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A Unified Approach to the Assembly Condition of Epicyclic Gears

Article  in  Journal of Mechanical Design · September 1998

DOI: 10.1115/1.2829172

18 790

1 author:

Petru A. Simionescu
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi


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A Unified Approach to the
Assembly Condition of Epicyclic
p. A. Simionescu
Politehnica University of Bucharest The paper gives a general method for determining the assembly condition of epicyclic
Dept. of IVlecfianism and Robot Theory gears, irrespective of the structure or gear type. According to the method, an associ-
Spi. Independentei 313, ated mechanism is considered, having a single arm carrier and a split planet. The
Bucharest 77206, Romania assembly condition of the gear train is satisfied when obtaining identical superposition
of the teeth of the two half-planets after rotating the arm to the next position. By
writing simple kinematic relations between some partial transmitting ratios, general
formulae are obtained which can be applied to specific epicyclic gear sets as functions
of teeth numbers. The same approach allows the determination of the necessary
angles between the arms of the carrier, or the offset angles between the wheels of
the compound planets, as alternative solutions for the case in which equidistant
assembly of identical planets is not possible.

Introduction frame of reference as shown in Fig. 2. Thus, from a reference

position, by rotating the arm with an angle y the wheels 31 and
The research work on epicyclic gear train analysis and syn-
32 will rotate relative to the arm and against each other with
thesis has concerned many authors in the past and consequently
an angle AyJa. The angles by which wheels 31 and 32 have
there exist a wealth of literature on this subject. However, the
rotated relative to the arm are:
problem of designing an epicyclic gear set with two central
wheels and a number of planets which are to be disposed about
-y y (3)
the orbit circle, has not been systematically investigated. V'si
'l-31 and <pn = ' l -^
In their works. Love (1936) and Kojevnikov (1954) have
proposed analytical relations for checking the possibility of where ;?_3i and 12-32 are the transmitting ratios between the sun
equidistant assembling of epicyclic gear trains having a sun wheel and the wheel 31, and between the annulus and the wheel
gear, an annulus and single wheel planets (Fig. 1(a)). If Zi and 32 respectively, when the arm 0 is fixed. By analogy with the
Z2 are the number of teeth in the sun wheel and in the annulus, "basic ratio", defined by Levai (1968) as the ratio of the angu-
and Z3 the number of teeth in the planet, with n the number of lar-velocities relative to the arm of the two central gears, i?_3i
planets, the assembly condition for this epicyclic train was and ('2-32 will be nominated "partial basic ratios". The angle
found to be: by which wheel 31 rotates against its pair wheel 32 can be
expressed as:
(zi + Z2)ln = A (1)
where A is an integer. One can observe that the procedure by A(^3 = if^i - 1/732 = y\ ^5 (4)
which the above relation is obtained is less obvious for an odd '1-31 '2-32

number of teeth of the planet.

In the case of identical and equidistantly disposed compound Since Aip^ can exceed 27r radians, it is sufficient to operate with
planet gear in Fig. 1(b) with z^ and Z32 the teeth number of a reduced angle i.e..
the planets, the relation which must hold in order to make
possible the gear assembly is according to Alexandra et al. 1 1
<5(/33 27r • Fraci — (5)
(1984): \2lT '1-31 1°
(Zi'Z32 + Z2-Zi\)ln = Al -232 + Aj-zai (2)
where Frac{. . .) is the fractional part of the expression in paren-
with A| and A2 integers. theses.
Without impairing the generality of the approach, the initial
position of the wheels 31 and 32 can be chosen so that two
Proposed Method teeth, each marked with a tick line, are aligned as shown in
The purpose of this paper is to derive some general formulae Fig. 3. The possible favorable relative disposition of the wheels
on the basis of which the assembly condition of any epicyclic 31 and 32 after the arm has been rotated with the angle 7, that
train can be obtained. For ease of presentation, the actual case lead to a similar superposition of no matter what two teeth are
of the gear train shown in Fig. l(^) will be studied. shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Beneath each of the four cases expres-
According to the procedure, an associated mechanism with sions of the corresponding angles 6ipi in term of the angular
a single arm carrier and the planet split into two separate wheels pitches r3i = 27r/z3i and r32 = 27r/z32 of the wheels are given.
that can independently rotate is considered. In order for the two GeneraUzing the above observations brings to an analytical for-
wheels Zji and Z32 to have determinate motions when the arm mulation of the condition of assembling two identical planets
0 is turned, the sun and the annulus must be kept fixed to the at an angle y:

I 5^3 |Ai-T3i ± A2-r32| (6)

Contributed by the Power Transmission & Gearing Committee for publication
in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN . Manuscript received Feb. 1997. Revised where A] and A2 are integers. By analyzing numerous combina-
Apr. 1997. Associate Technical Editor C. Gosselin. tions of teeth numbers Z31 and Z32 the author has come to the

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Fig. 1a Simple equidistantly disposed planet gear trains

2i . L Fig. 3 The reference position of the wheels 31 and 32 of the planet

(8) holds only if y is of the form y = 2TV B/Bo with B and
Bo integers. For the mechanism under consideration, 1°^^ and
can be easily expressed as teeth number ratios i.e..

