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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 10 ,050,155 B2

Acar (45 ) Date of Patent: Aug. 14, 2018
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(73) Assignee : Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation , FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
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FIG . 12

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FIG . 14 140
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U . S . Patent Aug. 14 , 2018 Sheet 9 of 10 US 10 ,050, 155 B2


FIG . 15
atent Aug. 14 , 2018 Sheet 10 of 10 US 10 ,050 ,155 B2

FIG . 16

FIG . 17
US 10 ,050 , 155 B2
MICROMACHINED MONOLITHIC 3 -AXIS a stationary portion , the moving portion coupled to the radial
GYROSCOPE WITH SINGLE DRIVE portion , wherein the drive electrode and the central suspen
sion system are configured to oscillate the 3 -axis gyroscope
CLAIM OF PRIORITY about a z -axis normal to the x - y plane at a drive frequency.
5 This overview is intended to provide an overview of
This application is a continuation of U .S . patent applica - subject matter of the present patent application . It is not
tion Ser. No. 13 /821 , 842 , filed on Jul. 2 , 2013, and issued as intended to provide an exclusive or exhaustive explanation
U .S . Pat . No. 9, 246 ,018 on Jan . 26 , 2016 , which is a U .S . of the invention . The detailed description is included to
National Stage Filing under 35 U . S . C . 371 from Interna - provide further information about the present patent appli
tional Patent Application Serial No. PCT/US2011/052065 , 10 cation .
filed on Sep . 18 , 2011, and published on Mar. 22 , 2012 as
WO 2012 /037540 A2 , which claims the benefit of priority of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
Acar, U .S . Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/ 384 ,
245 , entitled “MICROMACHINED MONOLITHIC In the drawings , which are not necessarily drawn to scale ,
3 - AXIS GYROSCOPE WITH SINGLE DRIVE .” filed on 15 like numerals may describe similar components in different
Sep . 18 , 2010 , and the benefit of priority of Acar, U . S . views. Like numerals having different letter suffixes may
Provisional Patent Application Ser. No .61/384 , 246 , entitled represent different instances of similar components. The
“ MICROMACHINED 3 -AXIS ACCELEROMETER drawings illustrate generally, by way of example , but not by
WITH A SINGLE PROOF -MASS,” filed on Sep . 18 , 2010 , way of limitation, various embodiments discussed in the
each of which are hereby incorporated by reference herein in 20 present document.
its entirety. FIG . 1 illustrates generally a schematic cross sectional
Further, this application is related to Acar et al., U . S . view of a 3 - degrees -of-freedom ( 3 -DOF ) inertialmeasure
patent application Ser. No. 12 / 849,742, entitled “MICRO - ment unit ( IMU ).
MACHINED INERTIAL SENSOR DEVICES ,” filed on FIG . 2 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis gyro
Aug . 3 , 2010 and to Marx et al., U . S . patent application Ser. 25 scope .
No. 12 /849 , 787, entitled “ MICROMACHINED DEVICES FIG . 3 illustrates generally an example of a 3 - axis gyro
AND FABRICATING THE SAME,” filed Aug. 3 , 2010 , scope in drive motion .
each ofwhich is hereby incorporated by reference herein in FIG . 4 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis gyro
its entirety. scope including a single proof-mass during sense motion in
30 response to rotation about the x -axis .
TECHNICAL FIELD FIG . 5 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis gyro
scope including a single proof-mass during sense motion in
The present invention relates generally to inertial sensor response to rotation about the y -axis.
devices and more particularly to micromachined inertial FIG . 6 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis gyro
sensor devices. 35 scope including a single proof-mass during sense motion in
response to rotation about the z - axis .
BACKGROUND FIGS. 7 and 8 illustrate generally examples of a 3 -axis
gyroscope including a z -axis gyroscope coupling flexure
Several single- axis or multi -axis micromachined gyro bearing during anti -phase motion and in -phase motion,
scope structures have been integrated into a system to form 40 respectively .
a 3 -axis gyroscope cluster. However , the size and cost of FIG . 9 illustrates generally an example of a 3 - axis accel
such clusters consisting of separate sensors can be excessive erometer.
for certain applications . Even though single or multi- axis FIG . 10 illustrates generally an example of a 3 - axis
gyroscopes can be fabricated on a single MEMS chip , accelerometer in sense motion response to an x - axis accel
separate drive and sense electronics are required for each 45 eration .
sensor. FIG . 11 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis
Further, the demand for three axis acceleration detection accelerometer in sense motion in response to a y -axis
in consumer /mobile , automotive and aerospace /defense acceleration .
applications is constantly increasing. Many single -axis or FIG . 12 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis
multi- axis micromachined accelerometer structures have 50 accelerometer in sense motion in response to a z -axis
utilized separate proof-masses for each acceleration axis. acceleration .
Combining multiple sensors or multiple proof-masses on a FIG . 13 illustrates generally an example of a system
die can drive up both the size and cost of the integrated including via wafer electrode placement.
three -axis accelerometer sensor. FIG . 14 illustrates generally an example side view of a
55 3 -axis accelerometer including a single proof-mass.
OVERVIEW FIG . 15 illustrates generally an example of a 3 + 3 -degrees
of- freedom (3 + 3 DOF ) inertial measurement unit (IMU ) .
