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for suspected patients with CAA that these white matter lesions are 4 Charidimou A, Boulouis G, Pasi M, et al.
MRI-visible perivascular spaces in cerebral
presenting without intracerebral neither perfectly specific nor perfectly amyloid angiopathy and hypertensive
haemorrhage, such as those with sensitive for CAA, just as lobar arteriopathy. Neurology 2017; 88: 1157–64.
transient focal neurological episodes cerebral microbleeds are not perfectly 5 Perosa V, Oltmer J, Munting LP, et al.
Perivascular space dilation is associated with
and dementia, are derived from the sensitive or specific. We emphasise vascular amyloid-β accumulation in the
largest sample of these presentations that all imaging markers should be overlying cortex. Acta Neuropathol 2022;
143: 331–48.
to date. There was nonetheless only interpreted in the intended clinical
6 Charidimou A, Hong YT, Jäger HR, et al. White
a relatively small number of patients context to be useful diagnostically, and matter perivascular spaces on magnetic
with CAA–transient focal neurological that their diagnostic value for CAA in resonance imaging: marker of cerebrovascular
amyloid burden? Stroke 2015; 46: 1707–09.
episodes in our cohort (n=25), asymptomatic people or as incidental
precluding stable diagnostic accuracy findings has not been established.
estimates (sensitivity approaching We agree with Moura and Maia that
100% and specificity of approximately there is somewhat limited experience The Brain Research
50%) in just this subgroup. with assessing white matter
One important misinterpretation to markers, particularly with multispot
Africa Initiative (BRAIN)
avoid in applying the Boston criteria white matter hyperintensities. We The burden of neurological disease
to patient populations without note, however, that the markers is high in Africa, where despite
intracerebral haemorrhage is assuming incorporated in the Boston criteria the efforts made, there is still a
that fulfilment of the probable CAA version 2.0 showed excellent inter- considerable shortage of human,
criteria necessarily means that CAA is rater reproducibility under the existing infrastructural, and financial resources
the primary cause of the presenting definitions,1 supporting their feasibility to provide the continent’s populations
non-intracerebral haemorrhage for widespread use. with state-of-the-art brain health
syndrome. This consideration is The points raised highlight the care. 1,2 The Brain Research Africa
particularly salient for presentations need for further research to refine Initiative (BRAIN) is working to bridge For BRAIN see
of cognitive impairment, which are the specificity and generalisability of this gap.

typically the result of overlapping the Boston criteria version 2.0 as we BRAIN is an international research
neurodegenerative pathologies of move towards improved diagnosis and and development organisation
which CAA might be either a minor testing of candidate therapies for this focused on the production and
or major contributor. There is also a ever challenging disorder. translation of brain health evidence
separate set of proposed criteria with AC reports receiving funding from the Bodossaki for policy and development in
additional stipulations for assigning Foundation and the Frechette Family Foundation Africa. Our global headquarters are
and consulting fees from Imperative Care. SMG
the probability that presentation with reports receiving funding from the US National
located in Geneva, Switzerland, and
transient focal neurological episodes is Institutes of Health, royalties from Up-To-Date, our continental headquarters are in
due to CAA.3 consulting fees from Eli Lily, and serving on data Yaoundé, Cameroon. BRAIN is also a
safety monitoring committees for Washington
The Boston criteria version 2.0 added development partner of the African
University, Bayer, Biogen, and Roche.
a limited set of non-haemorrhagic Union Commission. For the past
white matter markers, severe enlarged *Andreas Charidimou, 25 years, via a bottom-up approach,
perivascular spaces in the centrum Steven M Greenberg BRAIN has gained the reputation and
semiovale, and multispot white
matter hyperintensity patterns, with Department of Neurology, Boston University
the goal of improving diagnostic Medical Center and Boston University School of
Medicine, Boston, MA 02118, USA (AC);
sensitivity without excessively Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General
compromising specificity. In scoring Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
these markers, it is essential to note USA (SMG)

that perivascular spaces in the criteria 1 Charidimou A, Boulouis G, Frosch MP, et al.
The Boston criteria version 2.0 for cerebral
refer to the centrum semiovale amyloid angiopathy: a multicentre,
(where multiple lines of evidence retrospective, MRI-neuropathology diagnostic
accuracy study. Lancet Neurol 2022; 21: 714–25.
point to a strong association with
2 Charidimou A, Boulouis G. Clinical diagnosis of
underlying CAA pathology)4–6 rather probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy:
than to perivascular spaces in the diagnostic accuracy meta-analysis of the
Figure: Participants at the BRAIN-SCAN Congress 1.5
boston criteria. Stroke 2022; 53: 3679–87.
basal ganglia (more characteristic 3 Smith EE, Charidimou A, Ayata C, Werring DJ,
The Congress was an activity of BRAIN Week in Cameroon and held at the Faculty of
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of The University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon
of other small vessel processes such Greenberg SM. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy-
related transient focal neurologic episodes. (Oct 24–29, 2022), under the distinguished patronage of the Prime Minister of
as arteriolosclerosis). Even with Neurology 2021; 97: 231–38. Cameroon. Image provided courtesy of ELFA Media. BRAIN=Brain Research Africa
this clarification in mind, we agree Initiative. SCAN=Society of Cameroonian Neurologists. Vol 22 June 2023 467


