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Sumary of the the knight and the rusty armor

Nombre del estudiante:

Flavio Torrealba12051110
Sede de estudio:

World literature

Fecha de entrega:
Tegucigalpa, 18 de marzo.
in a nutshell this is a book about a knight who goes out annexing all the

land he's conquered all these places he's accomplished all these tasks but
when he gets back to his kingdom he finds out that his armor won't come off
and the reason his armor won't come off is because as his
wife or the queen and his children say he did all of this for his own
sake .
he didn't do it with the wife and mind he didn't do it with the kids in
mind he didn't do it with the universe in mind he did his annexing purely based
on his ego's desires and so the story is about how this guy must figure out why
it is that he did all these things so that he can start removing the armor
from his body so it talks about how when he's walking
in the forest for instance and he comes across a couple animals and all of a
sudden the animals are talking to him and he's like wait you can talk to me
and the animals respond they say well yes we've always been talking to you
we've always been trying to give you that subtle language but you were never
receptive to it but now that you're receiving my message i can communicate
with you and so what that means is essentially the idea is that the knight
is supposed to become more humble more subtle with his being so that he can
become more meditative and once again
receptive to the universe in god's
message so rather than doing everything from a purely ego standpoint he finds
he he has to go through these trials and
tribulations for instance he goes and he meets a wizard and the wizard I telling
him that he has to learn how to love himself and seek his true identity and
out who he is as a person and not just to externalize himself it's about moving
within so in order for the knight to experience love and love the universe he has
to go through these trials and tribulations in order for him to take off his rusty}
armor so the idea here once again is that when we're moving in the world we
want to move from a place of authenticity being genuine and bein loving being
compassionate and caring for others around us including the trees the animals
and the whole universe because we couldn't be here without the animals
couldn't be here without the trees we couldn't be here without water we can't be
here without air so to destroy them and pollute them and neglect them is to
destroy ourselves to the degree we destroy things outside of us is the to the
degree we destroy ourselves so ultimately we have to realize that we're all
cohabitating here and we're all participating in this thing called life but if we
move from a selfish standpoint then it's all about me me me and that's
exclusive that means you think that the world revolves all around you and quite
frankly we know that this is a world where there's a bunch of different
conscious organisms if you will be interacting with one another you have all
these different human beings that think differently than we do we have all
these. different animals that are participating th trees are participating and etc
and so what this means is that we need to come into a more inclusive state so
that when we're moving throught he world we have and can share our love and
compassion with people because everyone is suffering and everyone has hard
times but if we're doing everything for ourselves then all we do is live on an
island and so the knight in the rusty armor has to learn how to come back and
unite himself and get off the island and unite his consciousness with everyone else's
which means that he has to show love empathy sympathy and become more receptive
to the universe so that he can take off his armor and relax a little bitso that's the idea
behind the knight and the rusty armor

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