This document discusses , among other things , a cap wafer FIG . 16 illustrates generally an example of the central
and a via wafer configured to encapsulate a single proof- suspension at rest about an anchor.
mass 3 -axis gyroscope formed in an x -y plane of a device 60 FIG . 17 illustrates generally an example of a portion of
layer. The single proof-mass 3 - axis gyroscope can include a the central suspension in drive motion .
main proof-mass section suspended about a single , central
anchor, the main proof-mass section including a radial DETAILED DESCRIPTION
portion extending outward towards an edge of the 3 -axis
gyroscope sensor, a central suspension system configured to 65 The present inventor has recognized , among other things ,
suspend the 3 -axis gyroscope from the single , central a micromachined monolithic 3 - axis gyroscope configured to
anchor, and a drive electrode including amoving portion and utilize a single center-anchored proof-mass to detect angular
US 10 , 050 , 155 B2
rate about all three axes while effectively decoupling the include one or more contacts, such as a first contact 110 ,
response modes for each axis to minimize cross -axis sensi selectively isolated from one or more portions of the via
tivity . wafer 103 using a dielectric layer 104 and configured to
In an example, the unique proof -mass partitioning and provide an electrical connection between one or more of the
flexure structure disclosed herein can allow 3 - axis angular 5 isolated regions or TSVs of the via wafer 103 to one or more
rate detection utilizing a single drive-mode oscillation , external components , such as an ASIC wafer, using bumps,
which can require only one drive control loop for all axes . wire bonds, or one or more other electrical connection .
Thus, in contrast to existing multi -axis gyroscopes that use In certain examples, the 3 - degrees -of-freedom ( 3 - DOF )
three separate drive loops, complexity and cost of control gyroscope or the micromachined accelerometer in the device
electronics of the 3 - axis gyroscope disclosed herein can be 10 layer 105 can be supported or anchored to the via wafer 103
significantly reduced . by bonding the device layer 105 to a protruding portion of
Further, the present inventor has recognized , among other the via wafer 103, such as an anchor 106 . In an example , the
things, a micromachined 3 -axis accelerometer configured to anchor 106 can be located substantially at the center of the
utilize a single center -anchored proof-mass to detect accel- via wafer 103 , and the device layer 105 can be fusion bonded
erations about all three axes while effectively decoupling the 15 to the anchor 106 , such as to eliminate problems associated
response modes for each axis to minimize cross -axis sensi- with metal fatigue .
tivity .
In an example , the unique proof-mass and flexure struc Gyroscope Device Structure
ture disclosed herein can allow 3 - axis acceleration detection
using a single center anchored proof-mass. Thus, in contrast 20 FIG . 2 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis gyro
to existing multi- axis accelerometers that utilize separate scope 200 , such as formed in a single plane of a device layer
proof-masses for each acceleration axis , the overall die size 105 of a 3 -DOF IMU 100 . In an example , the structure of the
and the total cost of the microelectromechanical system 3 - axis gyroscope 200 can be symmetrical about the x and y
(MEMS) sensing element of the 3 -axis accelerometer dis - axes illustrated in FIG . 2 , with a z - axis conceptually coming
closed herein can be significantly reduced . 25 out of the figure . Reference in FIG . 2 is made to structure
and features in one portion of the 3 -axis gyroscope 200 .
Device Structure However, in certain examples, such reference and descrip
tion can apply to unlabeled like portions of the 3 -axis
FIG . 1 illustrates generally a schematic cross sectional gyroscope 200.
view of a 3 - degrees -of-freedom (3 -DOF ) inertial measure - 30 In an example , the 3 - axis gyroscope 200 can include a
ment unit (IMU ) 100, such as a 3 -DOF gyroscope or a single proof-mass design providing 3 - axis gyroscope opera
3 -DOF micromachined accelerometer, formed in a chip - tional modes patterned into the device layer 105 of the
scale package including a cap wafer 101, a device layer 105 3 - DOF IMU 100 , such as illustrated in the example of FIG .
including micromachined structures ( e. g., a micromachined 1 .
3 -DOF IMU ), and a via wafer 103. In an example, the device 35 In an example , the single proof-mass can be suspended at
layer 105 can be sandwiched between the cap wafer 101 and its center using a single central anchor (e . g ., anchor 106 ) and
the via wafer 103 , and the cavity between the device layer a central suspension 111 including symmetrical central flex
105 and the cap wafer 101 can be sealed under vacuum at the ure bearings (“ flexures ” ), such as disclosed in the copending
wafer level. Acar et al., PCT Patent Application Serial No .
In an example , the cap wafer 101 can be bonded to the 40 US2011052006 , entitled " FLEXURE BEARING TO
device layer 105, such as using a metal bond 102. The metal REDUCE QUADRATURE FOR RESONATING MICRO
bond 102 can include a fusion bond , such as a non -high MACHINED DEVICES,” filed on Sep . 16 , 2011 , which is
temperature fusion bond , to allow getter to maintain long hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. The central
term vacuum and application of anti-stiction coating to suspension 111 can allow the single proof-mass to oscillate
prevent stiction that can occur to low - g acceleration sensors . 45 torsionally about the x , y, and z axes , providing three
In an example , during operation of the device layer 105 , the gyroscope operational modes , including:
metal bond 102 can generate thermal stress between the cap ( 1 ) Torsional in - plane drive motion about the z - axis e. g .,
wafer 101 and the device layer 105 . In certain examples, one as illustrated in FIG . 3 );
or more features can be added to the device layer 105 to ( 2 ) Torsional out -of-plane y - axis gyroscope sense motion
isolate the micromachined structures in the device layer 105 50 about the x -axis ( e . g ., as illustrated in FIG . 4 ); and
from thermal stress , such as one or more stress reducing ( 3 ) Torsional out -of -plane x -axis gyroscope sense motion
grooves formed around the perimeter of the micromachined about the y - axis ( e .g ., as illustrated in FIG . 5 ).
