with value "True"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"RegisterNotificationSubscriptionUrl" with value
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"DeleteNotificationSubscriptionUrl" with value
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"NotificationSubscriptionSecondsToExpiry" with value "604800"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"NotificationSubscriptionSecondsToPreRenewal" with value "302400"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileScenarioName" with value "FollowAFile"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileUrl" with value "activity"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FollowAFileSecondsToExpiry" with value "7776000"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UnfollowAFileSecondsToExpiry" with value "34128000"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"CreatePersonalVault" with value "false"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"RevisedVaultQuota" with value "true"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UserResolutionRamp" with value "1"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"UserFirstRunRamp" with value "1"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FullSyncMaxItemCount" with value "1000"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"IncrementalSyncMaxItemCount" with value "50"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"PerFileSizeLimitBytes" with value "2147483647"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Inserting rule
"FileNameLimit" with value "255"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Polling interval set to
"86400" (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/qpolicydocument.cpp:260)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Next refresh at
QDateTime(2023-05-24 18:52:25.480 -03 Qt::LocalTime)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I The CreateVaultFolder rule
in policy doc is "false"
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I onAppLaunch: updates
records: 0
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Reset SP Lists Comments on
Launch (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/listscommentsdbhelper.cpp:142)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 comments
(cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Deleted 0 PhotoStream
comments (cLocalStatus = cAddingToServer) on launch.
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Updated 0 PhotoStream
comments (cLocalStatus = cDeletingFromServer or cFailedToDeleteFromServer) on
launch. (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/photostreamdbhelper.cpp:1622)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I
cleanOrphanedCacheAsyncIfNecessary has the settings to run cleanup false
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Refreshing item upload
helper info for driveId: 1
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Drive by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/drivesdbhelper.cpp:360)
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Executing group refresh on
thread: QThread(0x849fbbc8, name = "Thread (pooled)")
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I Completed group refresh on
thread: QThread(0x849fbbc8, name = "Thread (pooled)")
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA
Oneauth ramp state is set and locked to false for remainder of this session
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneAuth Init adal's setUpSecretKey in
SkyDriveApplication start - Skipping oneauth init because oneauth is not enabled
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 I
Tue May 23 22:34:46 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA NotificationChannelController
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Drive by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/drivesdbhelper.cpp:360)
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasHighestPlan is false
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 E RansomwareNotificationChannel Non-Premium
users should not receive Ranswomware notifications
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor Canceling
sor)" before scheduling a new one
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
0:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run
between 0:00:00.001 and 1:59:23.783 from now
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
7:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run between
0:00:00.001 and 2:05:49.737 from now
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAuthUtils retrieved SA-MSA migration
status =Unknown
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungMigrationUpsellJob A job is already
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA InAppPurchaseUtils isValueNotEmpty = true
and hasPaidPlan is false
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianActivity isMeridianEnabled: true,
isSamsungDevice: true, mockSamsungPreInstalled: false
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianUpsellJob isEnabled: true,
timesShown: 1, allAppsSetUp: false, areNotificationsEnabled, true,
isChannelEnabled: true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA MeridianUpsellJob There is already a job
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA VaultManager fixVaultTokenExpirationTime:
start checking and fixing vault expiration time.
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA
Oneauth ramp is: false
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 I
RecommendationProvider::queryContent - Querying for
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cache MISS for Command by
Drive Id (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/dbhelpers/commanddbhelper.cpp:132)
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDriveTokenProvider
OneDriveTokenProvider#getAccounts() called
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDriveTokenProvider
Total Accounts found: 1
OneAuth Accounts Shared: 0
Total Accounts shared: 1
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungBonusNotificationWorker Job is
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA md.b Read ServiceConnections list from
preferences: 0
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA md.b Read hidden cloud account IDs list
from preferences: 0
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor onStartJob()
called with isRunning: false, shouldBeProcessed: true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Scheduling thread
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
requestingToRunJob: true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Thread scheduled
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 I Creating refresh factory
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Battery start state: BatteryStatus(isCharging=false,
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 I Page size : "1000"
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Checking if GetChanges has completed at least once and if force
re-sync is active
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 V b Google Api Availability return code: 0
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 I The request sync root
points to 1 "root"
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): hasGetChangesCompleted: true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-23" "false"
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-24" "true"
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-24
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData null null true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayNotifier onStartJob() called with
userDisabledNotifications: false, isRunning: false, shouldTryToNotify: false,
shouldStart: false
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 146
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-24 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-25" "true"
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-25
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 I start to clean offline
root id from moved files
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 I Items moved out of an
offline root: 0
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 99
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-25 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-26" "true"
Tue May 23 22:34:47 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-26
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 481
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 667
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 99
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I No new state for item: 82
streamType: 1
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I removeAllDeletedItems
removed 0 items
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 115
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-26 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): shouldDayBeProcessed "2023-05-27" "true"
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processing 2023-05-27
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 1
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Closing cursor with 0
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA QueryBasedCursor Cursor closed
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 W OnThisDayStatusProcessor processDay(): The
property cursor is null with the network status WifiConnection
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayStatusProcessor Spent 114
milliseconds processing the On This Day information for 2023-05-27 with result:
coverPhotoDownloaded: false
enoughThumbnailsDownloaded: false
hasNotificationBeenShown: false
hasPhotos: false
hasFinishScanForPhotos: false
hasUserSeenDay: false
isToday: false
numberOfCoverDownloadAttempts: 0
numberOfPhotosFoundWhenDownloading: 0
numberOfScanAttempts: 0
numberOfThumbnailDownloadAttempts: 0
percentageOfThumbnailsDownloaded: 0.0
shouldClearNotification: true
shouldDayBeProcessed: true
shouldTryToShowNotification: false
thumbnailDownloadThreshold: 0.9

Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Network status is:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Processed 4 days
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Clearing previous days
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DayStatus Removed 0 stale keys
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor
onRunDailyJob(): Battery end state: BatteryStatus(isCharging=false, percentage=100)
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob
Thread's finally block
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Received request for to run between
0:00:00.000 and 23:59:59.999 (absolute time of day)
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DailyJob Scheduled time for is to run
between 2:20:09.000 and 26:20:08.999 from now
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OnThisDayBackgroundProcessor onStopJob()
called with userDisabledNotification: false and shouldBeProcessed: true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAccountManagerUtils Before a Samsung
account is signed in
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I Cancelling refresh task
for "vroom_getchanges_1"
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I Exception thrown during
GetChanges() run
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I Total time to sync (ms):
746 (../../../../../../../OneDriveCore/transport/getchangesdatawriter.cpp:226)
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (I)
Performance/GetChanges RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I Creating refresh factory
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I Page size : "1000"
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 W CreationTimeTracker Skipping launch time
telemetry because ramp is disabled
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA SamsungAccountManagerUtils Before a Samsung
account is signed in
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 I The request sync root
points to 1 "root"
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA OneDrivePrivacyDelegate (Q) QoS
RequiredServiceData OneDriveAccount 2dbb4825e4f51e97 true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA PhotoStreamExperience initialize - trigger
experience check
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator getAuthToken -
Cached valid token available for:
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA PhotoStreamExperience Experience Check: Not
expired, do not run check
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Pre: false
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 DATA DeviceAndApplicationInfo Pre: true
Tue May 23 22:34:48 GMT-03:00 2023 V [Auth]OneDriveAuthenticator hasFeatures()

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