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A Thesis Proposal

Submitted to the

Department of Biology

College of Arts and Sciences

Romblon State University

In Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements

In Food Microbiology



( Feb 2023 )



Background of the Study........................................................................1

Statement of the Problem......................................................................2

Objectives of the Study..........................................................................2

Significance of the Study.......................................................................2

Scope and Delimitations of the Study...................................................3

CHAPTER II.REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES...............................4







Conceptual Framework........................................................................8

Definition of Terms................................................................................9

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY...........................................................10

Research Design.................................................................................10

Research Locale and Time of Study...................................................10

Research Instrument...........................................................................10

Preparation of Ingredients..................................................................10
Sanitizing of Equipments...................................................................11

Procedure of Mango Jam..................................................................11

Budget Proposal.................................................................................11


Background of the Study

Jam-making methods are linked to some of the earliest ways of preserving food, which date all

the way back to the Stone Age (around 2.6 million years ago). During the Stone Age (also known

as the Paleolithic period), people discovered ways to preserve food for storage, to make

survival easier when food was scarce base from the article entitled, " A History of Jam and

Preserves" on 4th of January,2021.

According to the journal of National Center for Home Food Preservation reviewed in 2017,

sweet spreads are a class of foods with many textures, flavors, and colors. They all consist of

fruits preserved mostly by means of sugar and they are thickened or jellied to some

extent.Jams made from a mixture of fruits are usually called conserves, especially when they

include citrus fruits, nuts, raisins, or coconut.

Jam as we know it only seems to have emerged in the 19th century. It took a cheap and

reliable source of sugar from the West Indies to make jams affordable. Before this, sugar was

considered a spice and the price in Europe was such that only the richest could afford it

( Conelly, 2013).
Statement of the Problem

Even though sugar helps preserve jams, molds can grow on the surface of this

product.Mycotoxins have been found in some jars of jelly having surface mold growth. This

expectation led us to make mango jam that is more preserved and will lasts for months.

Objectives of the Study

The purpose of the study is to prepare a longer preservation for food spread such as mango

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Prolong mango jam for two to three months.

2. Lessen the growth of mycotoxin inside the jar.

Significance of the Study

The study's result will enlighten the use of food additives as good preservation for own made

products. This will be benefitted to local vendors and companies whom are producing and

making products all over the Philippines. Local vendors and food markets as one of the

beneficiary of the study to help them how to preserved and prolong home made spread as

jams. Companies will use this as an important production of preservation.

Scope and Limitation

The study will only be prepared at home as it has to use gas stove and presented at Romblon

State University Main Campus, Odiongan, Romblon in the department of College of Arts and

Sciences under the course taken - Bachelor of Science in Biology specialized in Microbiology

under the subject of Food Microbiology instructed by our department chairman on February,



Review of Related Literature

Making jam has become a wildly popular pursuit across the US with the recent pandemic,

such that there’s actually a nationwide shortage of jars! There’s an undeniable pleasure in

canning, and it can be seen throughout history.Generally speaking, the first jams and preserves

are accredited to cooks in the Middle East at some point before the eleventh century - it’s hard

to pin down an exact time frame. These preserves used honey as their sweetener, though sugar

quickly surpassed honey in popularity for making jams.(2023)

The word "jam" It comes from the Portuguese "marmelada", which means "marmelo jam",

which translated into Spanish would be quince. The term "melmelon" is present in many

ancient Greek writings, and means "honey apple", because the first "jams" were made from

boiled quince and honey.(Israel Romero 2021)

According to Weston (2012) jams are made by cooking crushed fruitwith sugar and pectin

(from the fruit in the jam or added) until the fruit is very,very soft and almost completely

pureed. Jams are less “gelled” than jellies and a texture similar to that of pureed fruit. Some

jams still contain the seedsof the fruit, particularly berries. When it comes to baking, preserves

and jamsare the best choices. Not only do they typically pack the most fruit flavor, theyboth

maintain their consistency very well even when baked. It is also nice tohave pieces of the fruit

in your finished products for additional color andflavor. Once opened, they need to be kept in

the refrigerator. According to Letcher (2011) the acceptability is a degree by which acertain

thing is approve or considered pleasant by an individual or in group.

Mangoes are a popular, nutritional tropical fruit, which are now one of the most important

fruits crops in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. They originated in India, were they

have been cultivated for more than 4000 years. Beginning in the16th Century, mangoes were

gradually distributed from India to other tropical countries in Asia such as the Philippines,

Indonesia, China and Thailand. They were also spread to the Americas in the 18th Century, and

from western Mexico they were carried to Hawaii in the early 19th century. The first recorded

introduction to Florida was at Cape Sable in 1833. Mango was introduced to Egypt in the 18th

Century from Ceylon by the Egyptian leader Ahmed Orabi upon his release from internment.

Many cultivars grown in Egypt today, such as ‘Zibdia’ and ‘Hindi Be-Sennara’ date form this time

(Ibrahim and Khalif, 1999) .