structures . In an example, the via wafer 103 can be bonded Further, the single proof-mass design can be composed of
to the device layer 105 , such as fusion bonded (e.g ., silicon - multiple sections, including, for example , a main proof-mass
silicon fusion bonded , etc .), to obviate thermal stress 55 section 115 and x -axis proof-mass sections 116 symmetrical
between the via wafer 103 and the device layer 105 . about the y -axis . In an example , drive electrodes 123 can be
In an example, the via wafer 103 can include one or more placed along the y -axis of the main proof-mass section 115 .
isolated regions , such as a first isolated region 107 , isolated In combination with the central suspension 111 , the drive
from one or more other regions of the via wafer 103, for electrodes 123 can be configured to provide a torsional
example , using one or more through - silicon - vias ( TSVS), 60 in -plane drive motion about the z -axis , allowing detection of
such as a first TSV 108 insulated from the via wafer 103 angular motion about the x and y axes.
using a dielectric material 109. In certain examples, the one In an example, the x - axis proof -mass sections 116 can be
or more isolated regions can be utilized as electrodes to coupled to the main proof-mass section 115 using z- axis
sense or actuate out-of-plane operation modes of the 6 - axis gyroscope flexure bearings 120 . In an example , the z - axis
inertial sensor, and the one or more TSVs can be configured 65 gyroscope flexure bearings 120 can allow the x - axis proof
to provide electrical connections from the device layer 105 mass sections 116 to oscillate linear anti - phase in the x - di
outside of the system 100 . Further, the via wafer 103 can rection for the z - axis gyroscope sense motion .
US 10 ,050 , 155 B2
Further, the 3 - axis inertial sensor 200 can include z -axis are in opposite directions along the x -axis . Thus, the single
gyroscope sense electrodes 127 configured to detect anti proof-mass can be excited torsionally about the x -axis by
phase, in -plane motion of the x - axis proof-mass sections 116 flexing the central suspension 111. The sense response can
along the x - axis. be detected using out- of -plane y -axis gyroscope sense elec
In an example , each of the drive electrodes 123 and z -axis 5 trodes , e.g ., formed in the via water 103 and using capacitive
gyroscope sense electrodes 127 can include moving fingers coupling of the main proof-mass section 115 and the via
coupled to one or more proof-mass sections interdigitated
with a set of stationary fingers fixed in position (e .g ., to the
via wafer 103) using a respective anchor, such as anchors Z - Axis Rate Response
124 , 128 . 10
FIG . 6 illustrates generally an example of a 3 - axis gyro
Gyroscope Operational Modes scope 600 including a single proof-mass during sense
motion in response to rotation about the Z -axis, the single
FIG . 3 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis gyro - proof-mass including a main proof-mass section 115 , x - axis
scope 300 in drive motion. In an example , the drive elec - 15 proof-mass sections 116 , central suspension , z - axis flexure
trodes 123 can include a set of moving fingers coupled to the bearings 120 , and z -axis gyroscope coupling flexure bear
main proof-mass section 115 interdigitated with a set of ings 121.
stationary fingers fixed in position using a first drive anchor In the presence of an angular rate about the z - axis, and in
124 ( e .g ., a raised and electrically isolated portion of the via conjunction with the drive motion of the 6 -axis inertial
wafer 103 ) . In an example , the stationary fingers can be 20 sensor 400 described in the example of FIG . 3, Coriolis
configured to receive energy through the first drive anchor forces in opposite directions along the x - axis can be induced
124, and the interaction between the interdigitated moving on the x -axis proof-mass sections 116 because the velocity
and stationary fingers of the drive electrodes 123 can be vectors are in opposite directions along the y - axis . Thus , the
configured to provide an angular force to the single proof X -axis proof-mass sections 116 can be excited linearly in
mass about the z -axis. 25 opposite directions along the x -axis by flexing the z -axis
In the example of FIG . 3, the drive electrodes 123 are flexure bearings 120 in the x -direction . Further, the z -axis
driven to rotate the single proof-mass about the z -axis while gyroscope coupling flexure bearings 121 can be used to
the central suspension 111 provides restoring torque with provide a linear anti- phase resonant mode of the x -axis
respect to the fixed anchor 106 , causing the single proof proof-mass sections 116 , which are directly driven by the
mass to oscillate torsionally , in -plane about the z -axis at a 30 anti -phase Coriolis forces. The sense response can be
drive frequency dependent on the energy applied to the drive detected using in - plane parallel- plate sense electrodes , such
electrodes 123 . In certain examples, the drive motion of the as the z- axis gyroscope sense electrodes 127 formed in the
single proof-mass can be detected using the drive electrodes device layer 105 .
