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Daily transactions are now easier with various payment methods, including a digital wallet or

e-wallet. The community is increasingly feeling the existence of an e-wallet and its benefits
at this time. A digital wallet or e-wallet is an electronic service for storing data on payment
instruments, including payment instruments using cards and/or electronic money, which can
collect funds to make payments.

In principle, e-wallets are the same as physical wallets used so far. It's just that e-wallets are
digital or electronic wallets. Like a wallet, Electronic wallets, commonly known as e-wallets,
have largely transformed the way we handle online transactions in the world of today. With
the growing popularity of digital transactions, e-wallets are becoming the go-to choice for
many people. A digital wallet can be used to store information about your payment methods,
coupons, gift cards, and more in one central location. It's a convenient way to organize all
your information, so you don't have to carry a wallet full of plastic cards.

Whether you're using physical or virtual wallet apps stored on your phone, a digital wallet
app can hold a wide variety of data that you may want access to but do not want to carry
around with you. You can also use a digital wallet to make purchases online or in-store by
storing credit card information.

Some examples of digital wallets are ApplePay, Microsoft Wallet, Samsung Pay, and PayPal
One Touch (™). These apps have built-in security that includes two-factor authentication,
biometrics, one-time-use PIN codes, advanced encryption, and virtualization to protect your
personal information.

As the pro team we are agree if e-wallet could ease money transaction. We don’t need bring
our wallet with much money and our atm or debit card.

Second speaker

Based on the explanation from first speaker. There are many advantages form e wallet such
 Easy, Practical, and Efficient

The existence of e-wallets now means that people don't have to bother carrying large amounts
of cash, debit, and credit cards. This is because now e-wallets can also be used for daily
transactions such as buying food and shopping online. You only need to use a smartphone to
make transactions with e-wallets.

 Various Promos and Discounts

The existence of an e-wallet also provides other benefits for its users. This is because e-wallet
operators often offer attractive promotions and discounts such as point rewards, cashback,
gifts, and many others. These promos and discounts make their users interested and
encourage them to transact using e-wallets.

 Safe

Although many are still unsure, using e-wallets for daily transaction needs is considered safe.
This is because the e-wallet payment system operator has obtained a license and is under the
supervision of Bank Indonesia. What you need to pay attention to when choosing an e-wallet
is to ensure that the e-wallet has received permission from Bank Indonesia.

Another thing that you need to pay attention to when using an e-wallet is never to share OTP
codes and transaction PINs with other people because these conditions are often used as a
mode of online fraud.

  Avoid Counterfeit Money

Another advantage of e-wallets is that you can avoid counterfeit money. When transacting
with cash, irresponsible parties spread counterfeit money and use it for transactions. This
sometimes happens unknowingly due to ignorance and reluctance to check the money used
during transactions.

E-wallet helps you avoid circulating counterfeit money because the transaction process is
carried out electronically or digitally. 

 There is a Transaction History 

The last advantage of the e-wallet is the transaction history recording feature provided in the
application. This feature is very useful for users who play the role of both buyers and sellers.

For buyers, this feature can help you record income and expenses in your e-wallet so you
can plan your finances better later. As a seller, this feature can help you record incoming
sales transactions using an e-wallet.

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