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Step 1 : Investigating the consumer landscape

1. A little bit about the brand to identify the core:

Panela, initially called after the sweetener that is put in a coffee, is a restaurant mostly
based for brunches on the morning. It is more characterized by a cosmopolitan and yet
causal environment where people attracted to healthy eating or who have been abroad
gather to enjoy a form of artisanal and cozy food. Their staple items range from the eggs
benedict in the morning to the highly demanded salad bowls for lunch which gather all the
essential nutrients for a healthy meal especially during the hours of 2 to 4. According to
their waiter juan carlos a big stake of their customers are actually recurrent and order items
various times a week if not every day.

Having understood this that then what we re looking at Panela at its most minimal is
a restaurant for brunch and salads based bowls.
The core that revolves around this:
a. Behavioral segmentation:
- A person that wants to go for a healthy brunch on a nice morning at around
11 when he has time to then choose his favorite dish.
- A group of friends/ couple that want to enjoy the Saturday after a late wake
up at 12 and want to fill their stomach for the remainder of the day till dinner
- A person that is looking for a lunch after finishing his 1st part of the work
around 1 or 2pm during working hours and can go during his break to enjoy
his food.

-Nice wholesome dishes with all the ingredients he needs which are customizable to
fit his taste and relax while talking to the rest. Get a sense of a more cosmopolitan
cuisine to fit his pallet
-For working person, needs to get a good lunch top set his mind strait for the rest of
the day. Needs to be filled but at same time feeling light to be productive later on.
Also looking for something urban which hits the sweet spot between street food but
at the same time a bit upscale.
-For everyone: very customizable , big array of fresh choices
A good experience through nice seating to chill in: atmosphere, lighting and nice
music to listen to

Usage rate:
(usage and purchase are the same because it is an immediate consumption)
-For the people that re going for lunch or even breakfast people these are between
high and medium users who come back almost everyday according to the waiter. If a
dish is 11 euro and then with the drink juice we are looking at 11+3= 14 so around 13
to 15 euros per person on average. If this is done everyday for a heavy user, such as
the one who works it would be 15*5= 75 euros a week
-Medium user would be a person who usually takes care of home and has a group of
friends and have their midday meeting there : 2 to 3 times a week : so a range
between 30 and 45 euros a week.
-The group of people that would go on Saturdays would be between light users who
go once a week so between 13 and 1 euros a week per person

Looking at CLV : Thus the core that is most likely to be loyal (as we will detail
later ) is the high to medium user getting the salad bowls for lunch since it is
also easy and simple to eat and as well the more relaxed person who enjoys
the slow pace of her day. We are looking at around 75 euros peek so around
3600 per year. Of course this value will tend to decrease marginally each year
but this gives a estimate of the most l loyal customer.
However, we shouldn’t neglect the light one, they are like the liquidities in
our portfolio and therefore could provide to be very important later on. We
will address this for growth

Loyalty status :
Core user that is more than aware of the brand and a returning user. He might look
at other things around Maria de Molina but if he works and is looking for quality his
choices would be between lamucca and panela. The rest have different price ranges
such as places where the eggs or meals would be cheaper but of different quality.
 So he is more than part of the relevant set he is completely loyal because he just
loves it
Then in terms of the people that go for brunch they have high loyalty but could also
think of other places like la Habanera, Zenith, Rococo. The former 2 can even
compete with the setting that Panela offers therefore there might be some
substitution during the days. So these people are usually either completely hooked
to Panela due to some precise experienced (will detail in motivation or are in the
purchase funnel but have yet to transition to loyalty.

b. Motivational segmentation

Need: recover a form of vitality or wholesome element either after work or once I decide to
start the day through food
Want to feel good about my decision

Fear: do not want to face reality for my mundane day. Do not want to feel guilty after
having a cheat day in my diet.

Motivation: I am looking for this type of food, because I want to feel transported into a
trendy world filled with artisanal food and great quality selections that ultimately make me
feel as if I were somewhere on a trip in a big city . A common denominator is not to feel
transported but at the same time engaged in this new food journey full of aspirations . is
part of a need to connect with oneself during this meal to improve wellbeing.
Understanding this whole category(restaurant for brunch with healthy food ) here, Panela is
a place that attracts consumer who is either seeking to distract himself from working reality
or a group of people going for brunch seeking both food that is healthy, wholesome and
that allows to feel revitalized and knowing they chose a good quality service which has

Narrowing down the core:

To narrow down at the real core, that really has more of a ‘love affair’ with Panela it should
be be these brunch lovers looking to make a good choice in term of helath. Nonetheless,
what are the things that make them go to panela what are the assets that provide that?

2. HBG through :
a. distinctive assets:
- advertising is really good, their owner is there on the IG account as well; as their waiters
who engage in the stories(characters )

-Moto: Eat.feel.drink: its opening up your sense, panela is conscious of what you are doing:
activity of eating. A form of mindfulness. You are in Madrid but also transported to very big
cities, you are conscious that the ingredients come from many different places and gather
themselves into one dish whether your Benedictine eggs or your Bollywood salad. At some
point another slogan was you are what you eat

-Music : music is partly acoustic, but also a bit pop whith at the same time a touch of
alternative. So still trendy in a way . Occasional jazz reminiscent of big cities with a
cosmopolitan culture.