123. FIGS. 7 and 8 illustrate generally examples of a 3 -axis
35 gyroscope 700 including a z - axis gyroscope coupling flexure
X - Axis Rate Response bearing 121 during anti-phase motion and in -phase motion ,
respectively. To improve the vibration rejection of the 3 -axis
FIG . 4 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis gyro - gyroscope 700 due to x - axis acceleration , the z -axis gyro
scope 400 including a single proof -mass during sense scope coupling flexure bearings 121 is configured to sup
motion in response to rotation about the x -axis , the single 40 press in -phase motion of the x -axis proof-mass sections 116 .
proof-mass including a main proof-mass section 115 , x - axis During the anti-phase motion , the connection beams that
proof-mass sections 116 , and central suspension 111 . connect the two x - axis proof -mass sections 116 to the z - axis
In the presence of an angular rate about the x -axis , and in gyroscope coupling flexure bearing 121 apply forces in the
conjunction with the drive motion of the 3 -axis gyroscope same direction and the coupling beams undergo a natural
400 described in the example of FIG . 3 , Coriolis forces in 45 bending with low stiffness .
opposite directions along the z -axis can be induced on the In contrast, during the in -phase motion , the coupling
x -axis proof-mass sections 116 because the velocity vectors beamsof the z -axis gyroscope coupling flexure bearing 121
are in opposite directions along the y -axis . Thus, the single apply forces in opposite directions on the coupling beams,
proof-mass can be excited torsionally about the y -axis by forcing the coupling beams into a twisting motion with a
flexing the central suspension 111 . The sense response can 50 higher stiffness . Thus, the in -phase motion stiffness and the
be detected using out-of-plane X -axis gyroscope sense elec resonant frequencies are increased , providing better vibra
trodes, e.g ., formed in the via wafer 103 and using capacitive tion rejection .
coupling of the x -axis proof-mass sections 116 and the via
wafer 103 . Accelerometer Device Structure
Y - Axis Rate Response FIG . 9 illustrates generally an example of a 3 - axis accel
erometer 900 , such as formed in a single plane of a device
FIG . 5 illustrates generally an example of a 3-axis gyro layer 105 of a 3 -DOF IMU 100 . In an example, the 3 -axis
scope 500 including a single proof-mass during sense accelerometer 900 can include a single proof-mass design ,
motion in response to rotation about the y - axis , the single 60 providing 3 - axis accelerometer operational modes patterned
proof-mass including a main proof-mass section 115 , x - axis into the device layer 105 of the 3 -DOF IMU 100 , such as
proof-mass sections 116 , and central suspension 111. illustrated in the example of FIG . 1.
In the presence of an angular rate about the y -axis, and in In an example , the single proof-mass can be suspended at
conjunction with the drive motion of the 3 -axis gyroscope its center to a single central anchor ( e . g ., anchor 106 ) using
400 described in the example of FIG . 3 , Coriolis forces in 65 a series of flexure bearings and frames that aim to decouple
opposite directions along the z -axis can be induced on the the response modes and reduce cross - axis sensitivities . In an
main proof-mass section 115 because the velocity vectors example , the 3 -axis accelerometer 900 can include x -axis
US 10 ,050 , 155 B2
flexure bearings 133 configured to couple the anchor 106 to acceleration , the 3 -axis accelerometer including a single
the x -axis frame 135 and allow the x - axis frame 135 to proof-mass 138 , an anchor, and z -axis flexure bearings 137 .
deflect in response to acceleration along the x - axis . Further, In the example of FIG . 12 , the x - axis flexure bearings 137
the device can include y -axis flexure bearings 134 config - are located such that the axis that passes through the center
ured to couple the x -axis frame 135 to the y -axis frame 136 5 of the beam is offset from the center of the proof-mass 138 .
and allow the y - axis frame 136 to deflect with respect to the Thus , a mass imbalance is created , so that the portion of the
X - axis frame 135 in response to accelerations along the mass that is located further from the pivot line generates a
y -axis, and z - axis flexure bearings 137 configured to couple larger inertialmoment than the portion located closer , ren
the y -axis frame 136 to the remainder of the proofmass 138 . dering the proof-mass 138 sensitive to z -axis accelerations,
The z -axis flexure bearings 137 function as a torsional hinge, deflecting torsionally out-of-plane about the pivot line. The
allowing the proof-mass to deflect torsionally out-of-plane X and y -axis flexure bearings 133 , 134 are designed to have
about the axis that passes through the center of the beams. high out-of-plane stiffness. Accordingly , they remain sta
Further, the 3 -axis accelerometer 900 can include x - axis tionary during Z - axis acceleration .
accelerometer sense electrodes 125 configured to detect 1 FIG . 13 illustrates generally an example of a system 1300
in - phase , in - plane X - axis motion of the x -axis frame 135 , or including via wafer electrode placement. In an example ,
y -axis accelerometer sense electrodes 131 configured to Z - axis accelerometer electrodes 140 can be placed on the via
detect in -phase , in -plane , y -axis motion of the y -axis frame wafer 103 under the device layer 105 . The torsional response
136 . In an example , each of the x - axis and y -axis acceler - allows measurement of deflections differentially with only
ometer sense electrodes 125 , 131 can includemoving fingers 20 one layer of out-of-plane electrodes. In an example , a variety
coupled to one or more frame sections interdigitated with a of detection methods such as capacitive (variable gap or
set of stationary fingers fixed in position ( e.g., to the via variable area capacitors ), piezoelectric, piezoresistive ,mag
wafer 103 ) using a respective anchor, such as anchors 126 , netic or thermal can be employed .
132 . FIG . 14 illustrates generally an example side view of a
25 3 -axis accelerometer 1400 including a single proof-mass , an
X - Axis Accelerometer Response illustrative “ pivot” , and z - axis accelerometer electrodes 140.
