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Saire Chrysbelle L.

Parcon BSEd – English 2 CN:3240

"Halliday's Functions of Language in the Classroom Setting"

1. Instrumental Function: This function involves utilizing language to meet personal needs or
accomplish tasks, such as making requests, giving orders, or expressing desires.
 Role-playing: Engage students in simulated scenarios where they practice making requests or
providing instructions to achieve specific objectives, such as ordering food at a restaurant or asking for

2. Regulatory Function: This function pertains to using language to control or regulate the behavior of
others, including giving directions, instructions, or establishing rules.
 Establishing classroom rules: Involve students in the process of establishing classroom rules
through discussions and negotiations regarding appropriate behaviors. They can subsequently present
and explain these rules to their peers.

3. Interactional Function: This function focuses on using language to establish and maintain social
relationships, encompassing small talk, greetings, or expressions of friendliness.
 Pair or group discussions: Assign topics for students to discuss in pairs or small groups, encouraging
meaningful conversations, expression of opinions, active listening, and responses to their peers.

4. Personal Function: This function involves using language to express personal opinions, feelings, or
experiences, emphasizing self-expression and sharing.
 Journal writing: Regularly provide opportunities for students to write in their journals, enabling them to
express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Prompts or specific topics can be provided to guide
their writing.

5. Representational Function: This function relates to using language to convey information and facts
about the world, encompassing descriptions, explanations, or reports.
 Science experiment reports: Conduct science experiments in the classroom and have students write
reports detailing the procedures, observations, and conclusions. This activity helps students practice
conveying factual information in a structured manner.

6. Imaginative Function: This function involves using language to create and communicate imaginative
or fictional worlds, encompassing storytelling, poetry, or creative writing.
 Storytelling or creative writing: Encourage students to create and share their own stories, either
orally or in written form, allowing them to explore their imagination and use language to transport others
to imaginative realms.

7. Heuristic Function: This function pertains to using language to acquire knowledge and explore the
environment, encompassing questioning, seeking information, or investigating.
 Research projects: Assign research topics to students and guide them in conducting investigations to
find answers to their questions. They can present their findings to the class, promoting knowledge
acquisition and exploration.

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