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Moodle2Word Questions – English template


Question 01 (MC)
Suatu ukuran (pemberian) yang wajib dikeluarkan/diberikan kepada yang berhak
menerima berupa harta yang telah mencapai nishab tertentu dengan syarat-syarat MC
tertentu disebut ….
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
ID number:
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   infaq 0

B.   zakat 100

C.   wakaf 0

D.   sodaqoh 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 02 (MC)
Yang tidak termasuk rukun zakat adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   niat 0

B.   mampu 100

C.   mustahiq 0

D.   muzakki 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 03 (MC)
Di bawah ini adalah termasuk hikmah dari zakat, kecuali .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
membersihkan jiwa dari sifat kikir
A.   0
dan tamak
menumbuhkan kepekaan sosial
B.   0
dan empati
terkenal sebagai orang yang
C.   100
mensucikan dan
D.   0
mengembangkan harta
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 04 (MC)
Zakat yang wajib dikeluarkan oleh setiap orang Islam, baik laki-laki maupun
perempuan dengan cara mengeluarkan bahan makanan pokok sesuai ketentuan MC
syariat Islam, karena berbuka (selesai) dari puasa Ramadhan disebut zakat ….
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   maal 0

B.   fitrah 100

C.   rikaz 0

D.   harta 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 05 (MC)
Perhatikan sabda Rasulullah SAW berikut ini! Hadits tersebut merupakan dalil naqli
tentang zakat….


Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   maal 0

B.   fitrah 100

C.   rikaz 0

D.   harta 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 06 (MC)
Yang bukan termasuk dari syarat wajib zakat fitrah adalah…. MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   telah mencapai nishob 100

B.   mempunyai kelebihan harta 0

akhir ramadhan sampai sebelum
C.   0
sholat ‘id
D.   Islam 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 07 (MC)
Berikut ini adalah bentuk zakat fitrah sesuai Sunnah Rasulullah SAW, kecuali.... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   kurma 0

B.   beras 0

C.   uang 100

D.   gandum 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 08 (MC)
Ukuran zakat fitrah adalah sebanyak.... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   4 sho’ 0

B.   1 sho’ 100

C.   4 mud 0

D.   1 mud 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 09 (MC)
Pak Anton memiliki istri dan 2 orang anak. Jumlah zakat fitrah yang wajib dia
bayarkan dalam bentuk beras adalah sebanyak....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   12,8 Liter atau 10 Kg 100

B.   3,2 Liter atau 2,5 Kg 0

C.   9,6 Liter atau 7,5 Kg 0

D.   16 Liter atau 12,5 Kg 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 10 (MC)
Yang merupakan dalil naqli tentang orang yang berhak menerima zakat adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 3 0

B.   QS. At-Taubah [9]: 103 0

C.   QS. At-Taubah [9]: 60 100

D.   QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 110 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 11 (MC)
Berikut ini adalah termasuk mustahik zakat, kecuali …. MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   Muzakki 100

B.   Ibnu sabil 0

C.   Muallaf 0

D.   Fakir 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 12 (MC)
Salah satu yang berhak mendapatkan zakat adalah orang yang dalam perjalanan
atau disebut ….
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   ibnu sabil 100

B.   amil 0

C.   riqob 0

D.   ghorim 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 13 (MC)
Golongan yang berhak menerima zakat berjumlah … golongan MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   8 100

B.   7 0

C.   11 0

D.   4 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 14 (MC)
Berikut ini merupakan perbedaan antara zakat fitrah dan zakat maal, kecuali .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
zakat fitrah jika mencapai nishob
A.   sedangkan zakat mal diwajibkan 100
bagi setiap orang
zakat fitrah menyucikan jiwa
B.   sedangkan zakat mal 0
membersihkan harta
zakat fitrah berupa makanan
C.   pokok sedangkan zakat mal 0
berupa uang/ternak
zakat fitrah dibayarkan di akhir
D.   ramadhan sedangkan zakat mal 0
jika mencapai haul
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 15 (MC)
Di bawah ini adalah harta yang wajib dizakati, kecuali.... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade

A.   0

B.   0

C.   100

D.   0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct responses
(Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 16 (MC)
Waktu pelaksanaan zakat fitrah adalah pada bulan .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   Dzulhijjah 0