FIG . 10 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis 3 + 3 DOF
accelerometer 1000 in sense motion in response to an x - axis
acceleration , the 3 -axis accelerometer including a single 30 FIG . 15 illustrates generally an example of a. 3 + 3 -de
proof-mass, an anchor 106 , x - axis flexure bearings 133, and grees - of -freedom ( 3 + 3 DOF) inertial measurement unit
an x - axis frame 135 .
an (IMU ) 200 (e. g., a 3 -axis gyroscope and a 3 -axis acceler
In the presence of an acceleration along the x - axis , the ometer ), such as formed in a single plane of a device layer
proof mass , the y -axis frame 136 and the x -axis frame 135 105 of an IMU . In an example , the 3 + 3 DOF can include a
can move in unison with respect to the anchor 106 . The 35 33 --axis
4 gyroscope 1505 and a 3 -axis accelerometer 1510 on
resulting motion can be detected using the x -axis acceler the same wafer.
ometer sense electrodes 125 located on opposite sides of the In this example , each of the 3 -axis gyroscope 1505 and
proof-mass, allowing differential measurement of deflec
tions. In various examples, a variety of detection methods, 40 the 3 -axis accelerometer 1510 have separate proof-masses ,
such as capacitive (variable gap or variable area capacitors ), 40 packagewhen
though packaged, the resulting device (e .g ., chip -scale
) can share a cap , and thus , the 3 - axis gyroscope
piezoelectric , piezoresistive, magnetic or thermal can be
used . 1505 and the 3 - axis accelerometer 1510 can reside in the
same cavity . Moreover, because the devices were formed at
Y -Axis Accelerometer Response similar times and on similar materials , the invention signifi
45 cantly lowers the risk of process variations, reduces the need
FIG . 11 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis to separately calibrate the sensors, reduces alignment issues,
accelerometer 1100 in sense motion in response to a y -axis and allows closer placement than separately bonding the
acceleration , the 3 - axis accelerometer including a single devices near one another.
proof-mass, an anchor 106 , y -axis flexure bearings 134 , and Further, there is a space savings associated with sealing
a y -axis frame 136 . 50 the resulting device . For example , if a 100 um seal width is
In the presence of an acceleration along the y -axis , the required , sharing the cap wafer and reducing the distance
y -axis flexure bearings 134 that connect the y -axis frame between devices allows the overall size of the resulting
136 to the x - axis frame 135 deflect and allow the y -axis device to shrink . Packaged separately , the amount of space
frame 136 to move along the y -axis in unison with the required for the seal width could double .
proof-mass, while the x - axis frame remains stationary . The 55 In an example , die size can be reduced to 2 .48x1 .8 mm
resulting motion can be detected using the y -axis acceler with a 100 um seal width .
ometer sense electrodes 131 located on opposite sides of the
proof-mass, allowing differential measurement of deflec Drive and Detection Frequencies
tions . In various examples , a variety of detection methods,
such as capacitive (variable gap or variable area capacitors ), 60 In an example , the drive mode and the three gyroscope
piezoelectric , piezoresistive, magnetic or thermal can be sense modes can be located in the 20 kHz range . For
used . open - loop operation , the drive mode can be separated from
the sense -modes by a mode separation , such as 100 Hz to
Z -Axis Accelerometer Response 500 Hz, which can determine the mechanical sensitivity of
65 the gyroscopes . To increase sensitivity , the gyroscope opera
FIG . 12 illustrates generally an example of a 3 -axis tional resonant frequencies can be reduced if the vibration
accelerometer 1200 in sense motion in response to a z - axis specifications of the application allow . If closed - loop sense
US 10 ,050 , 155 B2
operation is implemented , the mode separation can be wherein the cap wafer and the via wafer are configured to
reduced to increase mechanical sensitivity further. encapsulate the 3 -axis accelerometer and the 3 - axis gyro
scope in the same cavity .
Quadrature Error Reduction In Example 8, the device layer of one or more of
5 Examples 1 - 7 optionally includes a single proof-mass 3 -axis
FIG . 16 illustrates generally an example of the central accelerometer formed in the x - y plane, the single proof-mass
suspension 111 at rest about an anchor 106 , the central 3 -axis accelerometer suspended about a single , central
suspension 111 including symmetric “ C - beams” configured anchor, the single proof -mass 3 -axis accelerometer includ
to locally cancel quadrature error. The primary source of ing separate x , y, and z -axis flexure bearings, wherein the x
quadrature error in micromachined gyroscopes is the DRIE 10 and y -axis flexure bearings are symmetrical about the single ,
sidewall angle errors , which result in deviation of the etch central anchor and the z - axis flexure is not symmetrical
profile from a straight sidewall . If sidewalls have an angle about the single , central anchor.
error, the in - plane drive motion can also cause out- of- plane In Example 9, the cap wafer and the via wafer of one or
motion when the skew axis is along beam length . Thus, more of Examples 1 -8 are optionally configured to encap
when skewed compliant beams are located on opposite sides 15 sulate the 3 -axis accelerometer and the 3 -axis gyroscope in
of the drive motion , the resulting out- of -plane deflections the same cavity .
cause quadrature error. In Example 10 , the 3 -axis accelerometer of one or more
FIG . 17 illustrates generally an example of a portion of of Examples 1- 9 optionally includes in -plane x and y -axis
the central suspension 111 in drive motion . The central accelerometer sense electrodes .
suspension 111 utilizes symmetric “ C -beams” on each side 20 In Example 11 , the in -plane x and y -axis accelerometer
of the anchor 106 . The out- of- plane motion caused by each sense electrodes of one or more of Examples 1 - 10 are
C -beam on a side is cancelled out by its symmetric coun optionally symmetrical about the single , central anchor.
terpart. Thus , the quadrature error induced on each beam can In Example 12 , the 3 - axis accelerometer of one or more
be locally cancelled . of Examples 1 - 11 optionally includes out -of-plane z - axis
25 accelerometer sense electrodes.
