Introduction To Culture Forms and Stickfighting

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Theatre Arts

Introduction to Culture Forms

Definition according to the Theatre Arts Syllabus:
For the purposes of this syllabus, the term, cultural forms, denotes
aesthetic practices derived from and identified with particular communities
and cultures in the Caribbean. These practices include rituals, festivals,
celebrations, games, music, dances, and language. The following is a list of
some Caribbean cultural forms and territories where they are practiced:
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Stick Fighting
Stickfighting is an old African tradition brought to Trinidad by the slaves
during the latter part of the 17th century. 

Stickfighting was a ritual dance dating back to the days of slavery when
men would duel with sticks (bois) in the center of rings or gayelles, hence
the word boismen or stickfighters. The wooden sticks used were from the
yellow poui tree, and were about three and a half to four feet long, and
one inch in diameter.

Although it is said that the French brought carnival to Trinidad, many of

the slaves traced some of the festivities back to their country of origin.
After Emancipation in 1834, stickfighting developed and became associated
with carnival and was termed Kalenda.

It is believed that Kalenda began around 1860 when the freed slaves
organized themselves into competing bands and held performances. Men,
women and children would sing or dance to be entertained by the
stickfighters who would perform to the rhythm of drums. Kalenda songs
were a form of expression of anger or violence, an ease of tension from
slavery, warlike, chantlike and often rebellious.

When the drumming starts one fighter would throw his stick into the ring
and the rival would accept the challenge by jumping in and waving his
stick. They would then taunt each other as a form of entertainment for the
onlookers before the duel begins

Wearing a costume is an important part of the stickfighting tradition but

some fighters wear their everyday clothes. 

The costume is made of

 coloured satin decorated with beads,swansdown (duck feathers)

and tiny mirrors
 heart-shaped mirrors or decorations on the chest and back  
 a head tie with two long ends hanging on either side
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 stockings
 alpargatas (sandals)

The mirrors indicate an awareness of the world around us. The chest
mirror has a number of historical meanings, including protecting the heart
or seeing into someone's soul.

Stickfighting was frowned upon by the ruling class because of its violent
outcome. It was eventually banned in 1880.

During the Canboulay Riots in 1881, the kalinda fighters played a part in

physically defending the people's rights to celebrate their carnival against
the harsh rules of the Colonial British Police.

Today, stickfighting takes place all over Trinidad, more practised as a

dance since its re-introduction in 1937 under controlled competitions. It is
also now one of the traditional events leading up to and during the carnival

Its roots are still that of a martial arts originated from Africa.

Spelling variations and where they come from:

Kalenda - African

Calenda - Spanish

Calinda - French

Kalinda - Hindi

Bajan sticklicking (often spelled stick-licking) is the traditional form

of stick fighting in Barbados. It is a stick fighting martial art that has its
roots from Africa, where two participants used fire-hardened wooden
sticks, varying in length as weapons and carrying out fighting techniques.
This art most likely came to Barbados during the 16th century through
the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
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The earliest reference to stick fighting in the Caribbean was from a

lithograph completed in Dominica in 1779 by an Italian artist, Agostino
Brunias. There are two persons in the middle and other stick fighters and
watchers gathered around them; some who are willing to fight and others
that are old and experienced observing and refereeing the fight.
Stickfighting started to spread across the region with each culture having
its own name. In Guadeloupe, its name was mayolé, while
in Haiti and Trinidad, there were similar names, kalinda and kalenda
respectively (Guyana – Setu; Carricou – Bois) and finally, the discussed art
form Bajan Stick Licking.
During the African Diaspora, many Africans brought their cultures,
traditions and even their own style of combat with them to the archipelago.
As one can see from above, Africa was filled with many different forms of
stickfighting and knowing that before their long transatlantic journey they
were separated, one can deduce that after their arrival in Barbados, there
was an evolution of each individual art form. Although not likely due to the
lack of connectivity and interbreeding, Stick Licking in Barbados probably
also had influences from English, Irish and Indian influences, given that
these countries had long histories of stickfighting traditions.
Sticklicking is actively practiced in Barbados and is currently being taught
with formal grading by the DBSS Sticklicking and Martial Arts Schools.

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