B.   Romadhon 100

C.   Robi’ul awal 0

D.   Syawal 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 17 (MC)
Tujuan mengeluarkan zakat fitrah adalah.... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   membersihkan harta benda 0
meningkatkan rasa
B.   0
C.   menyucikan jiwa dari sifat tercela 100

D.   menghapuskan dosa dosa 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 18 (MC)
Orang yang wajib membayar zakat dinamakan.... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   muwafiq 0

B.   mumayyiz 0

C.   muzakki 100

D.   Munfiq 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 19 (MC)
Salah satu golongan yang berhak menerima zakat adalah mualaf,maksudnya
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   budak yang perlu dimerdekakan 0

B.   orang yang hutangnya banyak 0

orang yang baru saja masuk
C.   100
orang yang pertama kali masuk
D.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 20 (MC)
Membelanjakan sebagian harta benda yang dimiliki untuk kepentingan yang
mengandung kemaslahatan atau kepada orang-orang yang disyariatkan oleh MC
agama adalah pengertian dari ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   infaq 100

B.   sodaqoh 0

C.   zakat 0

D.   fidyah 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 21 (MC)
Salah satu ketentuan Infaq adalah ..... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
harta titipan
A.   0

tidak ada nishob

B.   100

ada nishob
C.   0

D.   terdapat haul 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 22 (MC)
Kata infaq berarti menafkahkan atau .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   membelanjakan 100

B.   menghabiskan 0

C.   menuliskan 0

D.   menghafalkan 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 23 (MC)
Pemberian sukarela diberikan kepada orang lain, baik berupa harta maupun selain
harta disebut ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   Sedekah 100

B.   zakat 0

C.   infaq 0

D.   fidyah 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 24 (MC)
Di bawah ini yang tidak termasuk sedekah adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
mengajak teman pergi saat jam
A.   100
tersenyum saat bertemu dengan
B.   0
tersenyum saat bertemu dengan
C.   0
memberi makanan kepada orang
D.   0
yang berbuka puasa
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 25 (MC)
Menyingkirkan batu, duri atau pecahan kaca yang sekiranya bisa membahayakan
pengguna jalan lain termasuk dalam ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   infaq 0

B.   sedekah 100

C.   hibah 0

D.   hadiah 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 26 (MC)
Tangan di atas lebih baik dari pada tangan di bawah. Maksud dari tangan di atas
adalah yang ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   meminta 0

B.   memberi 100

C.   membuang 0

D.   Mengambil 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 27 (MC)
Saat kamu pulang sekolah, ada seorang tunanetra yang meminta sedekah kepada
kamu. Padahal uang saku masih tersisa maka sikap yang seharusnya kamu MC
lakukan adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
menyimpan sisa uang saku
A.   0
memberikan uang saku dengan
B.   100
C.   hanya merasa kasihan dan iba 0

D.   membiarkan saja 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 28 (MC)
Perhatikan hadis berikut .

‫ص َدقَةٌ َج ِريَةٌ اَ ْو ِع ْل ٍم‬ ٍ َ‫ت اب ُْن اَ َد َم اِ ْنقَطَ َع َع َملُهُ اِالِّ ِم ْن ثَال‬

َ ‫ث‬ َ َ ‫ ما‬%َ‫اِذا‬

ٍ ِ‫ يَ ْنفَ ُع بِ ِه اَ ْو َولَ ٍد صا َ ل‬MC

ُ‫ح يَ ْد ُع ْو لَه‬

Arti kata ٌ‫ص َدقَةٌ َج ِريَة‬

َ pada hadis tersebut adalah …

Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   sedekah 0

B.   sedekah jariyah 100

C.   ilmu jariyah 0

D.   jariyah 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 29 (MC)
Perbedaan infak dan sedekah terletak pada .…

Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   pemberinya 0

B.   besar harta yang dikeluarkan 0

C.   jenis harta yang dikeluarkan 100

D.   orang yang menerimanya 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 30 (MC)
Pernyataan yang benar di bawah ini adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Allah akan mengurangi harta
A.   orang yang berinfak dan 0
malaikat akan mendoakan
B.   kebaikan kepada orang yang 100
berinfaq dan bersedekah
harta kita akan cepat habis jika
C.   0
sering berinfak
orang yang bersedekah akan
D.   0
jatuh miskin
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 31 (MC)
Seseorang yang hendak memberikan sadaqoh kepada orang lain harus
mengetahui hukumnya. Hukum mengeluarkan sadaqoh adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   wajib 0