Additional Notes and Examples In Example 13 , the 3 -axis accelerometer of one or more
of Examples 1- 12 is optionally rectangular in shape , longer
In Example 1, an inertial measurement system includes a about the y -axis than the x or z -axis .
device layer including a single proof-mass 3 -axis gyroscope In Example 14 , the x , y , and z -axis flexure bearings of one
formed in an x - y plane , the single proof-mass 3 - axis gyro - 30 or more of Examples 1 - 13 optionally have high out -of-plane
scope including a main proof-mass section suspended about stiffness.
a single , central anchor, the main proof-mass section includ In Example 15, the single proof-mass of one or more of
ing a radial portion extending outward towards an edge of Examples 1 - 14 optionally includes an outer portion sur
the 3 -axis gyroscope sensor, a central suspension system rounding in - plane x and y -axis accelerometer sense elec
configured to suspend the 3 - axis gyroscope from the single , 35 trodes and x , y , and z -axis flexure bearings.
central anchor, a drive electrode including a moving portion In Example 16 , a micromachined , monolithic inertial
and a stationary portion , the moving portion coupled to the sensor apparatus includes a single proof-mass 3 -axis gyro
radial portion , wherein the drive electrode and the central scope formed in an x - y plane of a device layer, the single
suspension system are configured to oscillate the 3 -axis proof-mass 3 -axis gyroscope including a main proof-mass
gyroscope about a z - axis normal to the x - y plane at a drive 40 section suspended about a single , central anchor, the main
frequency, a cap wafer bonded to a first surface of the device proof-mass section including a radial portion extending
layer, and a via wafer bonded to a second surface of the outward towards an edge of the 3 -axis gyroscope, a central
device layer, wherein the cap wafer and the via wafer are suspension system configured to suspend the 3 - axis gyro
configured to encapsulate the single proof-mass 3 - axis gyro scope from the single, central anchor, and a drive electrode
scope . 45 including a moving portion and a stationary portion , the
In Example 2, Example 1 optionally includes symmetrical moving portion coupled to the radial portion , wherein the
X -axis proof-mass sections configured to move anti-phase drive electrode and the central suspension system are con
along the x -axis in response to z - axis angular motion . figured to oscillate the 3 -axis gyroscope about a z -axis
In Example 3 , any one or more of Examples 1 - 2 option - normal to the x - y plane at a drive frequency .
ally includes a z -axis gyroscope coupling flexure bearing 50 In Example 17, one or more of Examples 1- 16 optionally
configured to couple the x -axis proof mass sections and to includes symmetrical x -axis proof-mass sections configured
resist in -phase motion between the x -axis proof mass sec - to move anti -phase along the x -axis in response to z -axis
tions. angular motion .
In Example 4 , any one or more of Examples 1 - 3 option - In Example 18 , one or more of Examples 1 - 17 optionally
ally includes electrodes out-of- plane with the device layer 55 includes a single proof-mass 3 -axis accelerometer formed in
and configured to detect x - axis angular rotation and y - axis the x - y plane of the device layer adjacent the 3 - axis gyro
angular rotation . scope, suspended about a single , central anchor, the single
In Example 5 , the out -of- plane electrodes of one or more proof-mass 3 - axis accelerometer including separate x , y , and
of Examples 1 -4 are optionally located on the via wafer. Z - axis flexure bearings, wherein the x and y - axis flexure
In Example 6 , the drive electrode of one or more of 60 bearings are symmetrical about the single , central anchor
Examples 1 -5 optionally includes a plurality of moving and the z -axis flexure is not symmetrical about the single ,
fingers interdigitated with a plurality of stationary fingers , central anchor.
and wherein the stationary fingers are anchored to the via In Example 19 , the 3 - axis accelerometer of one or more
wafer. of Examples 1 - 18 optionally includes in -plane x and y - axis
In Example 7 , the device layer of one or more of 65 accelerometer sense electrodes symmetrical about the
Examples 1 -6 optionally includes a 3 - axis accelerometer single , central anchor, and out- of- plane z - axis accelerometer
formed adjacent the 3 -axis gyroscope in the x -y plane , sense electrodes .
