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First, same-sex marriage has been discussed and argued for a long time.

Within the controversial topic

of LGBTQ+ rights, there’s no area more controversial than same-sex marriage. And all of us ask ourselves
if same-sex marriage should be legal or not. But the fact is that we have to start thinking about it as a
moral and religious topic. The government shouldn’t legalize the same-sex marriage because the same-
sex marriage goes against traditional values and religious beliefs. The institution of marriage has
traditionally been defined as being between a man and a woman. Civil unions and domestic partnerships
could provide the protections and benefits gay couples need without changing the definition of
marriage. -As a Catholic same sex marriage goes against the teachings of our faith. According to John F.
Harvey, a late Catholic priest, he wrote in July 2009 that “Throughout the history of the human race the
institution of marriage has been understood as the complete spiritual and bodily communion of one
man and one woman.”

Next is marriage should be reserved for couples who can procreate, and that same-sex couples cannot
have children naturally. Love and commitment are key ingredients of marriage, and the Church
recognizes that a basic purpose of marriage is the good of the spouses. The other purpose, however, is
the procreation and education of children. There is a fundamental difference between marriage, which
has the potential to bring forth children, and other relationships. Marriage between a man and a woman
will usually result in children. This remains a powerful human reality, even if every marriage does not
bring forth children. This makes marriage between a man and a woman a unique institution.

Another argument is the slippery slope argument, which says that legalizing same sex marriage will
inevitably lead to people entering polygamous marriages, entering into incestuous marriages, or even
marrying animals like dogs and cats. Since same sex marriage can overturn the laws of God. What if this
happens? What if people enter into legal marriages with animals? With the laws of nature now obsolete,
this would mean such marriages can be possible. Same-sex marriage will lead to other types of non-
traditional marriages
Legal recognition of same-sex marriage could have negative legal and social consequences, such as the
infringement of religious freedom and the promotion of immorality. The legal recognition of marriage,
including benefits associated with it, is not only about personal commitment, but also about the social
commitment that husband and wife make to the well-being of society. It would be wrong to redefine
marriage for the sake of providing benefits to those who cannot rightfully enter into marriage. If same
sex marriage were legalized, the result would be a significant change in our society. We would be saying
that the primary purpose of marriage is to validate and protect a sexually intimate relationship. All else
would be secondary. Marriage would no longer symbolize society’s commitment to the future: our
children. Rather, marriage would symbolize a commitment to the present needs and desires of adults.

If same sex marriage is legalized it could lead to other immoral act that is also against the religion such
as adultery and divorce. Just like in Canada, once legally married, same-sex spouses have the same legal
rights and duties that arise for opposite-sex spouses. Although it was not clear at the outset, it is now
clear that same-sex married couples can divorce under the same terms as opposite-sex couples. For
example, it is now clear that “adultery” includes same-sex acts as well as opposite-sex acts.

Same-sex marriages can be expensive for the state. Also from a financial perspective, the concept of
allowing same-sex marriages can be considered to be rather questionable. Allowing gay marriages could
be quite costly for states since they would have to spend plenty of additional taxpayers’ money on
benefits related to those marriages. In turn, this money would be missing for other important projects.
The legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States did not have a direct cost, as it was a legal
decision made by the Supreme Court in 2015. The cost of this advocacy work varied depending on the
organization and the specific campaign. For example, the Human Rights Campaign, one of the largest
LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations in the United States, spent millions of dollars on campaigns to change
public opinion and advocate for marriage equality. This could be bad if the Philippines will legalize same
sex marriage since there are more important issues to be addressed right now, these include
environmental degradation, unemployment, corruption, and lack of access to education and it will also
cost a lot.

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