B.   sunah 100

C.   makruh 0

D.   mubah 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 32 (MC)
Contoh pemberian yang dilarang adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   suap/risywah 100

B.   fidyah 0

C.   hibah 0

D.   wakaf 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 33 (MC)
Contoh sedekah dengan lisan adalah ….

Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   mendamaikan 0

B.   senyum 0

C.   mengajarkan ilmu 100

D.   bicara apa saja 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 34 (MC)
Hati orang yang sering berinfaq dan sedekah akan .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   Gelisah 0

B.   tenang dan tentram 100

C.   sombong dan riya 0

D.   takabur 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 35 (MC)
Bu Yeni adalah wali kelas 6. Ia mengajarkan ilmu pengetahuan kepada siswa-
siswanya dengan ikhlas, selalu memberi nasehat, membiasakan diri mengawali
pelajaran dengan senyuman, dan selalu mendoakan untuk keberhasilan semua
siswanya. Dari ilustrasi tersebut Bu Yeni sudah berusaha melakukan kergiatan ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   sedekah 100

B.   infaq 0

C.   hibah 0

D.   hadiah 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 36 (MC)
Menyingkirkan batu, duri atau pecahan kaca yang sekiranya bisa membahayakan
pengguna jalan lain termasuk dalam kegiatan ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   sedekah 100

B.   infaq 0

C.   hibah 0

D.   hadiah 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 37 (MC)
Menyebut-nyebut sedekah diiringi dengan rasa bangga tidak akan mendatangkan
pahala karena termasuk perbuatan ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   terpuji 0

B.   riya’ 100

C.   bangga 0

D.   rendah hati 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 38 (MC)
Di bawah ini adalah yang termasuk rukun sedekah adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   upeti 0

B.   ijab dan qobul 100

C.   riba 0

D.   imbalan 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 39 (MC)
Hukum asal dari hibah adalah .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   sunnah 0

B.   mubah 100

C.   haram 0

D.   makruh 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 40 (MC)
Hibah dapat dianggap sah apabila pemberian itu sudah mengalami proses .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   sewa menyewa 0

B.   ijab qobul 100

C.   jual beli 0

D.   tukar menukar 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 41 (MC)
Rasulullah SAW menganjurkan kepada umatnya untuk saling memberikan hadiah,
hukum memberikan hadiah adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   haram 0

B.   mubah 100

C.   makruh 0

D.   wajib 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 42 (MC)
Pernyataan di bawah ini yang termasuk manfaat sedekah, infak dan zakat fitrah
adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   semakin memiliki hati yang keras 0
meningkatkan rasa ujub dalam
B.   0
semakin tunduk dan patuh serta
C.   100
bersyukur kepada allah swt
semakin tidak takut dengan
D.   0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 43 (MC)
Ahmad mendapat nikmat dari Allah berupa rizqi yang melimpah, ia berniat untuk
menyedekahkannya. Yang paling utama untuk menerima sedekah dari Ahmad MC
adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   keluarganya 100

B.   temannya 0

C.   fakir 0

D.   korban bencana alam 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 44 (MC)
Hewan ternak yang wajib dikeluarkan zakatnya, kecuali .... MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   kambing 0

B.   ayam 100

C.   sapi 0

D.   domba 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 45 (MC)
Dalam bersedekah, seorang pemberi sedekah dilarang ... penerimanya. MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A.   menyanjung 0