US 10 ,050 , 155 B2
In Example 20 , one or more of Examples 1- 19 optionally What is claimed is:
includes a cap wafer bonded to a first surface of the device 1. An inertial measurement system , comprising :
layer and a via wafer bonded to a second surface of the a device layer including :
device layer, wherein the cap wafer and the via wafer are a 3 - axis gyroscope including a single proof mass
configured to encapsulate the 3 -axis gyroscope and the 5 formed in an x -y plane of a device layer, the single
3 -axis accelerometer in the same cavity . proof mass of the 3 -axis gyroscope including:
In Example 21, a system or apparatus can include , or can symmetrical x -axis proof mass sections ; and
optionally be combined with any portion or combination of a z -axis gyroscope coupling flexure coupled to the
any portions of any one or more of Examples 1- 20 to symmetric x -axis proofmass sections ;
include, means for performing any one or more of the a sense electrode included within the single proofmass
functions of Examples 1 -20 , or a machine -readable medium of the 3 -axis gyroscope ; and
including instructions that, when performed by a machine, a 3 -axis accelerometer including a single proof mass
cause the machine to perform any one or more of the formed in the x - y plane of the device layer adjacent
functions of Examples 1 - 20 . 15 the 3 -axis gyroscope ,
The above detailed description includes references to the the 3 -axis gyroscope including a central suspension con
accompanying drawings, which form apart of the detailed figured to suspend the single proofmass of the 3 -axis
description . The drawings show , by way of illustration , gyroscope about a single , central gyroscope anchor,
specific embodiments in which the invention can be prac and
ticed . These embodiments are also referred to herein as 20 the 3 - axis accelerometer including separate x , y, and
" examples .” All publications , patents , and patent documents Z -axis flexure bearings configured to suspend a single
referred to in this document are incorporated by reference proof mass of the 3 -axis accelerometer about a single ,
herein in their entirety , as though individually incorporated central accelerometer anchor.
by reference . In the event of inconsistent usages between 2 . The system of claim 1 , including:
this document and those documents so incorporated by 25 a cap wafer bonded to a first surface of the device layer ;
reference , the usage in the incorporated reference(s ) should and
be considered supplementary to that of this document; for a via wafer bonded to a second surface of the device layer,
irreconcilable inconsistencies, the usage in this document wherein the cap wafer and the via wafer are configured to
controls . encapsulate the 3 - axis accelerometer and the 3 - axis
In this document, the terms “ a” or “ an ” are used , as is 30 gyroscope in the same cavity .
common in patent documents, to include one or more than 3 . The system of claim 1, including a via wafer bonded to
one, independent of any other instances or usages of “ at least a perimeter of a surface of the device layer, and
one ” or “ one or more .” In this document, the term “ or” is wherein the single proof masses of the 3 - axis gyroscope
used to refer to a nonexclusive or, such that “ A or B ” and the 3 -axis accelerometer are anchored to the via
includes “ A but not B ,” “ B but not A ,” and “ A and B ," unless 35 wafer using the single , central gyroscope anchor and
otherwise indicated . In the appended claims, the terms the single , central accelerometer anchor.
" including ” and “ in which ” are used as the plain - English 4 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the 3 -axis gyroscope
equivalents of the respective terms " comprising ” and includes :
“ wherein .” Also , in the following claims, the terms “ includ a drive electrode including a moving portion and a
ing” and “ comprising” are open -ended , that is, a system , 40 stationary portion , the moving portion coupled to the
device , article , or process that includes elements in addition single proof mass of the 3 - axis gyroscope, wherein the
to those listed after such a term in a claim are still deemed drive electrode and the central suspension are config
to fall within the scope of that claim . Moreover , in the ured to oscillate the 3 - axis gyroscope about a z -axis
following claims, the terms " first," " second ,” and “ third ,” normal to the x -y plane at a drive frequency.
etc , are used merely as labels , and are not intended to impose 45 5 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the x and y -axis flexure
numerical requirements on their objects . bearings are symmetrical about the single , central acceler
The above description is intended to be illustrative, and ometer anchor and the z - axis flexure is not symmetrical
not restrictive . In other examples, the above -described about the single , central accelerometer anchor.
examples (or one or more aspects thereof) may be used in 6 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the symmetrical x -axis
combination with each other. Other embodiments can be 50 proofmass sections are configured to move anti - phase along
used , such as by one of ordinary skill in the art upon an x - axis of the x -y plane in response to a z-axis angular
reviewing the above description . The Abstract is provided to motion .
comply with 37 C .F.R . § 1.72(b ), to allow the reader to 7 . The system of claim 6 , wherein the z- axis gyroscope
quickly ascertain the nature of the technical disclosure . It is coupling flexure bearing is configured to couple the sym
submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to 55 metric x - axis proof mass sections and to resist in - phase
interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims. Also , motion between the x -axis proofmass sections .
in the above Detailed Description , various features may be 8 . The system of claim 1, including:
grouped together to streamline the disclosure . This should a via wafer bonded to a surface of the device layer , the via
not be interpreted as intending that an unclaimed disclosed wafer including
feature is essential to any claim . Rather, inventive subject 60 X - axis and y -axis gyroscope sense electrodes out- of
matter may lie in less than all features of a particular plane with the device layer configured to detect
disclosed embodiment. Thus , the following claims are X -axis and y -axis angular rotation of the single proof
hereby incorporated into the Detailed Description , with each mass of the 3 - axis gyroscope ; and
claim standing on its own as a separate embodiment. The Z - axis accelerometer sense electrodes out-of-plane with
scope of the invention should be determined with reference 65 the device layer configured to detect z -axis accelera
to the appended claims, along with the full scope of equiva tion of the single proof mass of the 3 - axis acceler
lents to which such claims are entitled . ometer ; and
US 10 ,050 , 155 B2
wherein the sense electrode includes a z -axis gyroscope X -axis and y -axis acceleration of the single proof
sense electrode, the device layer includes: mass of the 3 -axis accelerometer, and
x -axis and y -axis accelerometer sense electrodes in a z -axis gyroscope sense electrode in -plane with the
plane with the device layer and configured to detect device layer and configured to detect z -axis angular
X - axis and y -axis acceleration of the single proof 5 rotation of the single proof mass of the 3 -axis
mass of the 3 - axis accelerometer ; and gyroscope.
the z -axis gyroscope sense electrodes in - plane with the 14 . The system of claim 9 , wherein the drive electrode
device layer and configured to detect z - axis angular includes a moving portion and a stationary portion , the
rotation of the single proof mass of the 3 -axis moving portion is coupled to the single proof mass of the
gyroscope. 3 -axis gyroscope , the drive electrode and the central sus
9 . An inertialmeasurement system , comprising: pension are configured to oscillate the 3 -axis gyroscope
a device layer including :
a 3 -axis gyroscope including a single proof mass about a z - axis normal to the x -y plane at a drive frequency.