-Physical presence :
they are here, manage to grab people in the morning and in the afternoon.( What about at
night?--> will pursue further down )
-They are pretty easy to find since they are right next to serrano and amongst different
restaurants but panela is the only one that has this type of food.

-Therefore we are looking at a possible set of users who go to brunch once a week maybe
who try in a way to wonder at a place which is more special and different then the usual
mundane things.

b. Trying to reframe category:FOR

After assuming a certain core(in hsort people in jobs for lunch or the really dedicated
brunch daily lovers) while the the restricted Saturday brunch lovers being the more light
users this more we want tot ry to reframe it buy by looking at competitors.

Competition: small duplication analysis.

-Zenith: in Malasana would seem like the place where they get the benefit they need
has the poached eggs, bagels pancakes but not the salads. Maybe around 40% that
swap around.
Inference: panela has something more, it is more complete, it offers this fulness to
the customer not only in terms of food but the whole elegance aspect (not a branch
only 1 in madrid ), and its cosmopolitan nature .

-Habanera :as well, but it is more of this tropical island vacation’ compared to Panela
which has more of a big metropole city atmosphere. Same here aroud 40% that
swap around.

Therefore to reframe the category: no longer about brunch places

It should be about getting a job done in a specific context. When people go for burnch, they
do because it is something that breaks the traditional routine. It makes the day more special
and allows them to come to their senses by having these eggs or bowls. Hence Panela in a
way is trying to make their day more engaging, more in sync with oneself. Thus a few
options :
- Spa session on weekends
o Person who after a stressful period would want to relax and enjoy a nice day
full of natural therapy and massages and willing to spend the whole day at a
Place that Panela would create
- Meditation yoga evening : Person who would look to disconnect after having to
work or also looking to feel more sensation with her general group of people and
start exploring meditation to live fulfilling life.
o instead of having a concept of the restaurant taking off tables for people to
dance it could be that but for yoga. Finally, even at night panela would be
able to allow someone to escape mundanity.
- Panela cooking lessons for person who want to learn about healthy eating and good
habits . Wants to be more engaged to the brand and their food.

Category names then

- Wellness leisure fan
- Introspective mindful yoga seeker
- Avid cooking learner
c. More specific Category entry points:
Wellness leisure fan:

o Why: wants to relax and destress and enjoy theramy that is mor enatural
o When: during weekends when they have spare time, or during a vacation
o Where: Spa can either be at a new place in Madrid or maybe something
outside towards casa de camp
o With whom: Usually time spent alone or maybe a couple
o With what: can ask the panela spa to provide food and tea as well

Introspective and Mindful yoga seeker:

o Why: Needs to develop a healthier routine and wants to connect more with
his inner thoughts and ego
o When : can be after a long day of work or even early in the morning before
life starts, or on Saturdays when you have time as well as during the day for
people that have free time
o Where: at Panela restaurant itself when tables are taken out, or a new panela
location exclusively for Yoga still within the city
o With whom : A group of avid enthusiastic people that want to be part of this
yoga club, or just alone and meet people at the session
o With what: usually would bring a yoga mat and appropriate sport clothing
Avid cooking learner:
o Why : Loves the food and would like to reproduce their skill set to have
healthier habits and be able to cook even for others
o When: Can be either during a set date agrred by the rest of the class, or after
work on a recurrent date, or during a weekend in the afternoon as a form of
o Where: can be easily done at Panela if working hours are extended later or if
not choosing a house or Panela renting an extra kitchen where they all meet
up and do it there.
o With whom: Friends that have an interest to learn to cook or that have a
passion for it
o With what: just bringing an apron and a good open attitude towards learning.

Step 2 : Targeting and prioritization

Hypothesis : could the most related behavior concern the introspective yoga mindful seeker
mostly for Panela?

1. JTBD :
What benefits am I looking for :
- Get served in a place where I can get some of my favorite things knowing that it is a
healthy alternative
- Look for a place that has artisanal products and make sure I get all of the good
- Get to a place where I can enjoy a cosmopolitan environment that is open to trying
distinctive things

Types of jobs:
-Functional: Enjoy the prospect of having the desired meal in a proper environment
- Emotional
o Allow what I intake to make me feel good in my body which is the emotional
dimension with myself, This there is a big form of self-recognition and about
feeling good about my decision here.
o Social: This can actually be the tension with conviviality, the other aspect is
when I go there its an opportunity to chat with either my group or the rest of
this people that have been exposed to the rest of my situation(experience
abroad, diverse culture yet Mediterranean )
Job story:
- When I am on my lunch break after work I want to gather myself with my thoughts
to the be able to reface the harshness of my job
- When I am mostly a person that takes care of the house, I want to gather with my
group for a nice meal full of conviviality to share my experiences with others, the last
trips I have been to…