According to Loosbrock (2010) fruit jams, jellies and preserves provideour bodies with

beneficial quick boosts of energy and in fact, are only abouthalf the calories, even far less fat

and saturated fat, as well as those badcholesterol than butter or margarines. These natural

fiber and essential, lifesustaining vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients that we

ingestby eating high quality, low sugar, gourmet fruit jelly, jam and preserves can help to

satiate hunger, helping us to eat less and be satisfied, withoutcravings and can also provide

energy and endurance during stress andexercise

According to Wilson (2012) Jams are rich in sugar and a great sourceof Energy and Fiber.

They curb hunger, helping us to eat less and be satisfiedwithout cravings.The above literature

were related to the present study Jam establishrelevance in the factors in making Kamias Jam.

Alford (2013) stated that appearance is adopting or creating aparticular product depends

upon some factor or variables that are seemed tobe important to an individual.According to

Berry (2013) appearance of a food or beverageinfluences crave ability and acceptance, before

the product ever touches thelips. As cited by Bone (2015) food appearance is just as essential to

thesuccess of a dish as its taste and flavour. The way the food looks on theplate is what tempts

our eyes and makes you want to taste it.The above literatures were related to the present

study because itdeals with the acceptance of the product in terms of appearance.


According to Gatchalian (2012) smell does to discover and enjoy foodas much as taste.

The aroma reaches the nose before the food reaches themouth and we can taste it. The sense

of smell explores our food before weeat it. Aroma pertains to the fragrance, smell, odor or

scent of a food. As stated by Johannesburg (2013) aroma, also known as odorant,fragrance, or

flavor, is a chemical compound that has a smell or odor. According to Talbot (2010) when food

is presented to us the first thingwe experience is usually the aroma. Even before the food is

close enough tosee clearly, in many cases we can smell it coming.The above study is similar to

the present study because it deals withthe aroma which is also concern of the present study.


According to De Guzman (2012) taste is one of the senses from whichreceptor are

located in the mouth. Salty, Sour, Sweet, Bitter and Umami arethe five primary taste sensations.
According to Brown (2011) taste is the sensation that results when taste budsin the tongue and

throat convey information about the chemical compositionof a soluble stimulus.The above

statement were related to the present study in the sensethat researcher distinguish the

different stimulation of the delicious productmade.


According to Dahl (2015) Food texture is defined as those properties ofa food that are

sensed by touch in the mouth and with the hands. We usemany words to describe food texture.

Foods can be soft or hard, mushy orcrunchy, or smooth or lumpy. Texture is important to the

enjoyment andacceptability of foods. According to Martinelli (2010) Texture impacts the way

food looks andtastes, and how it feels your mouth. All ingredients have some kind of

texture,but the way a chef layers ingredients with different textures can set a dishapart.

Conceptual Framework

Mango jam is the product of the study made to preserved in the long duration of time. This was

performed at the .


Mango, lemon juice and brown sugar are well prepared as

Output well as other materials to be used.

Ingredients are mixed and cooked til it become a

Figure 1. Conceptual
framework. soft-like texture.

Mango Jam

Definition of Terms

Mango - refers to a fruit used to make a jam.

Jam - a product by which fruit is crushed and boiled with a sugar to a thick consistency.

Mango Jam - is referred in the study as sweetend product made by mango, sugar and lemon.


Research Design

The method used in the study is experimental method purposely to make and conserved

mango jam.

Locale Time of the Study

Mango jam is made at the store in JP.Laurel St. Barangay Ligaya, Odiongan, Romblonon on


Research Instrument

The instrument used in the study were mango as the main ingredient and sugar and lemon as

the food additives to preserve the product supported by refrigerator. Spoon, scoop, pan, bowl,

ladle, jar and gas stove are other materials used.

Research Procedure

Preparation of Ingredients

The fresh mango and lemon fruits are bought at new market in Odiongan. Sugar is given.

Sanitizing of equipments

Equipments such as pan, ladle, spoon bowl, scoop and jar are well-santinized before used in

cooking mango jam.

Procedure of Mango Jam

To prepare and make mango jam, first mango is sliced and peel off skin. Sliced mango placed in

blender and blended it thouroughly but not too much. Well-blended mango is placed in a pan
followed by 13 scoops of brown sugar. The size of the scoop is normal sized used in shakes. Mix

the mango and sugar in a pan. Put it on the stove and let it b oil. Cook it on a medium flame.

Stir every 2 minutes. Cooking mango jam will take atleast 25 - 30 minutes. When it turns darker

and thicker and molding shape, jam is ready. Put 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Cook for another

2 minutes . Jam is ready. Let it cool. Put it on the sanitized jar. Store it in the fridge.

Budget Proposal

This budget proposal is the summary of proposed budget based on prices of materials

needed. It identifies all expenses that are necessary and reasonable for the completion of our

preservation. This may include mango, lemon juice and brown sugar.

Description Value Amount

Mango 220.00 220.00

Lemon 25.00 25.00

Brown sugar 100.00 100.00


A history of Jam and Preserves. ( 2021). Retrived from

Conelly, A. (2013). .The science and magic of jam-making. Retrieved from https://amp-

National Center for Home Food Preservation. (2017). Retrived from

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