(1-31 = - Z 3 i / z i and ('2-32 = 232/22- (9)

By substituting the above expressions of the partial basic
ratios into the general formula (8), and for 7 = 27r/n (which
corresponds to n identical planets to be disposed equidistantly
around the orbit circle) after simple algebraic manipulations the
I. assembly condition becomes:
Fig. lb Compound equidistantly disposed planet gear trains (zrz32 + Z2-Zii)/n = \ArZi2 ± M-ZMI (10)
By not applying Frac{. .)—case in which inequahties (7) no
conclusion that for checking the assembly condition of a given longer hold—a relation similar to the known one (2) has been
epicyclic gear it is sufficient to consider values of A, and A2 obtained. The equivalence of these two relations still applies
only in the domains: even though Ai and A2 in (2) can have both positive and nega-
0 < A, < Z3i/D3 and 0 < A2 < Z32/D3 (7) tive values. This is less intuitive bearing in mind the classical
procedure employed for determining the assembly condition of
where D3 is the greatest common divider of Z31 and Z32. Inequali- epicyclic gears.
ties (7) are useful for computer implemented algorithms de- A split annulus mechanism as shown in Fig. 6 can also be
signed to check the assembly condition of a given epicyclic considered. In this case the sun wheel 1 and reference half-
train, particularly when numerous variants are tested bringing annulus 2 ' are fixed. In the initial position, the teeth of the
to a welcome gain in CPU time. mobile half-annulus 2 and those of the fixed one, 2', are consid-
Equating (5v?3 in relations (5) and (6) and substituting the ered exactly superimposed. By rotating the arm 0 with an angle
expressions of the angular pitches T31 and r32, the condition of y = In In, the half-annulus 2 will rotate relative to 2 ' with the
assembling the two identical planets in Fig. 2 at an angle y is angle:
1 1 A2 27r
Frac (8) ¥>2=— (1 - l/i?-2). (11)
\27r ' 1 - 3 1 '2-32 Z32 n
The above expression is obtained by considering uji = 0 in
Because TT is a nonrational number, it is obvious that relation Willis's general formula (see Levai, 1968):




( 5 ^ = 2 T 3 , + 4T32 (5^=|3T3,-10T^2
Fig. 2 Single arm carrier associated mechanism with the planet split Fig. 4 The relative angle of the wheels 31 and 32 resulting as combina-
into 2 separate wheels tion of both T3I and T32

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with the aid of an associated mechanism obtained by splitting
this compound planet into two separate wheels.

Equidistant Assembling of Complex Epicyclic Gears

The assembly condition of the gear train in Fig. 7 in which
n planets are equally spaced, can also be derived. An associated
mechanism with the compound planet split into the component
wheels will be first considered. From the general formula (8)

6%=5r,^ 6<P^ =5T.

Fraci -
i-TY'i-m- A2

Fig. 5 The relative angle of the wheels 31 and 32 resulting as function

of T31 or T32 only with Ai and A2 satisfying inequalities (9). After minor transfor-
mations relation (17) becomes:

Wi - UJo
Fmc(\zi-Zn - Z2-Z3i\/n) = lArzn ± A2-Z3i\. (18)
- l|-2 (12)
W2 - Wo 1^2 - r Alternatively, if the split planet would be the simple one noted
4, the general formula (8) becomes:
where i°-2 is the basic ratio of the epicyclic train and Wi and
UI2 are the angular speeds of the sun gear and annulus respec-
tively. For the mechanism under consideration this basic ratio
can be further expressed in term of teeth numbers i.e.;
1 (
n \Zi
Z12/ -(tr )=
Al ^

'1-2 (13) and finally

Zi Zn
Frac(\z,-Z32 - Z2-Z3l|/«3 =A Z31 (20)
which, substituted into relation (11) yields:
which is a less general case obtained by considering Ai = 0 in
A<^2 = V2 0= ^ 1 +^.1:^]. (14) the above relation (18).
n ZM'ZII An even more complex epicyclic gear train is shown in Fig.
8 (Levai, 1968). For the two compound planets disposed in
The assembly condition reduces, in this case, to Av^z = A-T2 series, two independent relations are deduced based on the same
and by substituting the angular pitch of the annuls ra = 2T^IZ2 formula (8) as follows:
(15) /Z3l\ ' _ /Z42.Z34\ '
(Zi-Z32 + Z2-z-i\)ln = A'Z3i.