15 . The system of claim 9 , wherein the x - and y - axis
formed in an x -y plane of a device layer, the single 15 flexure bearings are symmetrical about the single, central
proof mass of the 3 -axis gyroscope including.: 15 de
accelerometer anchor and the z -axis flexure is not symmetri
symmetrical x -axis proof mass sections ; and
a z - axis gyroscope coupling flexure coupled to the cal about the single , central accelerometer anchor.
symmetric x -axis proof sections; 16 . The system of claim 9 , wherein the single proof mass
a drive electrode included in the single proof mass of of the 3 - axis gyroscope includes symmetrical x - axis proof
the 3 -axis gyroscope ; and 20 mass sections configured to move anti-phase along an x - axis
a 3 -axis accelerometer including a single proof mass of the x -y plane in response to a z -axis angular motion .
formed in the x - y plane of the device layer adjacent 17 . An inertial measurement system , comprising:
the 3 -axis gyroscope; a device layer including :
a cap wafer bonded to a first surface of the device layer; a 3 - axis gyroscope including a single proof mass
and 25 formed in an x -y plane of a device layer, the single
a via wafer bonded to a second surface of the device layer, proofmass of the 3 - axis gyroscope including:
the 3 -axis gyroscope including a central suspension con symmetrical x - axis proof mass sections ; and
figured to suspend the single proof mass of the 3 - axis a z- axis gyroscope coupling flexure coupled to the
gyroscope about a single , central gyroscope anchor, symmetric X -axis proof sections;
the 3 - axis accelerometer including separate x , y , and 30 a drive electrode included in the single proof mass of
Z -axis flexure bearings configured to suspend a single the 3 -axis gyroscope ; and
proofmass of the 3 -axis accelerometer about a single , a 3 -axis accelerometer including a single proof mass
central accelerometer anchor, and formed in the x -y plane of the device layer adjacent
the cap wafer and the via wafer being configured to the 3 -axis gyroscope ;
encapsulate the 3 -axis accelerometer and the 3 - axis 35
gyroscope in the same cavity . a cap wafer bonded to a first surface of the device layer;
10 . The system of claim 9 , wherein the via wafer is a via wafer bonded to a second surface of the device layer ,
bonded to a perimeter of the second surface of the device the cap wafer and the via wafer being configured to
layer, and
wherein the single proof masses of the 3 -axis gyroscope 40 encapsulate the 3 -axis accelerometer and the 3 -axis
and the 3 -axis accelerometer are anchored to the via gyroscope in the same cavity .
wafer using the single , central gyroscope anchor and 18 . The system of claim 17 , wherein the 3 - axis gyroscope
the single , central accelerometer anchor. includes a central suspension configured to suspend the
11 . The system of claim 9 , wherein the symmetrical x - axis single proof mass of the 3 - axis gyroscope about a single ,
proof mass sections are are configured
configured toto move
move anti
phase along
along 4545 cel
central gyroscope anchor, and
an x - axis of the x - y plane in response to a z - axis angular wherein the 3 - axis accelerometer including separate x -,
motion . y -, and z - axis flexure bearings is configured to suspend
12. The system of claim 11 , wherein the z-axis gyroscope a single proof mass of the 3 - axis accelerometer about a
coupling flexure bearing is configured to couple the x - axis single , central accelerometer anchor.
proof mass sections and to resist in - phase motion between 50 bonded The
19 . system of claim 18 , wherein the via wafer is
to a perimeter of the second surface of the device
the x -axis proofmass sections .
13 . The system of claim 9 , including : layer, and
a via wafer bonded to a surface of the device layer, the via wherein the single proofmasses of the 3 -axis gyroscope
wafer including : and the 3 -axis accelerometer are anchored to the via
x -axis and y - axis gyroscope sense electrodes out -of- 55 wafer using the single , central gyroscope anchor and
plane with the device layer configured to detect the single , central accelerometer anchor.
x - axis and y -axis angular rotation of the single proof 20. The system of claim 17 , wherein :
mass of the 3 -axis gyroscope ; and the symmetricalx -axis proofmass sections are configured
z - axis accelerometer sense electrodes out -of-plane with to move anti-phase along an x -axis of the x -y plane in
the device layer configured to detect z - axis accelera - 60 response to a z -axis angular motion ; and
tion of the single proof mass of the 3 -axis acceler the z - axis gyroscope coupling flexure bearing is config
ometer; and ured to couple the x -axis proof mass sections and to
wherein the device layer includes: resist in - phase motion between the x -axis proof mass
X -axis and y -axis accelerometer sense electrodes in sections.
plane with the device layer and configured to detect * * * * *

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