B.   memuji 0

C.   menyakiti 100

D.   menolong 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 46 (MC)
Setiap bulan Ramadhan, umat muslim di seluruh dunia sudah diperbolehkan untuk
membayar zakat fitrah. Begitu juga dengan Arifin, sebagai seorang muslim ia juga
berkewajiban membayarnya. Dengan pilihan waktu dalam menunaikan zakat fitrah,
menurut kalian waktu yang lebih utama dipilih Arifin adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Arifin menunaikan zakat fitrah
sejak terbenamnya matahari di
A.   100
akhir bulan Ramadhan sampai
menjelang sholat idul fitri
Arifin menunaikan zakat fitrah
B.   setelah terbenamnya matahari 0
pada hari raya idul fitri
Arifin menunaikan zakat fitrah
C.   sesudah sholat subuh pada 0
tanggal 1 Syawal
Arifin menunaikan zakat pada
D.   0
tanggal 1 Ramadhan
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 47 (MC)
Rifqil terbiasa dengan kehidupan yang sederhana, akan tetapi ia selalu melakukan
kebajikan sesuai dengan kemampuannya, tak terkecuali dalam menunaikan zakat
fitrah dengan takaran yang telah disyariatkan. Kehidupan Rifqil selalu diliputi MC
kedamaian, ketentraman dan tidak merasa kekurangan. Pernyataan di bawah ini
yang sesuai dengan ceita di atas adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
zakat fitrah dapat menyucikan
A.   jiwa dan memperoleh 100
keberkahan hata
zakat fitrah dapat membersihkan
B.   0
diri dari sifat kikir
zakat fitrah sebagai bentuk rasa
C.   0
syukur kita kepada allah swt
zakat fitrah dapat membersihkan
D.   0
diri dari akhlak tercela
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 48 (MC)
Pak Rudi adalah seorang pedagang sembako, sejak awal bulan Ramadhan ia
sudah memilih beras yang terbaik untuk alat pembayaran zakat fitrah. Kemudian ia
mendatangi amil zakat di desanya. Amil tersebut kemudian menjelaskan langkah- MC
langkah dalam membayar zakat. Yang harus dikatakan amil terhadap pak Rudi
adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Pak Rudi menakar beras,
kemudian berniat dan
A.   menyerahkannya ke amil setelah 0
terbenamnya matahari tanggal 1
Pak Rudi menakar beras 2,8 kg
kemudian berniat dan
B.   menyerahkannya kepada amil 100
sejak akhir bulan ramadhan
sampai menjelang sholat idul fitri
Pak Rudi menakar beras 3 kg,
tidak mengucapkan niat,
C.   0
memberikan kepada amil pada
tanggal 2 Syawal
Pak Rudi tidak menakar beras,
tidak berniat dan langsung
D.   0
menyerahkannya pada tetangga
yang miskin
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 49 (MC)
Ghulam dan Jazillah adalah sepasang suami istri, mereka mendapatkan karunia
dengan lahirnya seorang putra pada hari terakhir bulan Ramadhan. Pada saat
belajar di pesantren, keduanya mendapat keterangan bahwa Rasulullah SAW
mewajibkan zakat fitrah pada bulan Ramadhan oleh setiap muslim laki-laki maupun
perempuan dan orang yang merdeka sebanyak 1 sha’. Ilmu yang mereka dapatkan
di pesantren dijadikan landasan sebagai ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
syarat wajib bagi ghulam untuk
A.   mengeluarkan zakat fitrah bagi 0
putranya yang baru lahir
dasar hukum bagi ghulam untuk
B.   mengeluarkan zakat fitrah bagi 100
putranya yang baru lahir
tata cara bagi ghulam untuk
C.   mengeluarkan zakat fitrah bagi 0
putranya yang baru lahir
ketentuan bagi ghulam untuk
D.   mengeluarkan zakat fitrah bagi 0
putranya yang baru lahir
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 50 (MC)
Bulan Ramadhan tiba, siswa-siswi Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 6 Ngawi dididik
untuk menunaikan zakat fitrah yang biasa berupa makanan pokok atau uang yang
nantinya diwujudkan beras. Diperkirakan 1 kg beras seharga Rp. 10.000,00. Dari
monitotring data yang sudah masuk ditemukan Maimunah membawa beras 3 kg,
Ayu membawa beras 2,3 kg dan Siti membawa uang sebesar Rp. 20.000,00. Dari
cerita di atas, pernyataan yang sesuai adalah ....
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
zakat fitrah yang dikeluarkan
A.   Maimunah dan Ayu sah karena 0
membayar dengan beras
zakat fitrah yang dikeluarkan Siti
B.   sah karena membayar dengan 0
zakat fitrah yang dikeluarkan
C.   Maimunah sah karena sesuai 100
dengan ketentuan
zakat fitrah yang dikeluarkan
Maimunah dan Siti tidak sah
D.   0
karena membayar kurang dari
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.


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