This is a particular case of the previous relation (10) obtained

[I \ Zl / \ Z2 Z43 / ) = Z31 Z34

for/li = 0, which obviously confirms only part of the favorable the compound planet 31-34, and;
teeth number combinations.
Similarly, if the sun wheel 1 would be considered split in A3 _^ A2
an associated mechanism, the corresponding relation obtained Frac I — (22)
would be: (• Zl Z34/ V Z2 / ) = Z43 Z42

(zrz32 + Z2'Z3i)/n = A'Z}2 (16) for the planet 42-43. After simple algebraic manipulations
which is also less general then the (10) given formula. these two relations become:
This brings us to an important conclusion, that in all cases
where a compound planet exists, the method must be applied


32 31

32 l\\Vv.l
1 , ^v^^' I
' N\\M'

ijy/f, i:i:):>;>i, IVSWI

Fig. 7 Epicyclic gear train with two planets (simple and compound)
Fig. 6 Single arm carrier associated mechanism with split annulus disposed in series

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The corresponding values of B12 and B13 satisfying the above
conditions are:

fli2 = Round(Ti5/2) - 5 = 240 and

Bi3 = BoMnd(2-735/3) - 10 = 480, (27)
for which the corresponding values of the angles 712 and 713

7.2 = 27r-240/735 = 117.551 deg and

7.3 = 27r-480/735 = 235.102 deg (28)
The remaining angle will be:
Fig. 8 Epicyclic gear train witli two compound planets in series 73, = 360 - 235.102 = 124.898 deg. (29)
When designing an epicyclic gear set with more than three
planets, it might be useful to consider other further neighboring
I Zl • Z42 ' Z34 — Z2 ' Z31 • Z43 I
Frac = |A|'Z34 ± A4-Z3,| values when determining the integers Bn, Bu etc. such as the
^•242 remaining angle to be the same close to lir/n.
Having for example, the complicated case of the mechanism
k l ' Z 4 2 ' Z 3 4 + Z2'Z3l'Z43l in Fig. 1(b), it will be easy to solve a similar problem for the
Frac = |A3-Z42±A2-Z43l (23) epicyclic gear in Fig. l(fl) with simple planets only.
For epicyclic gear trains containing compound planets which
can not be equidistantly assembled, an alternative solution exist
and if at least one of them holds, the n pairs of planets can be
further detailed for the same numerical example. The solution
assembled equally spaced. is to manufacture non identical planets with the component
wheels solidly fixed at different angular offsets. This solution
Nonstandard Solutions to the Assembly Condition has the advantage of not affecting the load distribution symme-
There are cases in which equidistant assembling of n identical try between the n planets, nor complicating the balancing of
planets is not possible. For the simple epicyclic gear train in the planet-carrier ensemble.
Fig. 1 (a) the only solution is to alter the spacing of the planets, Relation (5) can be used for calculating the necessary offset
as in the case analyzed by Gradu and Langenbek (1995). The angles between the component wheels 31 and 32 of the planets.
referred authors also have shown that the load distribution be- The 1st planet will be kept as reference with two teeth superim-
tween the teeth of different planets remain no longer even. In posed as in Fig. 3 (the corresponding offset angle is therefore
order to diminish this phenomenon it becomes necessary the 6(p3i = 0 ) . The following 2nd and 3rd planets must be manufac-
planet asymmetry to be kept to a minimum. tured with the wheel 31 and 32 rotated relative to each other at
In case of epicyclic gears containing compound planets, it is the angles:
possible to maintain the equal spacing of the arms of the carrier
when relation (8) does not hold by using different planets with 5(^37/ = 27r • Frac[ - Z[_ Z2_
the component wheels solidly fixed at different angular offsets. Z31 Z32
An example will be further considered for a gear train of the
type in Fig. lib), with Zi = 17, Z2 = 40, Z3, = 12, Z32 = 15
and n = 3, for which the assembly condition (10) does not
2n • Frac fi-:
V3 12-15
= 130 deg (30)
Relation (8) permits determining a proper set of angles 712 and
(between the arms of the carrier supporting planets 1 and 2)
and 7i3 (between the arms supporting planets 1 and 3) such as 6ipwi = 27r • Frac
the assembly of the gear train to be feasible. It has been men- Z31 Z32
tioned in connection with relation (8) that any of the angles y
2 735
must be of the form 2n • B/Bo with B and Bo integers i.e,: 2TT • Frac = 260 deg (31)
3 12-15
B12 o B13
712 = 27r and 7,3 = 2 7 r - - — (24) Since the profiles of the wheels 31 and 32 are periodical with
Bo Bo period T31 and T32 respectively, the above angles Sip^i, and Sfp^ni
Imposing the planet disposition asymmetry to be minimum, can be equivalent to much smaller angles. For the second planet.
implies than Bo must be as large as possible, which from rela- Fig. 9 illustrates how a calculated angle 6(pv, (re-noted Stp^)
tions (8) and (9) results into: can be replaced with smaller angles. From the figure results:

Bo = Zi-Z32 + Z2-Z3i = 17-15 -^ 40-12 = 735. (25) 6(p3j = Frac(6ip3/T3i)-Tn = Sip^ - 4 - T 3 I

Further it is necessary that B12 must be the closest neighboring 5V3_2 = Frac(6ip3/T32)-Tn = 6ip3 - 5-732. (32)
integer of Bo/n and B13 the closest neighboring integer of 2 • Bo/
n supplementary satisfying the equation: In searching for a more convenient angle Sip3 the following
relations can be considered as alternative to those in relation
B 12 (32):
Frac 11 ± —^ and
Z31 • Z32 Z3I Z32 Stp3_V = - [ 1 - Fraci6if>3/T3l)]-T3l = 6ip3 - 5 - T 3 ,

<5(^3_2' = - [ 1 - Frac(6(p3/T32)]-T32 = 6^3 - 6'T32.

B 13 Ai
Frac ±^ (26)
Z3I ' ^ 3 2 Z31 Z32 (33)

Journal of Mechanical Design SEPTEMBER 1998, Vol. 120 / 451

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General formulae for checking the assembly condition of
epicyclic gear trains have been proposed employing associated
mechanisms having a single arm carrier and the corresponding
planet split into two separate wheels. Since these general formu-
lae involve "partial basic ratios" of the epicyclic gear which
can be further expressed as teeth-number ratios, the method can
be applied irrespective of the type of gearing: internal or exter-
nal of bevel or spur gears.
The same approach permits the determination of the assembly
requirements for the cases in which the tooth numbers do not
permit equally spaced assembling of identical manufactured
planets. The solution in this case was to alter the equidistant
disposition of the planets or (if it is the case) to use nonidentical
compound planets with the wheels solidly fixed at different
offset angles.

The comments and suggestions upon the manuscript of Rob-
ert C. Fraser from the Design Unit of the University of Newcas-
'3_2' tle upon Tyne are acknowledged. Thanks are also extended
to Horia Bradau from "Transylvania" University of Brasov
Fig. 9 Schematic for determining a smaller angle equivalent to Sip, Romania for providing an AutoLISP program used in generating
the involute profiles appearing in various figures throughout the
In relations (32) and (33) the sign and therefore the sense of
relative rotation of the component wheels 31 and 32 must be
kept consistent in order to obtain appropriate results. References
Figure 9 shows that the smallest offset angle Sip^rmn can be Alexandra, P., Visa, I., and Bobancu, S., 1984, Mechanism Synthesis, Brasov
determined as a combination of a an integer number of angular University Press (in Romanian).
pitches T31 and T32 i.e,: Gradu, M., Langenbeck, K., 1995, "Planetary Gears with Unequal Pinion Spac-
ing," Proceedings of the Ninth Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mecha-
8ip^, •T32 - 2' T 3 1 . (34) nisms, Vol. 1, pp. 392-396.
Kojevnikov, S. N., 1954, "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines," Masgiz,
Determining the minimum possible angle 6(/?3min might be of Kiev, pp. 338-341 (in Russian).
Levai, Z., 1968, "Structure and Analysis of Epicyclic Gear Trains," Journal
some importance if the offset of the two component gears 31 and of Mechanisms, Vol. 3, pp. 131-148.
32 is obtained by plastically torsioning identically manufactured Love, P. P., 1936, "Epicyclic Gearing," Proceedings of the Institution of Me-
planets. chanical Engineers, Vol. 134, pp. 547-568.

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