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Saire Chrysbelle Parcon

November 17,2022

Literature is such an important part of the curriculum in generations. One of the principles
in teaching literature is that to encourage people to develop a love for reading and writing. Learn
to appreciate the beauty of literary works and the power of the written word that maintain its
significance. According to (Maharsi,2016), the great literature was taught and intensively
discussed in both formal and non formal schools, as the appreciation of literature was still in its
golden glory and of high honored value. Teaching literature encourage them to build and fill the
great stories in the student’s mind, to develop critical thinking and analytical skills. Studying
literature makes readers visit places, experience events, meet people, listen to them, and feel
different emotions and interpretations. According to (Curtis, 2016), the literature of great writers
allows readers to transcend the boundaries of space and time and to construct iconic worlds
within their minds. Studying literature will introduce us to a new world of experience, bringing
us to wander to the thoughts and ideas of a different new world that makes us rich intellectually
and other ability. In order to understand and appreciate a work of literature, students must be
able to think deeply and critically about the text. They must be able to ask questions, make
connections, and form interpretations. The study and teaching of literature is important to
people in understanding and interpreting the world around us. It is a way of exploring great
literary works, making sense of our own lives and experiences. The appreciation of literature is
the only contribution as an audience or reader. Literature is an important part of our cultural
heritage, and it is vital that we preserve and promote it.


Maharsi, I. (2016). The Importance of Teaching Literature to Students. Researchgate.
Curtis, A. (2015). The Importance of Studying Literature. Researchgate.

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