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Instructions: Look for a sample research (of any topic) that uses qualitative approach as a method in

conducting the study. Then, answer the following.

What is the title of the research paper ?

Students’ Perceptions towards the Quality of Online Education: A Qualitative Approach

Who is/are the author/s ?

Yi Yang and Linda F. Cornelius

What are the research questions used by the researcher/s ?

1. What is the experience of students who are receiving online education? How do they perceive the quality of

online education from their experiences?

2. 2. What are factors that have shaped students’ online education experience? How do those factors contribute

to the quality of online education?

Who are the respondents/participants of the study ?

Students of Mississippi State University

What are the findings and the conclusion/implication of the study ?

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of students’ perception of online learning. Qualitative

research methods. used in this study were well suited to achieve this goal. The depth of information gained

through the analysis of interviews, observations and archival data have provided a level of understanding that

quantitative methodology could not have.This study also found the feeling of familiarity with the instructor

influenced students’ learning experiences. When the online learner knows the online instructor, he/she may feel

more comfortable while taking the instructor’s online class.

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