Competitors :
We are not just competing with. Food and beverage industry, we are competing with the
wellbeing industry and even the leisure industry.
- brunch /lunch places identified previously
- Street food places: also identified previously
- Other spas
- Gymnasiums for like aerobics or light workout
- Spiritual retreats
- Yoga classes
- Places with international exposed environments

2. Snooker table to prioritize: see clusters

- Red balls:
consumers that go once every 1 or 2 moths for a brunch

- Green brown yellow :

it would be the growth option concerning the spas. Cant be that frequent maybe 1 a
month for treatment : entry of say 50 euros so 12 times a year yield 600 euros . hear
you would compete with a resort, spa, even hotel ….
Very clustered: many hotels resorts, competing for this
- Blue option:
Cooking classes for growth option. It would be aspiring cooks or people caring about
heir daily habits. Can be a recurrent thing like once every 2 weeks. Each session
would cost around 40 euros. Would be done 24 times a month or if 3 times am
month then 36. Not that clustered in reality

-Gather pink and black together :

Yoga option. Bring people at least 2 times a week and max 5 times. Frequency would
range between . 92 and 240 times.
This group could be said to be less clustered because usually there are no big brands
that do this so it is more spaced out and hence and there is no monopoly for now
you can do it because this type of activity can be open to many competing actors 
identified a preference possibly
Push force: looking for something new, related to healthy habits
and taking care of oneself through wellbeing activities.
Progress hindering force: maybe yoga could be something anxious when it’s
a restaurant that offers and thinking that maybe you won’t have the time. Eventually
this becomes the perfect activity to slip into a routine and hence a habit that Panela
has helped the consumer foster.
Step 3: convertibility

1. good fit/ convertibility

- Spas: The option concerning spas would allow the consumer to see that Panela has
become even more upscale than it is. Nonetheless, I would feel that there would be
a bit too much distance between brunch and a spa. Hence the consumer could lose
touch with the brand

- Cooking: actually it is the most close to the brand . Strengths is that they pretty much
have the assets to engage in this at a separate hour. Nonetheless, it theoretically fits
however it is not considered a major innovation as they have 2 posts already
explaining how to properly cook their eggs and as well as the salad

- Yoga: Actually probably the option that can fit the most since it allows everyone tha
is in need of recognition to engage in this. It also becomes part of a more recurrent
need of the customer to feel that if he wants to have a good mind its not just
through food but also through activities. Yoga is a big trend, especially in big
metropolitan cities where people want to escape part of their realities and this would fit perfectly with the brand
o Feasibility: First hand though it would be hard but in reality, aside from
renting out a place. This can be done within the restaurant itself. Like the
concept of Madrid restaurant turning into night clubs by taking out the
tables. Same thing could be done there but instead of dancing it would be
yoga (there are 2 decently enough wide spaces for a few people and the
middle [massage in between would be left free to circulate)
o Weakness : currently due to covid less likely but also could be done through a
live stream.
 Maybe would require the restaurant to open till a bit later in the

2. CVC testing:
a. Test 1: Is this a good growth option that penetrates?
- Would say yes, as this targets even light to non-users that have never had a brunch
there because they just don’t have the time during the week.
- There are no demographics involved it could literally be anyone, any sex , any age
range .
- This is entirely behavioral as I said it can be the people that finally leave their jobs , it
can also be a person that has a lot of free time and wants to do something useful
instead of staying at home and doing nothing
- It targets the current clientele of Panela as well as they can see this as aa further
addition given by Panela
b. Test 2: is it connected to business objectives and to marketing objective:
Panela’s business objective is of course ton increase the volume and the opportunity for
profit though healthy food . By doing this the only cost would be bringing in a yoga
instructor and possible matts (although people tend to prefer to bring them )
Marketing objective: the good part is that here they are not dictating one another but they
are actually fusing in quite well. Panela is here to show that its available not just for brunch,
but also as I noticed during the for lunch . hence people are looking for good recognition for
their choices of healthy eating, of feeling more complete in this cosmopolitan environment.
Yoga per say, allows this, something initially based form another culture. allows people to
enhance their wellbeing. Thus good marketing option

c. Test 3: Growth option: tightly defined:

- This even if it can target anyone in theory, only a few select will feel invited and want
to come. Who ?
o Its not just any form of cosmopolitan person but more the profile of the
person that is concerned with new trends of mindfulness and balancing
lifestyles. Thus, a subset of the intended volume will actually show up how
are trying to lead more urban yet alternative lifestyles.

SVC : Growth entails Panela providing a growth option to most persons that are open to
new cultural well being trends who want to lead more mindful lifestyles. These
customersd ar customers that might have never been exposed to the brand are that rarely
go hence there is a big opportunity to penetrate the market that evertually can become
loyal. This also means that this growth option can also be sued on already loyal users, it
won’t account for a big increase in their market share but could still provide an additional
amount of revenue.

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