trust of the Cameroon Government of 12 schools of medicine from 1 WHO. ATLAS country resources for neurological
disorders, 2nd edn. Sept 15, 2017. https://www.
and other national public and private four countries in the Economic and
stakeholders, for the promotion of Monetary Community of Central resources-for-neurological-disorders. (accessed
brain health in the country. With Africa—Economic Community of March 2, 2023).
2 Craven R. Building neurological services in
its sister organisation, the Society Central African States (CEMAC-CEEAC). Africa. Lancet Neurol 2009; 8: 32–33.
of Cameroonian Neurologists Additionally, the congress programme 3 Schneider ME. PAANS: reaching out to future
(SCAN), along with The University included neurology, neurosurgery, neurologists. Feb 13, 2009. https://
of Yaoundé I (UYI), the Cameroon psychiatry, neuroscience (basic and neurology/world-neurology-archive/
Government, and the World Federation translational) sessions that were document_19 (accessed March 2, 2023).
4 Njamnshi AK. Migraine in Cameroon: from the
of Neurology (WFN) past president live-streamed, as well as a cadaverless painful truth to the powerful tribute.
Prof Johan Aarli, BRAIN organised a simulation neuroanatomy workshop Sept 16, 2019. https://worldneurologyonline.
historic congress in Yaounde. Primary (with the surgical simulation and com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/WFN_July_
Aug_newsletter-1.pdf (accessed March 2, 2023).
and secondary school students were training company UpSurgeOn), a 5 Njamnshi AK. Looking back into the future of
invited and encouraged to take up stereology workshop (with the Turkish the neurosciences in Cameroon and
sub-Saharan Africa. Health Sci Dis 2022;
careers in the neurosciences during the Society of Stereology), and a scientific 23 (suppl 1): 3–4.
Pan African Association of Neurological writing workshop (with experts
Sciences congress of 2008 in Yaoundé, from the University of Fribourg and
under the distinguished patronage University of Geneva, Switzerland).
of the President of Cameroon. 3 In barely 4 years, the BRAIN Week in Monomania of political
Dr Nene Ahidjo was one of those Cameroon has grown into BRAIN Week
secondary school students, who was in Cameroon–CEMAC-CEEAC. The
strife by Géricault
subsequently mentored and directed by next Brain Week will take place at the In the winter of 1822–23, the
our team at BRAIN through the Faculty University of Dschang, in West Region, Romantic master Théodore Géricault
of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Cameroon, in October, 2023. painted a series of ten portraits
UYI (FMBS-UYI), and is now an assistant BRAIN thanks its partners and called Les Monomanes that were
lecturer in neuropharmacology in welcomes new partnerships to commissioned by the psychiatrist
that Faculty. Dr Ahidjo is a rising continue the uphill task of promoting Étienne-Jean Georget. The portraits
role model for young women in brain health in Africa. depict ten patients with so-called
neuroscience in Africa. In 2019, BRAIN AKN reports honorary participation as chair on an monomanias, now an obsolete
created the BRAIN Week in Cameroon, advisory board for the Epilepsy Pathway Innovation nosology of psychiatric diseases.
in Africa project, and is President of the Society of
scaling up the World Brain Day. This Cameroonian Neurologists. All other authors declare
Five of these portraits were found in
event is celebrated annually under no competing interests. Other members of the 1863 and are now exhibited in well
the patronage of the Prime Minister BRAIN-SCAN Congress 1.5 Scientific Committee and known art galleries. They correspond
Organising Secretariat are Stephen Perrig,
of Cameroon, and involves medical to the monomanias of kleptomania,
Roman Sztajzel, and Jean Marie Annoni.
students, physicians, and other envy, gambling, obsessive fixation
stakeholders.4 *Alfred K Njamnshi, Leonard Ngarka, (delusions of military rank), and
On Oct 24–29, 2022, the joint Wepnyu Y Njamnshi, Nene Ahidjo, kidnapping. The other five portraits
BRAIN-SCAN Congress 1.5 was held Joelle N Chabwine, Vladimir Hachinski, remained missing, and it was therefore
at the FMBS-UYI, with the theme of on behalf of the BRAIN-SCAN Congress not known which other types of
“vascular neurology in sub-Saharan 1.5 Scientific Committee and monomania Géricault had painted.
Africa: experiences, challenges, and Organising Secretariat I began to uncover this mystery in
perspectives” (figure). This congress 2021, when I identified the portrait
was live-streamed to thousands of Brain Research Africa Initiative, Geneva, Switzerland of a patient with the monomania of
and Yaoundé, PO Box 25625, Cameroon (AKN, LN,
delegates and attended physically WYN, NA, JNC); Neuroscience Laboratory, Faculty of melancholy in a private collection in
by more than 600 delegates from Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Italy.1 In 2022, I discovered a second
15 countries, including WFN past Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon (AKN, LN, WYN, NA); lost portrait from the series: a patient
Neurology Department, Yaoundé Central Hospital,
president Prof Vladimir Hachinski Yaoundé, Cameroon (AKN, LN); Department of
with the monomania of drunkenness.2
as keynote speaker. During this Health Operations Research, Ministry of Public The portraits of the series can
congress BRAIN launched the BRAIN Health, Yaoundé, Cameroon (WYN); Neurology be identified by their similar
Division, Fribourg Hospital, Fribourg, Switzerland
Trust Tournament, to demystify (JNC); Faculty of Medicine and Science, University of
compositional features, their
neuroscience and encourage medical Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland (JNC); Robarts attribution to Théodore Géricault,
students into neuroscience and brain Research Institute (VH) and Department of Clinical and the inclusion of the clinical
Neurological Sciences (VH), University of Western
health careers. 5 This precongress description of the represented
Ontario, London, ON, Canada
activity attracted the participation patient in the medical treatises of

468 Vol 22 June 2023

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