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(February 26, 2015)

Name of Teacher VIRGIE V. REVERO Grade/Year Level IV-Sunkist

Schedule IV-Sunkist Time 6:20-7:20 AM
Learning Area: ENGLISH Quarter: 4(Day 4) Module No.:
Competency: Giving an appropriate ending to a given situation and justification for such ending.
Lesson No. 1 Give an appropriate ending to a given situation and Duration(minutes/hours) 1hr
justification for such ending.
Key Understandings Giving an appropriate ending to a situation is based on what will happen next in the story/situation.
to be developed
Learning Knowledge Give an appropriate ending to a given situation.
Objectives Skills Tell the reason for such ending.
Attitudes Appreciate the value of kindness and courtesy.
Resources PELC 9.0 in English IV, LG in English 154-155, Skill Development Book in English IV pages 272-275,
Needed Basic English Skill Builders pages 216-219, Chart, pictures
Elements of the Plan Methodology
Preparation Introductory Activity Review: Let the pupils finish the following sentences.
1. When I grow up, I want to be a ___________________.
2. I am very happy when _______________________.
3. I like my teacher because _____________________.
4. My mother scolded me when ___________________.
5. I like my best friend because ______________________.
Motivation: Show an illustration of a fox or a crow.
Ask them if they have seen a fox or a crow?

Presentation Activity Presentation: Present the story the "The Fox and the Crow"
The Fox and the Crow
A hungry fox saw a crow. The crow was sitting on a tree. He had a piece
of cheese in his mouth.
"You are the best crow I ever saw," said the fox.
"I wish you would sing. A bird always had a good voice. And it has been
a long time since I last heard fine music."
The crow was very proud at being asked to sing. So he opened his
mouth and started to sing.

Analysis Discussion and Analysis

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What did the fox ask the crow to do? Why?
3. What do you think happened when the crow opened his mouth? Who
can finish the story?
4. Who has another ending?
5. What can you say about the fox? The crow?
Values Integration If you were the fox, would you do the same? Why? What should you do if you
want to ask something from others?
Abstraction What did we do after reading the selection? How do you give one kind of
Practice Application Oral Assessment: Let the pupils read aloud a situation posted on the board. Ask
them what is their ending of the given situation and the reason why they choose
such ending.
Groupings: Form 4 groups. Give each group a situation to brain storm. They
are going to write the ending of the situation. After, one representative will
present their work in front of the class.
Assessment Assessment Matrix
Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I
Knowledge Give the appropriate ending to a given situation and Four
Process or Skills give justification for such ending. Write your answers points if
Understanding (s) on the blank. the answer
is correct.
(Transfer of Understanding) A group of boys are throwing paper balls in a mock
fight in the playground. Suddenly a ball is thrown so
hard that it hits the head of the principal who is passing
Reason: _______________________________________
Assignment Reinforcing the day’s lesson Give the appropriate ending.
Enriching the day’s lesson John saw a kitten lying helplessly in the street. He could hardly hear the kittens
faint cries.
Enhancing the day’s lesson _________________________________________________________________.
Preparing for the new lesson
(February 27, 2015)
Name of Teacher VIRGIE V. REVERO Grade/Year Level IV-Sunkist
Schedule IV-Sunkist Time 6:20-7:20 AM
Learning Area: ENGLISH Quarter: 4(Day 5) Module No.:
Competency: Giving an appropriate ending to a given situation and justification for such ending.
Lesson No. 1 Give an appropriate ending to a given situation and Duration(minutes/hours) 1hr
justification for such ending.
Key Understandings Giving an appropriate ending to a situation is based on what will happen next in the story/situation.
to be developed
Learning Knowledge Give an appropriate ending to a given situation.
Objectives Skills Tell the reason for such ending.
Attitudes Demonstrate cooperation in doing the activity.
Resources PELC 9.0 in English IV, LG in English 154-155, Skill Development Book in English IV pages 272-275,
Needed Basic English Skill Builders pages 216-219, Chart, pictures
Elements of the Plan Methodology
Preparation Introductory Activity Review: Show series of pictures and let the pupils create an appropriate ending base
on the pictures.


Presentation Activity Activity: Form two groups. One member of the group A will get a rolled paper in
the box containing a situation. He/she will read the situation for the other group to
answer/give an ending. If the group B can answer, group B will gain points. If not,
group A can steal or give a chance to answer and gain points. Same procedure will
be done until the box will be empty.

Analysis Discussion and Analysis

1. What did we do after reading the selection?
2. How do you give one kind of ending?

Values Integration Cooperate in the group activity.

Abstraction Giving an appropriate ending to a situation is based on what will happen next in the
Practice Application Board work: Give an appropriate ending.
Rina leaves at seven o'clock in the morning for school. A school bus usually
stops by to fetch her. One day, Rina woke up late. The school bus left without her.

Assessment Assessment Matrix

Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I
Knowledge Give the appropriate ending to a given situation and Four points
Process or Skills give justification for such ending. Write your answers if the
Understanding (s) on the blank. answer is
(Transfer of Understanding) John plays the whole day in the rain. She ran in the
flooded road and enjoyed the rain. That night John
couldn't sleep. Mother gave her medicine and an ice bag
on his head. ____________________

Assignment Reinforcing the day’s lesson Study for a check up test on Monday about giving conclusion and
Enriching the day’s lesson giving an appropriate ending.
Enhancing the day’s lesson
Preparing for the new lesson

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