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Time goes fast and it goes slow, Time sees the people die and time sees how

grass grow. Time keeps on running by even after we die. A quote that always on my
mind, a self reminder that we have to appreciate life and cherish every moment of it.

Way back, I was been a stubborn since I am the only son of the family.
Everything that I wanted should be provided. Reminiscing those times gives smile on
my face as on those days the only problem that I have is on how to sneak out and play
with my neighborhood and how to handle my Mom’s paddle. Those days that my mind
is clear as a sky.

Indeed time is so fast, the kid whose very spoiled before is now on a legal age.
As of now I am about to finish my Senior high and planning to take Bachelor of
Criminology to follow the legacy of my Father, in the state of my life I do have a lot of
things that I encounter which mould me as an individual. Growing up I always admire
how my father raised his family and build a great foundation and because of that I
promise myself to be as good as him. It may not be as great as him but at least a next
version of him.

Life is like a seed, it starts on a small bean and grow as a tree and produce fruit.
Just like the stage on our lives. Seed is when we are a kid, a tree on the current status
and a fruit on the near future.

Finishing my study and achieving my dream to become what I wanted to be is

the best gift and in return that I can give to my parents who were there at my worst
and best. I will make sure that the sweat and sacrifices that they have will be paid off in
a way that they will look up and say “That is my child”.

Time is the absence of life, in every time that counts our life gets more
interesting. Life is hard but nothing will be impossible in God’s grace. As of now, what I
will guarantee is to be the better person of what I am yesterday. I may fail sometimes
but I will never quit and will always stand to fight for my dreams and will be thankful on
what I am before and will be the best Aeje Paul in the future.

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